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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. Personally, I find the 'porridge guns' a bit of an aquired taste!
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1327142861' post='1506849'] You don't say if you play in a band or with others in some other setting. The first kick up the backside my playing got was being basically dared on-stage to play with some mates by my wife. Then I joined my first band and I haven't looked back. Playing in a group gives context to what you're doing and helps you understand the role of the bass. Never mind that (in my experience at least) it's a whole lot more fun than playing on your tod at home. [/quote] +1 to that
  3. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1324640355' post='1476508'] Lo Emily. Welcome. Can`t think of any bands from here. Elkie Brooks?? [/quote] I knew her brother Tony, nice bloke!
  4. [quote name='monquixote' timestamp='1326673305' post='1500434'] What an awesome guitar. Had I the cash I'd have this off you. [/quote] Cheers mate, yeah she's a corker!
  5. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1325359773' post='1482578'] you mean [/quote] Oh Blimey....that's nice!
  6. That's a smudge and a half that! Good luck
  7. [quote name='Valhalalf' timestamp='1326473896' post='1497770'] Still no where with the cello and in the mean time got an acoustic bass. Also got the cello valued the other week and it turns out it's worth £500, not bad for a freebie. Think I'm just gonna sell it and buy something nice with the money [/quote] Right decision!
  8. Didn't the late great Mr Lynott wield one of these at one point? Very nice, good luck LC
  9. Fantastic Bass at a fantastic price - nuff said!
  10. Very nice. I do have a bit of a thing for 'natural' Fenders. Would make a nice sister for my '78 P Bass in natural if I got on with Jazzes. Good job I don't! Good luck, LC
  11. Ha, this is a topic all on it's own. Acoustics is a bit of a science and I don't pretend to be an expert. Nightclub says to me low ceilings and lots of carpet, soft furnishings which all adds up to 'sponge'. I do the same thing as Big Al above in that I use my wireless to get out front and try and hear the sound from the audience POV. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work as the acoustics will be very different if your lucky enough to get a full house!
  12. Cranes in Cardiff have one of these Ex Phil Campbell of Motorhead. Cool looking thing! LC
  13. That's lovely. I'm a Vigier fan so good luck with your trade. LC
  14. That's such a top tune. Well played too!
  15. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1326364689' post='1495947'] I find Songsterr really useful. If I'm learning a new song, I go to Songsterr first - it's the most accurate tab site, in my experience. Not only that, you can hear and see the bassline at the same time. You can pause and rewind while you consider whether the suggested fingering suits you. It's my default tab site now. [/quote] Thanks for that. In order to use all the functionality, print etc you have to subscribe? Is that right and the site is US isn't it? LC
  16. TABS look authentic and accurate unlike some of the other sites where it's just someones opinion of what they should be. Anyone used it or can recommend a better site? Cheers, LC
  17. Classical soloists like Julian Lloyd Webber for example often carry 20 to 30 concerto's in their heads which I find utterly amazing. A new concerto will take anything from 3 to 6 months to learn without the dots depending on difficulty. I'm an old git now so I've got an excuse. I generally listen to the CD in the car on the way to/from work just to get it into my brain. Good luck with the Jaco piece! LC
  18. Of what exactly? I am a reader (Cello) but you will know that it doesn't translate to the Bass well (4th's and 5th's). I am continuing to learn the 'dots' however, I need to get these down quick style as we have a gig coming up. LC
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