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Posts posted by jazzyvee

  1. I have used a Roland JC120 a few times for bass at Jam sessions and it was great as long as I didn't push the volume too high.
    That said the bassist after me who owned the amp blew the speakers as soon as he started slapping.
    I think as long as you keep in mind what you are playing throughand levels it could work.

  2. Bass for reggae band Musical Youth http://2013.bestival.net/line-up/artists/musical-youth
    Khaliq http://www.reverbnation.com/khaliq
    Elizabeth fields collective https://soundcloud.com/elizabeth-fields-music
    My own band, Delano Mills Notstrictlyjazz Quartet.


  3. Acg filters are a great choice. I have some installed in one of my alembic Europa basses because I wanted separate filters for each pickup so this gives separate low and high pass filters for each pickup. It is very flexible and able to give the tonality of many other basses should you need it.

    I initially bought mine in the hope of getting an alembic series type sound on the cheap. It does have an alembic type sound but since buying a series alembic bass I can hear the difference. Fortunately that difference gives me a bass I can use for specific musical situations mainly reggae for the real sub bass and the fender jazz type sounds.


  4. I would be wary of trying to sell an alembic at the moment as there are a few on eBay that have not moved for a considerable time. So you probably won't get a respectable price at the moment if there was any interest. if you don't need the money I'd suggest holding on to it if you can. You could try contacting the uk alembic distributor, uk American guitar centre, for a guide price.

    The alembic site is littered with broken hearts who have sold their alembics and regretted it.


  5. My bass has a separate output for each pickup so I want to try sending each pickup to a separate cab and not use a crossover. I have an alembic SF-2 that I can use as a pre-amp into a QSC-PLX2402 and then out to my mesa boogie cabs but not sure if I should be using my 1x15 or 4x10 for the neck pickup, or even the 4x10 on the bridge and 1x15 on neck as I don't know which is supposed to have a better low end.

    I tried a simpler approach with the bass in mono using my F1-x pre-amp recently at a gig. I used the pre-amp crossover low and high outs at sound check but got a better sound by using the full range out from the pre-amp into the two cabs via the QSC.

    Yeah the powerhouse cabs have an attenuator for the horn only on my 1x15 but the 4x10 is newer and has the switchable crossover frequencies and the attenuator.

    I've had some pretty poor bass rigs at gigs for a while now and so I really want to start taking my own gear to gigs as much as I can so I have some consistency with my on stage sound.

  6. I used the names to mean the same thing until about a about a year ago when I was looking for a distortion/overdrive pedal to use on guitar. I was told this by the guy who makes Twinstomp pedals.
    Overdrive pedal is designed to give you a high enough output that will "Over drive" your input channel to distort.
    A distortion pedal provides a distorted signal from the pedal to your amp input. So you would be more likely to use an overdrive on a valve amp and not a solid state amp because when you over drive a tube amp it distorts in a more musical manner.

    Hope that helps

  7. Many of the gigs I've done on bass where rigs have been provided, they have not been good rigs. They have been good makes but always had some problem, crackling signal, dodgy controls etc. I always use my own rig whenever possible.

    I did a gig in London earlier this year and there was a big Ampeg rig with a 4x10 and 1x15 but when I plugged in it sounded dreadful and during soundcheck the signal kept breaking up at normal playing volume, which for me is not loud. So I spoke with the sound guy and he was fine with me using my own Mesa Walkabout head which I have learnt by experience to carry to all gigs where there is supposed to be a back-line provided. Saved my skin many times using as a head or even just taking it's DI out to the PA. At least I know my sound will be going out front even if not on stage.

    As for allowing a band to use my rig, It's unlikely especially after reading this thread but maybe if it was a quiet band.
    Like some have alluded to,I've spent a lot of time and money getting the rig I have and would not want the risk of someone blowing it and not thinking they should be paying for the repair or replacement.


  8. I use mesa boogie bass cabs in my rig and want to try bi-amping but cannot find the frequency range of any of them anywhere on line not even on the mesa boogie site.
    Do you have any idea what it is? The most I've found is that they are full range cabs but that doesn't tell me anything.


  9. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1367405686' post='2065149']
    Not been a huge Alembic fan in the past, but not gonna lie, that is a beautiful looking bass! A hell of a lot of knobs though!
    Thanks for your comment and yeah a lot of knobs to tweak to change sound so not my first call stage bass at the moment. There are two sets of three knobs, (volume, LP-filter and Q control), one set for each pickup then master volume and pickup selector switch.

  10. I suppose the reality of signatures models is that they do sell and so are good business for the maker. However I'm sure that if the artiste played their signature instrument they would still sound like themselves, but if you or I for that matter played their actual instruments in their actual rigs we would still sound like ourselves playing their gear. There is still a lot of the sound of an artiste in their fingers and their note choices and that is something that cannot be replicated just by using an instrument that has their name on it.

    If it's an instrument you like and enjoy the sound of then the fact it is a signature instrument doesn't matter.... does it?

  11. I bought the boss pedal and didn't like the way it affected the sound of my bass. I tried it out in my guitar pedalboard, and with electric and electric/acoustic guitars having active electronics it seems to work great.


  12. It's an Essence 5, "post-facelift" version. I absolutely love it. The tone is uncomparable to anything else - it's clear like a bell! It doesn't work everywhere, it needs more room in the mix than Fender basses for example, but when you know where and how to use it it's like nothing else on the planet :D I've had some problems with it (the neck is VERY meteopatic, the volume control went south - it's disconnected atm - and good luck finding the jack input replacement, lol) but the sound and feel more than makes up for the truble. I've recorded an album and used this beauty on most songs - it worked just fantastic. It's a keeper.

    Have you tried joining and posting on the Alembic Forum? if you have problems with anything about the bass it's a great place to start and also it might be worth contacting Mica at Alembic directly, I have found them to be great with looking after musicians who own their instruments.

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