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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Not very big in a Peavey, they are made pretty sensibly generally. Can be crazy difference it makes to volume and tone.
  2. I'd guess it wants a recap.
  3. If its not old and valve, I'm pretty much gonna pass it on to Justin Subthumper anyway. Unless I can get away with soldering a bust solder joint.
  4. Nexus is really very far from a trad Fender Bassman. So much headroom for starters.
  5. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1363465713' post='2013160'] That's fair enough, the problem with Bass frequencies is that they take a space of around 60ft to be at their peak energy, before that and in a space such as the garage you are in with both amps and a drummer they will phase [/quote] [Massive facepalm]
  6. Markers are only a guide, if its consistent, doesn't matter outside of that as long as you can play fretless. Probably is a neck that had more 'frets' without the overhanging bit that some do. I've seen fretless necks that have the dots where they'd be on a standard neck, between positions, so it might be that.
  7. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1363380138' post='2012218'] ...or like the company who called their model "Rockinbetter"? [/quote] Pretty sure to that company, 'Rockinbetter' is just a squiggle with no meaning.
  8. Morgan don't go after people making spares for Morgans though. If you make them well enough, they buy them from you. Don't go after people making kit car morgan styleys much either, except if they really push it, like the guy who called his model the 'Malvern'.
  9. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1363363591' post='2011898'] As far as I can gather (and feel free to contradict me if you're clued up on the legal stuff), their trademark protection on the headstock shape, toaster pickup covers etc. applies in the USA only. Ebay and Gumtree will co-operate with their requests as they are American owned companies, so could be taken to court successfully. I don't think they have the same sort of influence where the instruments are made and sold outside the US by non-US companies. [/quote] The got EU protection of the headstock a few years ago.
  10. RIC don't have copyright over anything except the headstock shape here. And they have none in the far East, so all that position is pretty meaningless. Plus all the nice vintage copies predate them even having the headstock copyright here, and they were made outside of anywhere where the copyright existed anyway.
  11. With the tone controls on the bass terror, scooped is what you are stuck with.
  12. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1363293040' post='2011257'] I'm up for one when they come into stock. Although not ignorant of electronics, I don't possess the in-depth knowledge of valves needed to fly anything more demanding than Orange's offering. Plus I have lots of valves, both in and out of amps, that require a quick assessment. [/quote] Old valve testers doesn't needed electronics knowledge to work, you just match the letters and numbers to the chart and follow the instructions. Its kind of like programming your telly with the remote with lots of buttons, vs using the few buttons on the front.
  13. Looks like standard Chinese jobs you can get on Tradetang etc.
  14. Singer from Tool has his own vinyard.
  15. Noise gates: the second best choice after getting an amp that works properly.
  16. Louder cab is the cure.
  17. Sound City 120 mark 4 have a headphone out. Not sure how useful it is, being a valve amp that needs a speaker.
  18. Headache for amp designers if the transformer designer didn't know what they were up to maybe. Sort of goes along with any other cheaping out on components.
  19. [quote name='umph' timestamp='1363037446' post='2007514'] It's why they use the lower grade in the svt to get rid of the top end to get the svt sound. [/quote] Fairly sure the because part is down to being cheaper.
  20. Composition of the core is one thing. Laminated or C core has an effect. The actual pattern the wire is wound in has some effect, the famous Partridge transformers have some sort of woven looking thing going on.
  21. Springs can ring sometimes. TBH, I prefer foam. How it lasts is a bit questionable, puled lots of manky foam out, but dunno if all foams will do that. Actually, best is probably silicon fuel pipe slices, you can get it from model shops for fuel line.
  22. [quote name='mbellishment' timestamp='1362959520' post='2006867'] Black Sabbath for cool points is just silly... i [/quote] The most dread in the least notes is pretty much done with the Black Sabbath riff. Too much else is the same with added notes.
  23. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1362943488' post='2006558'] Thanks Bert, but even that's lost me! Can't even find find where it says media let alone any brackets. I blame Slayer... \m/ [/quote] You need to type it in. But generally pasting in a simple form youtube URL does it automatically, unless it starts "https".
  24. The effectiveness of the screening can depend on the style, but doesn't relate to the outer covering.
  25. [quote name='Wiggybass' timestamp='1362934679' post='2006403'] There's any amount of these things online, but here is one that explains it better than I: [url="http://www.prestonelectronics.com/audio/Speakers.htm"]http://www.prestonel...io/Speakers.htm[/url] [/quote] It explains it better in that it doesn't say that clipping low powered amps damages drivers.
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