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Mr. Foxen

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Everything posted by Mr. Foxen

  1. Watts tell you nothing about a cab, and very little about an amp, so best ignoring them, and anyone who stresses the importance of the relationship between the two.
  2. Maybe its an experiment in the Dunning–Kruger effect, if you've auditioned bunches of guitarists, you'll find it pretty common.
  3. That's the internet equivalent of an ad in the newsagents isn't it?
  4. Overdriving an amp is a bit irrelevant to it overpowering speaker coils. If it puts out more than the speakers can take, they can't take it, whether or not the signal is distorted is pretty much irrelevant., since the speakers will be distorting anyway, so it will still sound distorted. distortion pre power amp can contribute to speaker damage, since that distortion covers the speakers distorting, which is the warning to back off your volume.
  5. Also line the cab with knobbly foam, makes a difference.
  6. Ding the valves with a plastic chopstick, especially the pre ones, one has probably gone microphonic, and you'll hear the sound coming out the speakers.
  7. No dealing with BTA, but dealings with Ashdown aplenty, if I didn't have massive valve amps in floor to ceiling stacks, and wanted one, this would be something I'd consider.
  8. If definitely fits in the same hole, and same screw holes.
  9. Isn't the bridge the major giveaway?
  10. Measured up the box internal volume, the speaker, and the ports, stuck it into winISD. Tuned it by ear to sound better for the purpose it was being used for, which involved lengthening the ports.
  11. Rockbass mind.
  12. Totally don't remember, it was higher than the 45hz that tends to be about right for the Kappalite, based on calculation, didn't do a frequency sweep and such.
  13. I've put a Kappalite 3015 into a MAG 1x15 box, the tuning was a little on the high you give a midbass bump for the crappy driver, which doesn't benefit the Kappalie, so extending the ports did help a bit.
  14. Kind of a taste call. If you can be bothered, try both and make the ports telescopic. Doing stuff like that is how I figured matching the graphs to sound.
  15. Extending the ports lowers the tuning, with the MAG 1x15 that might help a bit, but the main limiting factor on those is they are small, so two more the same, and extending them all is the ideal.
  16. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1348063607' post='1808722'] Yep, that's the sad truth, a lot of sellers bid their items up in this way, the only time to bid on an auction is at the last moment. [/quote] That doesn't stop it, since they can still put a shill in first to stop it selling lower than they want. Since they don't know your max anyway, make no odds when they time it.
  17. Tried clearing your cache and stuff. Ebay cocks about a lot with that. If someone has entered a higher maximum bid, it will just show as outbidding you by a bit every time you bid, because that's how ebay works, it doesn't go right to the maximum unless it needs to. Also listings can be madeprivate so bidder IDs are hidden, but I don't think it shows up like you describe. Edit: Also my currently bidding list constantly rearranges itself according to ebay's whim, sometimes it includes finished items, sometimes it doesn't
  18. Bought an amp from Pob,arrived in overkill packing, very happy with it.
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1347640318' post='1803545'] Those little trickles of moisture on the scratchplate:[list=1] [*]Sweat? [*]Piss? [*]Jizz? [*]Blood? [/list] [size=2]Copyright Warren Zevon: 'Play it All Night Long'[/size] [/quote] Probably thinking of GWAR's bassist.
  20. Fails at step one because you don't know the mid point of your tone controls. 3db isn't doubling of perceived sound, 10db is doubling perceived, 3db is what you get from doubling power or speakers. Distortion is an integral part of many tones. Doubling power is 3db increase. What you call it does matter if you want to actually be able to talk about what is going on.
  21. you only set a max bid, however high the max you set, it will only beat the next highest bid by a relatively small amount of the total price, depending on a sliding scale.
  22. Anyone ever dread the scrunchie?
  23. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1347980221' post='1807587'] Sorry to hijack, but for all you guys using these for recording, can you get lovely squealy high gain feedback like Gallagher or hendrix from one of these? Cos that's the only reason i am still hanging on to my old valve amps. [/quote] Not if you use your position in front of the stack to control your feedback, the directional nature of a 4x12 is pretty key to that, is why I still use one.
  24. You can see the vent nipples in that pic, if there is any white spew there, those caps are done for. If ther eis no white spew, you can probably sell the caps for more than new better working replacements. Because of the way Hiwatts are made, replacing is a DIY job as long as you can solder and know the difference between neg and pos. Suitable caps and about £3-4 each for the big ones, and more for the dual one, I'll be ordering stock of those soon. Edit: Also, I have spare transformer sets suitable for the Sound City or Hiwatt, be about £500, so you know the odds you are playing.
  25. I think RG4003 is the model of this. Its the 'Tokai' bit that is dodge.
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