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Everything posted by Hoffmann

  1. [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/groove-secret-10-think-about-your-phrasing/"]New article!![/url] This one is about improving your phrasing, tell me what you thought about the concept!
  2. And here we go for [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/08/17/learn-to-improvise-in-a-band/"]another article[/url]!! This time I mixed what my former teacher used to tell me with Victor Wooten's ideas to give you tools to improvise!! Hope it will help some of you guys!!
  3. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='921959' date='Aug 11 2010, 09:09 PM']first thing i read when checking out your blog, and very eye opening, made me realise i still have a lot of work to do, good job though fella keep it up very good read [/quote] Cheers mate!! The guy I quoted is really a genius! First time I read this I was just like you ("God I still have a loooong way to go!")
  4. Hey guys!! [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/groove-secret-9-playing-with-paradoxes-going-deeper/"]New article[/url]!! It is about playing with paradoxes again, but this time more in depth! Check it out!! [b]To daz[/b]: To play ghost notes, you have to play this way: - right hand: as usual, hit your string strongly, do not hesitate! otherwise it is going to sound like a mistake... then if it helps, get your fingers back to the string so that it stops "ringing" if you are not comfortable at first! - left hand: just put your finger on the string, do not "fret" it! It has to be enough so that it is not a note you play. Hope this helped! For the enigma bass line, what part do you want?
  5. [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/being-a%C2%A0bassist/"]New article uploaded![/url] It is a pretty special one since it is a (quite big) quote from a professional bass player! He basically talks about which state of minds a bass player should be while playing music... very interesting! ^_^
  6. Thanks a lot mate!! It is always nice to feel that your work is appreciated!! ^_^ Next article should come soon...
  7. [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/08/03/groove-secret-7-breath-along-your-bass-line-victor-wootens-idea/"]New article!![/url] Weird concept though... It is about breathing with your bass line! It is from Victor Wooten's ideas! Enjoy!!
  8. Next article! Working on a [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/07/26/groove-secret-7-the-root-octave-pattern-disco-funk-riff/"]root octave pattern[/url]! That's what I call Foooonky!! Please, feel free to give feedback, critic, anything really!
  9. thanks Mart! I've had a look at Somewhere in Between and I think I am going to write my next article on this! IMHO, I think it is what Victor Wooten says about breathing along a bass line: you do not breath really fast or in a staccato way when you want to express something cool for example. Wooten says one has to breath along his/her bassline and I think it really helps. Something I found really interesting was when I tried to compose a song for my girlfriend - I first started breathing like if I was with her and very excited. With this breathing pattern I made a bass line and then composed a song (that I think looks like a love/sexy song ) It is on [url="http://www.myspace.com/remikerhoas"]my myspace page[/url] if you want to listen to it, it is called "rainy paris". Anyway, I'll write an article on this later!
  10. [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/07/22/groove-secret-6-what-scales-should-you-focus-on/"]article on which scale(s) one should use to grooove!![/url] hope it's of some use!!
  11. and here we go for [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/groove-secret-5-the-ghost-note/"]an article on ghost notes[/url]!! I hope it's gonna help some people here! and of course feel free to post your own tips on groove so that everybody can learn from it!
  12. [quote name='gjones' post='897279' date='Jul 17 2010, 02:56 PM']'LESS' is 'MORE'.............but usually you figure that out after overplaying on stuff for years until you eventually get it (of course some people never do).[/quote] Yeah I guess it happens to a loooot of people!! (I used to overplay, with a sound almost free of bass frecuencies... the worst for a bass player in a band! ^^)
  13. wait! The album version was not played by Zender?? and who's mister X??
  14. Thanks guys! ^_^ I hope it is going to help some people out there! If you have some hints or tips on groove, please share them here! it would be nice to have everybody's thoughts on groove!
  15. IMO I think the two versions have nothing in common: the album track is pretty jazzy when the single version is more pop! So it is up to you to know what kind of style you wanna play!
  16. Sorry guys I did not get you, what do you mean?
  17. Cheers guys! @algmusic: yeah I noticed as well that the simple it is, the better it grooves so...
  18. Hey guys!! I just created my own bass blog on how to groove. It gathers ways of grooving from different forums, bass players (such as Stuart Zender from early Jamiroquai albums) and my personnal stuffs! I hope it can help some of you people out there!! [url="http://groovesecrets.wordpress.com"]Groove Secrets Blog[/url] Of course, any comment (good or bad) would be much appreciated!! And if you feel like sharing some groove ideas, please feel free to post them here (althought I'll a have a regular look at your grooves in the forum itself!) Cheers!! Btw, I am new here! Hello everyone!!
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