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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. I played one of these in Bass Direct not so long ago, HUGE sound, nice and light and flawless build quality! Good luck with it dude..
  2. To be honest, all of mine could go at some point, except perhaps my Squier which I did advertise on here but it didn't go and I was glad!
  3. I've just bought a Vintage 430 for 200 quid. It's very good actually, nice action, feels robust, as above not loud without an amp but sounds quite double bass like when amped on 'clean'. I'm gonna use it for a bit of Nirvana un-plugged and home noodling. Just handy to have around the house.
  4. Right boys, I'm back! Been very busy with work and the band so haven't been on here much. After having the Blacktop for several weeks now and plenty of rehearsal time I can definately recommend it. It looks like a P, feels like a P but with much more versatile pick ups. My band mates reckon it cuts through much more than either my old US P or Squier (and the Squier is a good 'un!). The tone knob on my old US didn't seem to do a lot, but the Blacktop can be wound up to give you a much wider range. Similarly, the separate bridge and neck pup volumes can be blended to achieve jazz or Precision tones and much in between. The build quality is pretty reasonable with the paint job and neck being the best bits. I'm very pleased with it and with Sounds Live in exchanging the knackered one. For a £500 bass, its def worth a punt! I'd be interested to compare with a modern player. LC
  5. My first bass was a short scale Kay rick copy, was a dreadful thing. That looks nice tho, especially like the Wal esque head stock!
  6. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1332338580' post='1586875'] The auction came to an end yesterday because "the item is no longer available". [/quote] He didn't get my bid for 2 grand then!
  7. That looks the business. When is someone gonna do a Fenson/Gibder?
  8. Paid £150 without the gig bag. Bargain at £100 posted in a new (Quality) gig bag!
  9. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1332325663' post='1586555'] Well I want something with at least one P pickup in it and pink and pointy can't be a bad thing can it? [/quote] Aye! I was oggling this the first time around.
  10. I've just bought a Precision Blacktop and the pup's are excellent! Much better than the ones on my US P Bass that I got rid of last year. My band noticed the diff straight away, just loads of bottom and loud! Lot's more variation available too compared to the standard split coil. I'm very pleased with it, does our 'rocky' set loads of justice. The first one I bought was a dud - back pick up didn't work but this one is firing on all cylinders. Sounds Live were very good and replaced it with no fuss. Build quality I would say is ever so slightly 'off' compared to the Mex Roger Waters I owned that was just superb. Some slightly sharp fret ends and a slightly bigger rout than is necessary for the back pup. Mine looks pretty in white chrome pearl which is not so sparkly as to make it tacky. Best bit by far tho, the Pup's, try one for yourselves, I think you'll be impressed. According to BGM, the Jazz version doesn't work as well coz of the pup combo?. LC
  11. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1332237425' post='1585130'] After what has seemed like an eternity over the past several years, I have decided to back into pro playing as from April. I'm packing my crap in the office tomorrow, going off on holiday for a couple of weeks and try my hand at making a living out of music again when I return home. I have some session work that will take me up until the summer, some teaching and a couple of bits and bobs to commit to with a community project funded by the council, but I am also taking on a second covers band. The current band I am playing for is a lot of fun and the musicians are some of the best I play with, but the work has dropped off quite a bit over the past 12 months and the fees along with it. We're so tight and well rehearsed we only come together to practice one a month. So, I have a lot of time spare which I can contribute towards another band to earn a few more squids. I'm going to an audition for a disco/funk band this Friday evening. I have spoken to the singer and guitarist over the yesterday and this band seems right up my street, so hopefully I will get the gig. Even if I don’t get it I will look to get myself into another band soon. I haven’t told my current band that I am going to divide my time with another band yet. I am not worried that they will ditch me because we have a summer full of wedding gigs starting from May and they will have no chance finding another bassist to learn a 2hr set by that time. I’m not saying that I am holding them over a barrel because I still really want to continue to play for this band, but there might be an adverse reaction from them as soon as I tell them I am taking on another band. Hopefully they will be understanding that I have to earn a living and its nothing personal...purely business. I have never split my time between two bands before. I don’t feel that I am dividing my creative time because both are covers bands and all it only takes a few moments for me to sit down at home and learn someone else’s songs. But, I have to put food on the table and try to bring in as much money as I can and occupy my time and this is one of the ways I can do so. [u]BC members that play for more than one band[/u] - I would appreciate any comments you may have about your experiences. I would be interested to hear about your positives and negatives. [/quote] I know of a joint up the Gurnos looking for an Elvis tribute Act
  12. I love ZEP's early bluesy stuff and Robert Plant has to be one of the best front men (person) ever. I saw him on his Big Log tour in Hong Kong in the 80's (not name dropping, just happened to be there in the Navy at the time). A very strange affair, the locals sat quietly and politely clapped after every number - was quite emotionless? Also, he did Lemon Song but the rest was 'take it or leave it' really. I hear that Paranoid was written in 20 mins? Can't argue with the fact that Black Sabbath = Paranoid! BTW, I saw Bowie on his Serious Moonlight tour in Perth OZ in '83 - still the best gig I've ever seen!
  13. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1332095180' post='1583170'] I don't think you have to like them - it's just a shame that they're not doing anything for you, given their relative influence. But, then again, I can't stood Wooten, Miller, etc. Great technique and ability; not going on my stereo, sadly. It's all horses for courses, and neither outcome is wrong. [/quote] I'm with you on Wooten!
  14. Price down to just £100 posted (or swap for a pedal) LC
  15. There's a piece on Norm in this months BGM and a picture of him playing this.
  16. Hi Stuee, Roughly how old is the cab and would you be prepared to meet me in Bristol? Cheers, LC
  17. Are you coming anywhere near Cardiff in the near future or will you post? I'm in the Midlands on Monday Cheers, LC
  18. Get a dep band for the pub and trouser the $!
  19. Still here and ready to go. Will be posted in a new thick padded gigbag (that cost me £25) and then packed in a Fender box. What pedals you got?
  20. Pm's answered, lot's of interest, but nothing firm.
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