[b] Still in box and i have the instructions and power supply.[/b]
[b]Whats you're best offer[/b], I cant upload photos on bass chat(i don't know why so pm me you're email and i will send you photos.
[b] DigiTech Bass Whammy[/b]
[b] [/b]
The [b]Bass Whammy[/b] was a Whammy pedal built for [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bass_guitar"]bass guitar[/url]. It featured same chassis as the DigiTech Whammy II, but blue. It features different harmony options than the other Whammy models.
Harmony effects [list]
[*]One octave down - One octave up
[*]One octave down - Fourth down
[*]Fourth down - Third up
[*]Fourth down - Fifth up
[*]Fifth up - Sixth up
[*]Fifth up - Octave up
Whammy effects [list]
[*]One octave up
[*]Two semitones up
[*]Two semitones down
[*]Four semitones down
[*]One octave down
Detune effects [list]
[b] [/b]