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Posts posted by jazzyvee

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1394822579' post='2395680']

    Isn't it time for Precision v Jazz or Flat v Round yet?

    Maybe that will come after the "Are high end basses worth the money?" round. :-)

    What constitutes too much slapping is a personal thing really, but I couldn't listen to a gig where every song was slapped like crazy but if it was a section of a song that was using it in a musical way instead of " look at me i'm fantastic" then I can deal with that. I found it interesting that Yolanda Charles made the point during her set at LBGS that slapping doesn't keep you in gigs.

    There are other things about bass that i just don't get.... yet....., why someone would pay a lot of money for a decent bass and amp then use distortion on it which to my ears makes it sound the same as a cheap bass playing through a cheap rig.

    However I'm open to any insight into this that you can share to aid my understanding.


  2. If you want a high end bag I can recommend a Harvest gig bag. I have two.
    My regular case:[url="http://www.harvest-guitar.com/en/Buffalo-Nubuck-Vintage-Brown.html"]http://www.harvest-guitar.com/en/Buffalo-Nubuck-Vintage-Brown.html[/url]
    I took this one with me on a few festivals last year and carried it round all day as I didn't want to leave the bass anywhere. I could sit down eat and drink with it still on my back.

    When I need to carry two basses or one bass and overnight stuff:

    As both animals who donated their skins were waterproof, i'm sure these are too but I haven't carried them in the rain so don't know how waterproof the zips are.


  3. I am mature bass player and have capacity to take on some depping work.

    Styles interested in covering include.
    Reggae, Soul, Funk, RnB, light commercial rock. I have decent gear, my own transport and professional attitude to what I do and would not be interested in working with time wasters.

    I'm flexible with travel and rehearsals if needed and west midlands area is preferred although willing to travel further if expenses and fee is right.
    Let me know if you have anything interesting to help you out with.
    (I'm not a sight reader)


  4. I would read the small print. You will mostly likely find that your gear will not be covered for use at gigs. When I set up home I specifically asked the question and was told no I would not be covered if I used the instruments for doing public performances or gigs but if for example I was playing at for example for the odd family wedding for free then it would be fine.
    I think it would be a good idea to speak with them directly as probably don't think they will be used for gigs. Have you checked out specific musical instrument insurance for your gear? That will give you the best cover.


  5. [color=#333333][size=4]I'm looking to put a band together to work on a set of Return to Forever tracks and music by some of the members of that band like Stanley Clarke, Lenny White and Chick Corea.

    I'm specifically looking for a keyboard player, guitarist and drummer who are, as well as being capable musicians, able to get the feel of their respective players from this seminal fusion band.

    This would not suit players who just want to do this as a session gig, I'm looking for musicians who want to be a part of a band. At the moment there are no gigs and I won't be seeking to get any until we are a tight, confident and professionally sounding unit.

    If you are interested please contact me so that we can talk about the project and sort out meetings and a track to work on for an audition.[/size][/color]

    [b][color=#333333][size=4](1) Keyboard Player in the style of Chick Corea[/size][/color][/b]
    I'm looking for a keyboard player who has the flair and flavour of Chick Corea.

    If you are interested please contact me so that we can talk about the project and sort out meetings and a track to work on for an audition.
    Any gender, aged 40 to 60 from Birmingham, United Kingdom[list]
    [*]M/F, and for practical reasons it would be better if you were located in the Birmingham area, United Kingdom
    [b](2) Guitarist with a flavour of Al Dimeola [/b]

    I'm specifically looking for a guitarist who is a mature and capable and can get the feel of the electric guitar style and dynamism of Al Dimeola

    If you are interested please contact me so that we can talk about the project and sort out meetings and a track to work on for an audition.

    Please don't waste your or my time if you are an egotistical player full of flash rock licks and power chords, I'm looking for a creative mature individual who want to make music as a band and is responsive to the mood and style of the music.
    M/F, and for practical reasons it would be better if you were located in the Birmingham area, United Kingdom[list]
    [*]Guitar ability: Intermediate - Expert
    [b](3) Drummer with the power, style and control of Lenny White[/b]

    [color=#333333]I'm specifically looking for a drummer who is a mature and capable and can get the feel of the Lenny White the the power, control and flamboyance of his playing

    If you are interested please contact me so that we can talk about the project and sort out meetings and a track to work on for an audition.

    Please don't waste your or my time if you are an undisciplined brash player I'm looking for a creative capable mature individuals who want to make music as a band and is able to responsive to the mood, dynamics, and rhythmically follow the complex lines that are synonymous with the music Return to forever. [/color]
    [color=#333333]M/F, and for practical reasons it would be better if you were located in the Birmingham area, United Kingdom[/color][list]
    [*]Guitar ability: Intermediate - Expert

  6. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1394195513' post='2388997']
    I've read so many times, statements alluding to tone being "[i]all in the fingers[/i]".

    Eh? ... Do folk really believe that?

    Sure, "[i]the fingers[/i]", those endlessly minute intricacies and subtleties in touch and technique are huge in the equation ... but they aren't the whole. How could they possibly be?

    I too don't believe it's all in the fingers. If that were true there would be no point in the various companies making amps basses, pickups outboard gear etc existing because you fingers would override all those technologies and sound exactly the same.

    I have the view that many people confuse tone with note choices and phrasing and so think things sound the same because they are hearing the style of the player.
    There are so many variables in the equation of tone and everything in the signal and audio chain between the physical impact of your fingers on strings and the sound reaching your ears affects what we perceive as tone. The fingers are merely one important component of that path.

