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Stevie Mann

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Everything posted by Stevie Mann

  1. [quote name='SPACE-MONKEY' post='915835' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi, could you give me an example of artists and song names you do? Kind regards[/quote] Hi, Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues, Kenny Rodgers - Ruby, Kris K - Bobby McGee, Sweet home Alabama, Mustang Sally, Walk of life, CCR, Elvis, Oh Boy, Twist. A hard one this as we do all sorts, mainly well know stuff. We can do a full night Country a full night Non-Country have a list of about 150 or so. We do not practice a lot as we like to play fresh and not the same every time we go out. This doesn't mean we go at it willy nilly so to speak we do like to be good at what we do. You can contact me on 07779 779 798 if you would like a chat. Thanks Stevie Mann
  2. [quote name='Telebass' post='896822' date='Jul 16 2010, 08:13 PM']I'd stick my hand up again, Stevie, but Derriford have dismantled my spine...[/quote] Hope you get better soon, let me know Iam in no rush. Stevie
  3. [quote name='bassmanady' post='896306' date='Jul 16 2010, 10:13 AM']Hi Stevie, Where are you based?[/quote] Hi, sorry I forgot that bit. I am in Gunnislake Cornwall. Stevie
  4. Hi, I am looking for a bass player to joing my duo. The duo consists of accoustic guitar, electric guitar and a SR18 drum machine (I know not as good as a real drummer!!) but it is all to do with money - reliability and I have been using backing trax for many years. Anyway I stopped using the backing a while ago and wish I had stopped a long time ago. I am 54 and play Country - 60's - 70's and Rock 'n' Roll as I like all types of music. I have played pubs - Clubs etc. etc. and have been doing this for 30+ years. I treet it as a job I am not a "musician" I am good at what I do and do not plan on doing anything else. I do not expect to be loaded but I can survive. So if you would like to joing us and you can play the different types of music, are commited (to the work), have your own gear and transport, willing to try and get some gigs then contact me. I'm in Gunnislake, Cornwall Thanks Stevie Mann
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