In few words you are just trying to convince me to keep it!!!! All the time I try to sell it, there is ville that reminds me how good this bass actually is!
Depends on what strings you use! If using light gauge strings then will work. It's great but need to get some money to buy a bow as I'm playing double bass now ;-)
roscoe is all the way , they are amazing!!!best bass ever played and im really really really sorry to let it go, wish i could keep it
anyway if you sale this you can have a look on mine
Kjb , this basses are incredible, i really don t want to sell this or trade but getting married soon and i need a more vintage bass for the band im in it , so no money to buy one and can't spend anymore for this year, wish i could keep it........
here 2 pictures
if you want more let me know
Hi there for sale i ve got a kala u bass fretless spruce top, bought a month ago and just used once as playing double bass now , so this its just in the case no marks or scratch , like new.
peace and love antonio
looking for 300 posted or looking maybe to trade for a 4 string of same value