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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. It's a weird one. I can strum a 6 string and sing til the cows come home. Put a bass in my hand - no cigar? Got the utmost respect for singing bass players!
  2. Price drop bump...and may trade for a cheaper Bass/Amp/Head with £ my way. Cheers, LC
  3. Just sold my lovely Squier P to Al. Almost instantaneous payment! Good bloke to deal with, Nice one Al
  4. Looking forward to seeing the finished article Al ! LC
  5. I taught 'cello for a few years and by accident have just started teaching Bass. The two don't necessarily translate that well btw 4ths and 5ths etc. I always taught kids, but now I'm teaching adults which is a different ball game. I've always felt a great deal of responsibility to my pupils and do spend time planning lessons and getting all my photocopying done in advance. Once you get known then there's the word of mouth thing, but putting an ad in a music shop might be an idea. I currently get paid in Jack Daniels as the guy I'm teaching owns a shop...Rock and Roll !!! LC
  6. One of the practice rooms we use has one of these mated to a Hartke 4x10 and I love its 'punchiness' Built to last too, but watch the control knobs that stick out a bit - easy to twat and bend them. Enjoy! LC
  7. The 90/10 wood/graphite neck on this bass is slim (front to back), fast and easy to play. The 2 band Eq and Benedetti pup's allow a huge variety of tone, from funk to rock. Slapping fans will be amazed! The build quality is superb and the custom trans black finish has to be seen in the flesh to be appreciated. The price I'm asking is £600 off the price I paid and it's in mint condition - no marks whatsoever. LC
  8. Played an Epi Allen Woody some time ago. Lovely looking thing too if you can find one. LC
  9. Yep, listen to Lozz. Personally, I think Fenders ought to be passive too.
  10. A big belly avoids buckle rash - I should know
  11. It's a thought and I'm sure your Parker is a fine instrument but a bit too different for me. One day we'll do business! Cheers, LC
  12. Go for the Classic Vibe every time. Great build quality and playability. Play lots and pick the best one! LC
  13. OK, my Squier has gone to a good home, just this lovely hand made Vigier left. So versatile, it's quite possibly the only bass you'd ever need......alright then, I'd forgotten about GAS!!!!!!!!!! Bass Direct has an ex demo Excess (without the custom paintwork) at £1600. Mine doesn't have a mark on her as I'm very very careful with my stuff, and it's a load of cash cheaper. Still open to trades chaps (no vegetables tho please)!!! LC
  14. It is very common to find fiddles with labels purporting to place the instrument from one of the old Italian schools. It's probably German (Markneukirchen) and with a good set up might turn out to be quite playable. I bought same such fiddle with one of these labels in from the free ads a long time ago, very similar varnish to yours for £80 quid. Had it valued (and subsequently sold it) for £200. The Bow that was with it was stamped Nack Vuillame and I got a bit excited until someone told me that 'Nack' means 'after' or more commonly 'copy'. A decent German fiddle from the 40's/50's will go for £500 - £750 these days, although prices haven't held up well in the last few years. Echoing the good advice above, take her to a reputable Luthier who will be able to advise you. LC
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