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Posts posted by nickytheafghan

  1. Cheers for the feedback man! Hows the Amp treating you? Thanks for the offer too but I have a ridiculous custom piece of kit built by COG effects that splits my signal, he'll be building me a few more pedals soon and I have no doubt one will be a custom chorus, octave first mind!

  2. [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/likerome.php"]http://www.cogeffect...uk/likerome.php[/url]

    This is my one stop dirt box. If you are a fan[attachment=128518:THE BEAST.jpg][attachment=128518:THE BEAST.jpg], as the title of the thread suggests, of Fuzz/Dist/OD then check this bad boy out.

    I absolutely adore it, genuinely the best of all the pedals I have tried in each category, the quality and versatility of this box is insane, the fuzz goes from smooth to slightly gritty, both achievable loud and quiet, to full blown raging fuzz. It has a mids cut boost switch to allow better sitting in the mix, not that I have issue with it either way - currently I really can't make my mind up which prefer more in or out! The distortion for me is really where this pedal really shows off. How to describe it though. Hands down the BEST distortion I have ever used. Absolutely blows away all competion, the tone and cripsness of it is everything I have been looking for but the thing blends incredibly and does not comprimise on your bass signal or low frequencies. Just outstanding.

    Finally the OD....... WELL. Ever struggle finding a subtle tone increase that linked with your dist or fuzz gives you flawless harmonics (tapped, natural or even pinched for pick players) with a dreamlike smooth tone and flawless note definition YES? Well you don't have to.

    I asked Tom at COG to put all three of his pedals in one custom enclosure and have a blendable effects loop from it to run my Sansamp clean tone along side my dirt channel but also a bypass to cut straight to clean. Tom went one better and put in a direct out so I can, and do, run two rigs as one. the first is the dirt channel with the blended sansamp signal to my GK 700RB and SWR Golliath III and the second is the direct out so just the sansamp clean path into my Yamaha BBT500h and 15" GK fited with a 400w celestian. I don't think I ever need to shop again. My partner is very happy.

    All I keep saying when I play through this animal of a pedal aptly named the BEAST is. JESUS.

    Also, It looks sh*t hot too, things shouldn't look this good and sound even better.

    Anyone in sheff or near by want to try it out, your more than welcome to. Hearing is believing.

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