All come down to taste! I. Having one built at the moment by Alpher instruments! Can t wait to be ready! Been playing fretless for last 3 years and if somebody dosn t like when I take it to gigs or session then I just change the band or people I'm working with , but def keeping the fretless;-)
This is mine .... But looks at the other too.....
There are lots of great builders out there but honest with you? I ve tried lots but no one is as good as Alpher !
The customer service it's unbelievable , wood options so many and without paying crazy money! My last build was an adamovic fbc, price tag £4000. As soon as I ve tried the Alpher I decided to sell the bass and have one built from them! At the moment they are building me a fretless , once this is finish def gonna get a 6 string from them;-) look at the build diaries section
hey Myke thank you and once you put the finish on the top it will become alive
the back... what can i say it.... its just like i wanted , im lucky to have found does people which understand my taste