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Everything posted by jazzyvee

  1. About 3 years ago I stripped my blue Stratocaster back to natural finish. I went to See John Diggins from Jaydee custom guitars and he advised me to use Nitromors. It took a few coatings to get through the Fender finish but once it got started it was successful as you can see by the photo's. To begin with it looked like this. [attachment=127003:StratAlembic.jpg] and now looks like this. [attachment=127004:IMG_0066.jpg] Jazzyvee
  2. Survival by Bob Marley & The Wailers The Stanley Clarke Band Album Jazzyvee
  3. This is my band we play mainly jazz-funk https://www.facebook.com/pages/Delano-Mills-NotStrictlyJazz-Winelight/21358399106 Jazzyvee
  4. I have secret desires for a Ritter bass and I hope I get a chance to try one out one day. This one is a serious beauty but without an opportunity to play and hear it I wouldn't be willing to take a chance on it. I hope you find a buyer. Jazzyvee
  5. I bought two from them last summer and they arrived in about 10 days I think and they are decent leather. No problems at all. Jazzyvee
  6. [attachment=126593:images.jpeg] I'm sure if you were rational about many things, you would not buy anything. Once you have one bass, I would argue that any other is a want and not a need so don't even consider trying to justify it. Clearly as you state you can afford to buy it and even if you never gig with it, you will undoubtedly enjoy owning it so just do it. A few years ago on a birthday ending in "0" I treated myself to a lovely guitar. It's only been on two gigs but it is just what I wanted. Life is too short and with the interest rate in the bank being so dreadful what are you gonna lose? Jazzyvee
  7. I have 30.75 short scale and 34 inch 5 and 4 string basses and changing between them is no problem as i use them for specific songs. Changing between basses having different string spacing on a gig is more awkward. Jazzyvee
  8. I will definitely have to get a copy of that album. Jazzyvee
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1357317019' post='1920954'] If you can write your name does that make you an author? [/quote] No it makes you a copyist
  10. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1357231608' post='1919507'] This reads quite impressive. I don't mean to be controversial and start a whole sequence of this and that, but why did it tarnish in the first place in only 9 years to a degree where they (Alembic) were unhappy with it ? Would someone who lives in the European area be fit to get the same level of attention under warranty I wonder..... [/quote] At the time my bass was made apparently they were using a different plater for their hardware and the plater cut corners on some of their orders and unfortunately mine was one of those. Needless to say they don't use that company any longer. I think European owners would get the same attention. However if I remember correctly the owner pays shipping out to the USA and Alembic pays shipping back for warranty work.
  11. In 2012 I bought a used Alembic series bass from a seller in the USA and had it shipped to the Alembic workshop by the seller so that I could collect it. get a factory tour and get to their annual California meet. They are completely dedicated to delivering top quality in building their instruments from choice of raw materials through construction to setup and after sales service. For the Series basses, Ron Wickersham, can spend many days in his lab on one bass tirelessly swapping and matching the pickups to an individual bass and calibrating the electronics and noise cancellation so that when the bass leaves the factory everything is as perfect as it can be for that bass. There are no third party builders for them and no labour workshop somewhere else making the lower priced models, they all are made by the craftsmen at the workshop. My particular bass was made in 2003 and when the bass got to the factory, Alembic were not happy with the way the plating had tarnished in that period of time, so they made a complete new set of hardware, bridge, sustain block, tailpiece and adjustable nut for the bass and replated, all under warranty. All that and I wasn't even the original owner of the bass!!!. How many bass makers would give that level of service for a bass of that age. I doubt many would do that. I'm very impressed with them in every respect from sound to build quality. I'm not a fan of many of their body shapes but the one I have suits me. Marcus, I hope you find the right one. Jazzyvee
  12. I am regularly disappointed with the sound, especially bass, at large venues and festivals. If the bass player is moving his fingers, I want to hear different notes being played not a dull indistinct sound flooded out by the bass drum which is what usually happens. Jazzyvee
  13. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1355576187' post='1900088'] Yes very true....yet on a different tack very few high profile players use them extensively these days. This may however be due in part to the fact that Alembic generally dont hand out freebies to big names. More strength to Alembic. There are obviously plenty of players willing to pay the asking prices. For me personally I wouldnt dream of it...I'd rather have a Fodera and a Smith, etc etc for the same cash. [/quote] I would not be surprised if more high profile players do use them in the studio and use what they get given or paid to play on the road. But then I'm cynical. :-)