  7. I've been using the QSC 2404 with mesa boogie cabs for about 7 years now and its been great. I only use one channel of the QSC and turn the its gain full on and use my pre-amp and bass volume to control the level to suit. That gives me a big clean meaty powerful tone, loads of headroom without blowing anything up.
    The only thing I don't like about the QSC amps is the weight.


  8. I have a Mesa boogie walkabout head that I've had from new since about 2004. It's just had a repair to the send and return sockets as there was a problem with the signal breaking up. ( a common problem I've read).

    I also have a separate pre-amp that I wanted to test out the repair with so I plugged the full range output of the pre-amp into the return socket at the back of the walkabout. The sound was fine however, whilst expected the pre-amp controls of the walkabout to be bypassed, the master volume also was bypassed so the only way of controlling the output volume was via my external pre-amp gain control.

    My question is simply, is this correct for the walkabout?
    I use this method with my pre-amp on many of my gigs where there is a back line because the back line amps are not usually to my liking and all of them bypass their internal pre-amp stages but always give me control of the master volume.

    Does mesa do things differently or does this point to a problem with the repair of the send and return sockets?

    At the moment I don't have a device I can use in the send and return sockets to see if the master volume is affected in that mode too but should get a chance over the weekend.

  9. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1393846587' post='2384874']
    Were the exhibitors that were not there up in Birmingham instead.

    I doubt it, I went to the Birmingham show on Saturday afternoon and took friend where who was looking to buy a new 5 string bass but there were hardly any to choose from, and the ones that were there were the same as you would get in any town centre music shop. I certainly didn't see any of the independent builders like I saw at the London Show. Who knows who was there on Sunday though.
    Thats the second time I've been there and said. Never again it's mainly a rock guitar fest for guitarists.
    Maybe they should split next year so that one place has all the loud rock guitarists and slappers in the same venue and the non slappers and quieter guitarists at another venue. :gas: :D :blink:

  10. I think adding a new pickup would be a piece of cake for a good luthier. However if you are concerned about resale prices then I can't see how taking a high end bass like that away from being completely original would help you get a good price. On the plus side, it may be what needs to happen to make it a confirmed keeper which then removes the problem. :-)


  11. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1393800369' post='2384563']
    I just bought a Fodera YY standard from Bassgear, no 87 actually. The photos on the web didn't actually show how worn In it was..but I knew it was preowned just didn't expect it to be as beaten in as it is. So...I was wondering..even after me paying nearly £3500 preowned is this bass going to hold its value even with all the dinks and scratches from a heavy handed, maybe neglectful past owner? Definitely worth the money best bass I've ever played to date, not to mention the variety of tones and workability is on another level. At the minute I'm a little concerned all that money went on a bass that if I ever decided to sell it I probably wouldn't get back....Cheers folks

    Sometimes you just have to get what you want and not even consider future resale price. All that matters now is that you have a fantastic bass that you think was a worthwhile purchase at the price you paid. I can't see how thinking about future resale at this point is going to help you enjoy it.


  12. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1393804347' post='2384605']
    Ah yes! Forgot about that! I'm not sure id trust a luthier in my area with it. The guitar store staff in my area are all absolute idiots and have no idea how to treat guitars of this quality. An idiot in a shop near me by the name "Pete Oakley music" is an absolute ****! Took my Sadowsky in for a full setup and he said "cheap Chinese manufactured bass" I could've picked up a strat and beat some sense into him with it.

    Where there is no sense, there is no feeling.

  13. Nice pics, I caught some of Yolanda's set on the Elixir stand and really loved her playing. Good sound and seems a person who just loves playing bass and making music. I may try some of those strings on my bass if I get to do some touring this year as I started using them exclusively once I discovered and found I could get maybe 4 or 5 gigs out of them compared to the one or two gigs I was getting out of my regular d'addario strings.


    Oh and before you ask, no I didn't buy the Fodera, if you are gonna be photographed with the two guys from Fodera, then do it with one of their instruments. :-)

  14. I had a good time there this year. I met BlueJay on the bass chat stand and got to grips with a Ritter bass again. I still think they are bass shy which is a shame because I think they look fantastic. I actually got to check out some basses that I could hear this year. I tried quite a few different basses today and I only played one that if I was in the market for a non alembic bass, I would consider. That was Rikkers basses, they are from Holland they sounded great and the bottom end was awesome clear, powerful and punchy just the way I like it. It did seem smaller than last year but that could be an illusion. Had a good chat with Alan and John East about their new filter based pre-amps which sound like they are on to a winner.

  15. Remember stage fright is not guaranteed. I remember my first gig in about 1976 and everyone was telling me about stage fright and how i will freeze up on stage and forget stuff. It was at a small festival and i got on stage and felt cheated because I didn't get any stage fright at all. I loved every minute of it.
    I hope you have a great buzz from your first stage experience. It's kept me going for decades.
    Nowadays I do always feel some level of anxiousness just before we start playing and if I know the band I'm playing with are under rehearsed , my focus can drift because of uncertainty about all of us hitting changes.

    Let us know what the experience was like for you.

  16. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/222014-heads-up-bass-strap-sold/"]http://basschat.co.u...ass-strap-sold/[/url]
    Here is a suggestion on how to make a counter weight for neck heavy basses.


  17. Looks like I'm gonna make it down there this year. I thought I had a gig on Saturday which would have been an overnight stay and in the wrong part of the country on Sunday to get home and then down to London but the gig is Friday so I will get down there on Sunday. Credit card hazards are likely to be short scale series I alembic and Ritter but the idea is to return home in the same financial status as I left.


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