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Everything posted by martin8708

  1. Wow , 520 viewings bump . Price reduced to £2200. Thanks to all those who viewed the listing .
  2. I have a Vanderkley 2x12 MNT , very detailed cab , very clear and takes no prisoners , louder than you will ever need . Excellent build quality . I love Markbass amps , have the tube 800 myself , but I find the Markbass cabs bit , um , mushy ???
  3. I stand corrected . I will also endeavour to raise my expectations . Many thanks .
  4. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1350046612' post='1833964'] If you want me to be really honest, I really get narked with bedroom players on here with loads of shiny kit that have never even played with a band slagging other band clips off. I'm not the greatest player , and I'm happy to admit it, because I make the choice to not spend hours practicing on my own. I get out there and learn to interact with others, and find ways of playing alongside their strengths and weaknesses in playing their instruments. If they're really bad, I make my choice and move on. I don't spend hours trying to film myself playing something perfectly verbatim for ego gratitude from unknowns on the web. [/quote] Agreed 100% . There must be some fabulously talented players who feel they can do a whole two sets with a band they have never played with before after one one rehearsal. I would do the gig if local , sure as hell beats staying in and watching rubbish on telly or noodling with a guitar to YouTube vids .
  5. Bought and sold basses and amps and pedals etc , etc . Selling on Basschat is different to eBay , most people know their onions on this forum so poorly photographed / poorly described / poorly priced items don't tend to sell too quickly. My main bugbear is when no personal information is provided in the personal profile which starts the alarm bells ringing . There is nothing wrong with selling to Europe , sold loads of high end guitars / basses to France / Spain / Italy / Germany . More effort in your ad = better results . Bit like everything else in life .
  6. I have been a Bassist / backing singer for years . My vocals have been a bit hit and miss and for many years my microphone was turned right down ( by the singer / guitarist ) to minimal volume so I was barely audible to myself and the audience . About a year ago , I was lent a Digitech vocal pedal which would automatically correct my vocal pitch to the bass guitar which I plugged into it . To be honest , apart from the reverb and extra harmony the pedal provided , I did not sound any better or worse than when I did not use the pedal . There definately was no quantum leap in my vocal ability with this pedal .Eventually ,I discarded the pedal and just worked extra hard on harmonising with the lead singer in a pitch that suited my voice and return the pedal to it's owner . When I sang out of key , the vocal sounded the same with or without the pedal , it just had a bit more reverb . Pedals are not a substitute for talent , yes they can do clever things , but if you are a sh*t singer or guitarist , they will not make you any better .
  7. I'm speechless. Nice bass on post # 26 I would be very interested to see who buys it .
  8. If you hate slap ( or slappers ) you may want to steer clear of the London Bass Guitar show . At least you can turn off the YouTube demo .
  9. martin8708