  14. That is a great looking guitar. Rob does get some gorgeous quilted maple tops for his guitars I have to say. I'd be interested in what you think of the in-house pickups especially if you get round to doing some audio samples. jazzyvee
  15. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1355345292' post='1897296'] I have been lucky enough to own an Alembic. They are very much an acquired taste...basses that you either love or hate to be honest. Personally I found the electrics to be absolutely first rate once mastered and the bass itself to feature breathtaking woodworking. Very heavy though so be aware that this is not the brand for those with dodgy back problems. The (big) downside is they are massively overpriced when bought new. Surprisingly enough, considering the multi laminations used in construction, there are also a good number of Alembic owners out there who have had neck stability problems (browse the Alembic club and you will find them)...although some of these may be down in some part to the aforementioned more complicated set up requirements. The neck on mine was almost perfectly straight and the action was crazy low so no complaints here. I think at the end of the day though that the "elephant in the room" regarding Alembic is this; back in the day nobody was doing what Alembic did...but times have changed. There are an absolute myriad of builders making instruments of comparable build/sound quality now - most of them at a price point MUCH lower than Alembic. I could have bought 3 Wal customs for the price of an Alembic Series1 ...and I much preferred my Wal to my Alembic. The bottom line? If you think anything (including an Alembic) is worth the asking price...then for you it is. Just my tuppenceworth. [/quote] Agreed they are an acquired taste and it is a shame that the price of them new does really cut deep into the pocket. Used instruments can also be quite pricey especially this side of the pond. But if you can get past that hurdle, they are pretty first rate instruments and have an unique sound which for me is one of the main attractions. You do have to invest time with the dual filter basses to be able to get to and from different sounds quickly. If I could "easily| afford a new series bass I would have no hesitation in buying one. But having bills to pay focusses the priorities. :-)
  16. This Alembic Series I bass, the rig would be good too if santa can carry it. [attachment=125120:114796.jpg]
  17. This Alembic Series I bass, the rig would be good too if santa can carry it.
  18. [quote name='2004gdavi' timestamp='1336505354' post='1646651'] Hi Having read the comments here there is obviously much to consider and buying an Alembic is a big step. For my part I've been over 40 years without an Alembic until this year and that's 40 years too long. I now have a SCD, which I was introduced to by Loz (many thanks). Since I've had it I've gigged with it several times in a variety of different styles of music. For each of these occasions it has performed admirably. It's a delight to play and begs to be played. One day I hope to be good enough to do it the justice it deserves but until then I'll just enjoy the ride. Sure it was a lot of cash but if there's one thing I've learned is that you only live once and to seize the day. I can't say that an Alembic will be to everyone's taste but for me, in the words of Edith Piaf, 'je ne regrette rien'. [/quote] How are you getting on with your alembic?
  19. The guitar feels great, but because of the sound of it due to pickups I haven't really bonded with it at all. I tried some old dimarzio's I had laying around from way back and they were still a bit hot in the bridge position. Earlier this year I got some Fender gold lace pickups with a dually gold in the bridge position because I had a strat with them in a few years back and they sounded great and I was familiar with that sound. However whilst they do sound much better than the original duncans they don't have the clear sparkle in the tone that a strat has. I wonder if the mahogany has something to do with that as well. It's all mahogany body and neck with a figured maple top and rosewood fretboard. I'll have to do some more reading up on pickups. Gibson Les Paul's have mahogany bodies and sound great, maybe some humbuckers in a single coil size may be an option. Any views? Jazzyvee Jazzyvee
  20. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1354885626' post='1891600'] Return to Forever [/quote] Absolutely
  21. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1354744306' post='1890008'] I always thought not, but I just learned that Robbie Shakespeare played on some of Catch a Fire. Yeah he did, he was a student of Aston Barrett. I don't think they did get away with it though. They stopped being The Who (for me anyway) when K. Moon died. [/quote]
  22. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1354741314' post='1889969'] I wonder if Bob Marley would have been the same without Familyman. [/quote] I doubt if reggae bass generally would have developed in the way it has without Family Man.
  23. Rob has a cool workshop down there in Wales. I'm sure you will have a good time there. I'm looking forward to the pictures. I'm still toying with the idea of selling mine but not until I find something I want to replace it with. Les Paul or maybe a PRS. Jazzyvee
  24. Cool Oscar south, my band do that buenos Aires track also. I'll have to see if I have a video of it still.
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