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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. Simon in Cardiff guitars is pretty good. His shop is near Mount Stuart Square in the Bay.
  2. If the 10th is confirmed? then I'm in too. Gear in my sig to bring LC
  3. Not tried the Rockinbetter, but I do have a Blacktop 'P' which is a good instrument. It's a MIM, and the build quality is pretty good on mine. The best thing about the Blacktop IMHO is the double stacked Pup arrangement. It's loud....and great for the rock covers stuff that we do in the band. Other than the Pup's, its all pretty standard P. LC
  4. Sign 'o the times that things are a bit slow on here at the mo! This has to go, so very last price drop £950 which has to be an absolute steal! Open to trades for the following: I could do with a spare back up head. Any Fender type bass. The Vigier isn't getting played any more due to the arrival of my new P. I guess I just prefer simple basses! Comes with a receipt from Bass Direct for £1800, all case candy and a Vigier hard case.
  5. Songs we all love in my band: Born to Be Wild - Smoke on the Water and especially... Jumpin Jack Flash! I always find myself gurning like Mick Jagger on acid when I play it!
  6. I've strangely found myself at gigs (and concerts back in my cello playing days) thinking random thoughts in the middle of a song like "Did I lock my front door?" WTF is all that about? I digress, nerves are a funny thing and affect people in different ways. The not being able to recall what comes after the bit you are currently playing is quite common. The extra adrenaline that nerves serve up can make your grey matter operate at a higher/different speed/plane/rate, whatever you want to call it than in a comfortable rehearsal environment. As you say, you do actually remember and play the bit that comes after. This happens to me too occasionally, but I know I'll remember it and that helps relax me and lo...I do remember it. Looking away from a double page of sheet music in a concert situation for a second then looking back in the wrong place used to panic me more!
  7. £1400 in my local music shop or yours for a grand shipped! Trades - hit me with what you got.
  8. My MIM Black Top P is well built and sounds immense courtesy of the unusual PUP arrangement. In the past I've owned an AM stnd that wasn't any better than the MIM. Now I have a new FSR hand stained which I like very much, but I'm kinda thinking the extra money for rolled fingerboard edges prob not worth it. As has already been said, play lots and pick the one that feels right in your hands. I just let a Korean Squier go which was at least as good as any P bass I've played! Oh yes....enjoy yourself in the process! LC
  9. The Yam is a fine cab! Had one myself until a short while ago. Good luck with it, LC
  10. Hiya George, I could do with a back up head. Got a mint EH Bass Balls (not Nano) boxed and a Boss Overdrive I might swap? Gary
  11. I thought that PIL were fresh and interesting, although no idea where the lyrics were coming from. Big love to the Beach Boys tho for 50 amazing years in the biz. They seemed to be over endowed with guitarists last night, I'm sure I counted 4 of them (not including the bass player)! Not overly keen on the Muse track have to say but that star wars bass was pretty amazing! Nice one Jools!
  12. Weird, different, funky....love it!
  13. That thing ought to sound immense with the Nordy's in it! Good luck with your sale and have a bump on me
  14. Welcome dude, from another Englishman who has adopted Wales! LC
  15. I've recently scored the wine red/rosewood version. Apparantly 150 were made, 45 got to Europe and 9 to the UK. The first 50 were signed by the VP quality control at the Corona plant (all of these stayed in the US I'm told). Nothing to say Fender won't do another run at a later date, LC
  16. The Vigier will be available for this weekend ONLY at £1000. After that she will go to my local music shop at £1400. Cheers, LC
  17. Kingy did a lot to raise the profile of the humble bass and no doubt inspired a generation of old slappers! Good on 'im I reckon! LC
  18. I use a stage clix pack and it's very good - no noticeable loss of sound and as someone said above great for sound checks!
  19. Yolanda's vid is great. I fit into the 'blokes can't multi-task' category!
  20. I was mooching around Andy Baxter's site last night and he's got a tidy collection of Rick's including a silver one with black hardware/pick up cover etc. Pretty rare by all accounts and a nice looking thing. LC
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