    Guitar Porn

    Nice. Guitar .
  10. No contest , the battered fiesta red 62' P bass . If it plays well , you won't regret it .
  11. I have a Vanderkley 2x12MNT which I power with a Markbass tube 800. This was a quantum leap from the Markbass cabs that I used in a blues / rock band , the Vanderkley's will cut through any over ambitious guitarists / keyboard / drummer / singer . The downside is you can hear all your mistakes !!
  12. I noticed the tab for Ray la Montaigne is blocked on Ultimate Guitar too. I still learn from records ( yes , records , remember them ) but sometimes I am just too dumb to work out complicated bass runs , or there is just one note in the song that does not sound right no matter how many times I try and find it. Learning songs by ear is great , but sometimes I need a little help .
  13. 63' Olympic white Precision 63' Fiesta Red Precision. ( both refins , could not afford originals ) Early 57 Vintage Re issue P Bass in black - this is the main pub gig bass. BB1200 , the bass that I learnt to play on , sadly lives under the bed now .
  14. Wow , great to see some people reading the thread . Frets are vintage 6105 and the neck radius is 9 " To be honest , the numbers mean very little to me , the neck is more Strat than Tele and the frets are similar to my other Strats . Weight - heavier than a pre-CBS Strat but a lot lighter than a late 70's Tele ( or even some of their Strats ) The guitar is very playable , has quite an audible unplugged sound due to the hollow body , and the guitar resonates far more than a solid body , this does seem to have some impact on the sound . Ive played in bands for nearly 30 years as a bass player , but as a guitarist I take great interest in what the guitarist in the band is playing and how they sound . The last outing was at a packed pub gig during Cowes Week , the Trussart went straight into a Fender Blues Junior with no pedals / effects and the solo's were making my neck hairs stand on end , it's just chalk and cheese with the standard generic 6 stringers that pass for guitars . As regards to eBay + Gumtree , I have gone off the boil a bit with eBay , I used to buy and sell loads , but it's not the same anymore and seems to attract more scoundrel's and scammers , I have bought and sold loads on BC and I trust the folks here implicitly and there are some great 6 stringer advertised here , worth having a punt . It's no major hardship to keep hold of it a bit longer ..... Thanks for looking .
  15. Fortnightly bump with price reduction .
  16. I have no problem with the body finish , but the neck looks brand spanking new . Different strokes for different folks , but I think this would be a cool gigging bass.
  17. If you can afford coffee from Cafe Nero with a barrister or a barista , you're still doing pretty well for yourself . I agree with the general sentiment , I think even people with the money are too frightened to spend it due to the gloomy economic climate and fear of job loss , etc . On the flip side , I am now truly grateful for having a job and appreciate the regular pay checks , rather than begrudgingly going into work .
  18. Burgundy Mist Slab board 62 P bass Foam Green Slab board 62 P bass Shell Pink Slab board 62 P bass Surf Green Slab board 62 P bass These seem to be the top - dollar P basses in the Vintage Guitar Price guide . Best of luck finding your bass.
  19. This is probably the best thread I have read in the 2 years i've been on basschat , ( "bigger is better" in the amp section comes close second .) I have been collecting for 25 years , I in no way have the same amount of knowledge and expertise as some members here and my collection is 70% "mongrel " Precisions / Strats that have been refinished and have the occational pot / pickup replaced . I agree the internet has made it very easy to find a vintage instrument , just press the Buy-it-now button and you are part of the club . Most of my instruments still come via good old fashioned classified ads , asking local muso's , asking shops + dealers+friends and taking a bit of a gamble on ebay /gumtree . I find buying from a dealer no safer than buying privately , I have pointed out glaringly obvious modifications to supposedly 100% original instruments . Every bass / guitar is worth well in excess of what I have paid for it , taking into account the cost of Mr Browns magical work in restoring some of them . If unmolested vintage instruments are out of your price range , then a good refin will hold its value better than most modern offerings and you are more likely to be less precious about it and play / gig it more . There is also quite a few on offer on various websites , so the choice is out there . If you get the bass at a good price , your in profit already ! Fenders have a history of being modified + stripped back to natural finish , so it does not bother me as much anymore . As reguards to the differences of opinion , for me personally there is nothing quite like the feel / smell / sound of a well played vintage instrument with a worn neck , I have tried a lot of the new stuff and it just does not flick any switches in my mind. You cannot quantify these qualities in an old instrument , so can everybody put away their clipboards and whitecoats and leave the vintage stuff to the people who enjoy it . Finally managed to load a photo , a trio of 63's
  20. The Vanderkley has two vertically aligned speakers . Mark from Bassdirect was selling the Bergantano 2x12 like hot cakes and asked Marc Vanderkley to build a 2x12 as well. The red is not really a huge problem ,and is watered down by the black grill in front of it . I think it looks better than yellow speakers ( and I really like Markbass stuff ) and in subdued pub lighting it gives the cab a unique appearance , most people remark how clear the bass is without having to really crank up the volume .
  21. This is a crafty way to list a shockingly loud Electrovoice DL10X mid bass driver loaded into my humble homemade cab . The Cab is 70 year old finger-jointed pine from an old door frame and the front plate is mahogany from a fireplace . The speaker is 300 watts into 8 ohms , more technical information can be found on [url="http://www.usspeaker.com"]www.usspeaker.com[/url] or look in the archives of the Electrovoice website as this is a discontinued model . I am fully expecting to sell speaker sans cab . It is a weighty beast at 19 lbs ( 8.6Kgs ) , but this one will rattle the windows without breaking into a sweat . If you are one of those clever bods who can design and build proper enclosures , this would be a great compact speaker choice . The speaker was bought ex-demo /shop- used from Blue Aran , has been tested by them ( as per sticker ) and works phenomenally well in my humble cab attempt . This was not cheap , so I am asking £60 shipped to UK mainland , about half what I paid for it . I am selling off some of my speakers as the Mrs is starting to get hacked off with the growing mountain of Cabs in the spare room . I am based on the Isle if Wight , can bring over to Southampton , Portsmouth + Lymington . Many Thanks for looking .
  22. Singing with a 6 string is vastly easier than singing whilst playing a bass. There is a huge temptation to sing on the beat of each bass note , you have to separate the vocal from the bass line . Mark King is good at this , but Sting is a true master at singing smoothly over odd time signature bass lines . Like everything in life , it takes practice. Yolanda Charles does a great YouTube tutorial on this subject.
  23. Better late than never . Re-united Jack with his Alleva Copolla 5 Stringer . Top bloke to deal with and very straight forward deal. Apologies for the lateness
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