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Everything posted by LemonCello

  1. I really enjoyed the act called Little Dragon. Did you notice the bass player stayed up the dusty end most of the time? He was also playing through an effect of some kind, made the bass sound very 'synthy'. Trouble with the Jools show is that it's all over in half an hour! LC
  2. Would you consider a straight sale? I do have a mint 2008 US Standard Precision in Oly white and torte that I may consider swapping? LC
  3. Cheers Rick, Appreciate the sound advice. LC
  4. I've been liking the look of this for some days now hmmm. Apols for all the questions, but I have a few more for you if that's OK? Does it come with a case? Can you tell me the width at the nut please? How do you find the custom shop pups? Last question, is the body the same size as a Jazz as I don't get on with small bodied basses? You are tantalisingly close to me in Elgar country too! Cheers, LC
  5. That's beaut! Wouldn't it be great if we knew the history of these old Fenders? Would make interesting reading huh? LC
  6. I guess there is also the consideration that Vintage does not necessarily mean 'good'. As we all know there are some shocking examples of '70's Fender basses but some pearls too. I've just aquired a late 70's Precision from Bass Direct which is definately a player. I knew this because I spent a good deal of time with Mark playing the thing and comparing it with others. This is a great forum and I'm really happy to be a member and grateful for all the help and knowledge sharing. The thought of parting with say £2,000 for an instrument without playing it first is a bridge too far for me. 'Vintage' - what's in a word? LC
  7. A beautiful thing that is! How does it play? LC
  8. I spent the entirety of the '90's playing 'cello in orchestra so quite a lot passed me by! Have just ordered 'Lean into It' from HMV and I've been getting to know them on You Tube. I've also spent the last two hours tabbing it out and I've got about half way thru! Would still be good to compare notes... Cheers, LC
  9. That's a luverly pair of 'thumpers' you have there Waz. I noticed the VHS copy of Suspiria on your bookshelf. I sneaked into the ABC in Sarfend (late nite flix) to see that when I was about 15 and I sh*t my pants! I thought it had been banned!. As I recall, Mike Oldfield soundtrack? Congrats on the purchase! LC
  10. I'd hang on to this for a bit. Not a good time to sell at the moment. This just has to appreciate further as the Ox's sad passing recedes. I'd absolutely love it, but don't fancy having to live on beans on toast for the next five years! Good luck anyway, LC
  11. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1370182' date='Sep 12 2011, 10:42 AM']PM incoming [/quote] Replied....cheers John
  12. Cheers guys, Very interesting. Yes my mistake. It was a NOS '64 at Coda that I was looking at. I guess at the end of the day, it's all down to how the bass feels in your hands. I'm in no hurry to part with that sort of cash without careful consideration. I wonder also (long term) if an early 70's Fender would appreciate in value quicker than a custom shop example? I'm also wondering whether to start looking at more versatile basses as although my Precisions are all slightly different, they do the same thing essentially albeit very well. So, is it another P as a player and investment or something completely different? I used to be indecisive but I'm not so sure anymore! LC
  13. Yeah that is a vile colour and it detracts from what would have been a nice bass.
  14. Our guitarist has just come back from the Cheltenham summer school where he did this. I'd never heard of Mr Big but turns out Billy Sheehan played bass! I actually like this track a lot and would like to get Billy's bass line down 'as was' Dots or Tab would be very useful. Cheers, LC
  15. [quote name='Rumple' post='1369735' date='Sep 11 2011, 07:33 PM']Blimey! up until a year ago I worked in the same street as Coda in Luton and I don't remember them stocking all those Custom Shop basses back then.[/quote] I think all the custom shop stuff is in the Stevenage shop.
  16. I have a little trip planned to Coda Music in October to check out their custom shop stuff. Just wondering whether anyone would like to comment on what they see as the differences between these and the standard stuff? 1. Does the custom shop range justify the premium in terms of playability and build quality? 2. Not keen on the closet classic (blocks on a P bass is not right), but am liking their NOS '62 P in sunburst, but why is the relic version of the same bass £400 more? 3. I've heard good things about the Pino - what would you do? Cheers, LC
  17. A fine example of Patrice's work! I hope it finds a good home. I played one of these at Bass Direct a little while ago, very impressed. LC
  18. These are among my favourite 'shorties'. Lovely rich wine colour and the gold hardware really sets it off. They do seem to be beautifully made. If it's in good nick I think it's a fair price personally. Good Luck LC
  19. I have 3 P basses currently, as per my sig. The most recent aquisition is the natural ash late '70's/early '80's one purchased from Bass Direct a couple of weeks ago. They do all vary, sometimes enormously so you have to play lots to find one that 'speaks' to you. Trip planned to Coda to try their customs shop 'P's in October! LC
  20. Thanks Chris for a smooth hassle free transaction. Hope you enjoyed yourself in Melton. Good bloke to do business with. LC
  21. Guitar and Bass magazine this month contains a free DVD featuring all the best Warwick endorsers, Bootsy, Larry Graham, Steve Bailey, Jonas, TM Stevens and more. It's quite a fun watch, extremely funky! LC
  22. Welcome to Basschat! +1 to the comments on Squier above. I have 1 with another on its way and have discovered that Precisions are my thing. I prefer the wider neck profile as compared with a Jazz. Both the Vintage Modified series and the Classic Vibe have a great rep on here and you would be hard pressed to find a better bass for the money. My advice would be to try a few and see which feel right in the hands. It's a very personal thing and I wish you good luck with it. You sound like a 'reader' to me. If not, a really quick way to get playing is to use TAB (this will be frowned upon by the traditionalists) but as I say, it gets you playing really quickly. You'll find all the support you need on here, it's a great forum. LC
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