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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. I must be weird cos I thought it was quite a good ad?
  2. Josh bought my lovely burgundy mist Jazz bass. Was a christmas sale so the usual merriment and holidays held things up a bit. Thanks for bearing with me mate and for the swift payment and comms. Would recommend doing business with Josh, top bloke. LC
  3. If the FSR you've gone for is the red wine hand stained, I've got one and it's fab. I also had the Roger Waters - build quality was superb but fat C profile neck wasn't comfortable (for me anyway).
  4. Welcome and enjoy the forum! Maybe see you at the next SE Wales bass bash. LC
  5. Last day in work type bump. The cab is on castors (forgot to mention). LC
  6. Lazy Sunday afternoon bump, still here and still beautiful!
  7. Singers....hmmmm Our original singer used to lay on the floor and sing at some rehearsals, got quite pissed at our first gig and forgot some of the lyrics. He used to bugger straight off after rehearsals/gigs - sometimes without even saying ta ta AND sang flat some of the time - result SACKED! Had a girl after that, nice voice but not powerful enough, result - let her down GENTLY Had a guy with a really good rock voice after that, did one rehearsal with him, he then sent a txt said he had clinical depression - why respond to the add then? Result - sent him a nice txt sayin "get well soon and you can sing with us anytime" Next guy we did about 4 rehearsals with, decent voice but he's been singing thrash metal in his last band and was prone to screaming at times. Took ages to learn anything, said he'd buy a mic and didn't, ducked out of several rehearsals, result - SACKED! Last guy - decent rock voice, did one 1 hour rehearsal with him, next day we get an e mail "I'm willing to be in the band but I don't wanna rehearse where you do, we MUST NOT use rehearsals to learn songs just polish them, if you are going to do backing vox you MUST learn the songs and I don't like your set and I'll send you some replacements"?????? WTF Result - ROYALLY SACKED!!!! Present situation is that I'm playing bass and singing as a stop gap. I don't enjoy it as much as ONLY playing bass but needs must - I just don't have the voice/range for it to work in a gig situ. It's a real shame as our set is polished and we make a good sound. The three of us are also like brudda's. ....so yes...I do share your frustration with effin singers!!!!!! Rant over
  8. Hey Karl, Thanks very much for your very gracious offer, those Schroeder's are class! I've got too much cab(bage) atm and my MB rig is up on here for sale! I'd love the £ but there's not much of that about with the impending festivities etc! Cheers anyway my man
  9. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1355231652' post='1895634'] I know that this is a rare bass but you must comply with the rules for this forum which state that you must name a price for the instrument. This is not an auction site like ebay. Good luck with the sale and welcome to the forum. [/quote] This
  10. [quote name='bengovier182' timestamp='1355148166' post='1894591'] Oh god this is a steal, what a beautiful bass and general good christmas spirit! Have a bump on me. But don't sell it, got a feeling I'm gna win the lottery wednesday Ben. [/quote] Hey thanks a bunch Ben, I'll be expecting your call on Thurs
  11. I may well have this off you fella as I work in Bristol (Bradley Stoke) if we can meet up somewhere? Cheers, LC
  12. [quote name='Ghost Rider' timestamp='1355095063' post='1894076'] Nice looking Jazz that Gary... The 79 Precision you sold me is still SUPERB! Have a Bump on me [/quote] Hey Anth, Thanks dude and glad you are still loving the 'P' which has to be one of the very best 79's around, really chuffed it went to a good home! This Jazz is a top mex example and a real 'player', will be sorry to see it go, but I'm just not a Jazz man! Gary
  13. Thanks Karl...I've had a few trade offers, but nothing tempting at the mo but one or two peeps are thinking about it. LC
  14. Cheers for the positive comments peeps. The black cabs are slightly bigger, slightly heavier than the newer yellow cone ones but they are incredibly well made and the twin port really does open up the sound.
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