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Everything posted by martin8708

  1. Hmm, I have a bit of money in the bank from selling a Fender Pino CS that keeps going back to it's original owner . I had a 79 Antiguan P-Bass which I sold to some chap in Ireland , which I now regret . Any more pics to increase the level of temptation, ?? Cheers Martin.
  2. Compared to a lot of Basschatters , you actually have very little gear ! Now get thee down to the For Sale section and buy some more stuff.
  3. I had the pleasure of possessing Jasons Fender CS Pino for about a year .Jas is now re-united with the Pino and both transactions were as smooth as the TI flats on the Pino ( same one that Clarky also ''rented '' from Jas .) Keep a tight hold on the Pino this time !! Thanks Martin
  4. Rickenbackers - look like a cheap chrismas cracker bass -plays a bit like one too MM Bongo toilet seat ( brilliant ) Anything with a massive extended top horn ( Peavey Cirrus / Shuker type shape ) - looks like one of those cheap tin openers that never work . ( probably play brilliantly , though ? )
  5. The Chain - Fleedwood Mac Seven Nation Army - White stripes Master Blaster - stevie wonder . Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy - a classic !! Love will tear us apart - New Model Army Black Knight - Deep Purple Detroit Rock City - KISS I think it was " Rio " by Duran Duran that really made a big impression on me 30 years ago ,I was watching a concert recorded on some old Beta-max video tape and when I saw all the women screaming for Andy Taylor , I thought , thats what I want to do with my life !!
  6. I have attended numerous trade shows , motor shows , bike show , photographic and Hi - fi shows , all these shows will involve a certain amount of noise , but certainly not to the same extent as the Bass show . At the NEC motorbike shows , you don't get 15 year olds starting up race prepped R1's or Fireblades and revving the [email="cr@p"]cr@p[/email] out of them just to impress there mates , even if they have paid their admission fee just like every one else . As far as Mr Rotosound man is concerned , he has a fabulous thumb technique , put him in a masterclass where we can all benefit from his talents on a more structured and informative level ( ie , tell us your secrets ! ) Hopefully next year will be brilliant , sad to have missed Yolanda Charles .
  7. I went last year , and was in two minds as to wether to brave it this time round . Last year I went with loads of cash and credit cards with serious intent to buy something if I found a great bass / amp , but the deafening drone of a thousand plank spankers made it nigh on impossible to try anything out . I did think the masterclasses were great , well worth the admission fee , and I would have like to have seen the BassDirect stand especially if the Mike Lull T-birds were there , but judging by the comments in the posts , I'm not too upset at missing it this time round .
  8. Singing when you are playing guitar ( 6 string ) is a lot easier , to me it seems I am only doing a single task . Singing when playing the bass seems like two totally separate tasks , there is a strong temptation to sing every word on the beat of the bassdrum /bassnote . You need to try and lift the singing aspect away from the bassplaying , bit like rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time . Sting was a master at playing odd timings and singing smoothly over the top of the music , just give " So lonely " a good listen to. It does come with practice , it must be a lot worse for keyboard players !!
  9. Hi ICU , yes the whole rig is still available Thanks for your interest . Martin.
  10. The two basses I play the are basses I have had the longest time , My BB1200 was my first bass and must have some of my DNA in it by now , and the old Fender P which has been constantly gigged / rehearsed /auditioned is finally starting to wear-in nicely after 10 years . I have a few others on the periphery , but I dont think I will miss them from a playing point of veiw . If I need a new sound , a new amp or cab seems to provide that different sound , or even just some new strings . Still enjoy the shopping for basses though ....... ( damn you , BC )
  11. 1) Patience 2) Planting the seeds of ideas to make it seem like other people thought of it themselves , VERY useful with guitarists who think all great ideas come from themselves . 3) Reading the audience / customer , if they want to boogie , give them what they want .
  12. Sold Greg a 15" Eminence Kappa driver , very nice guy to deal with and patient too , Highly recommended , BC'er . Many Thanks again Martin
  13. Thanks to Duncan for buying my Boss Loop pedal , friendly and personable chap to deal with , prompt payer too. Highly recommended , many thanks again . Martin
  14. I have been looking at the Sandberg P-Basses with some interest , the stock available in the UK is quite limited , but there are some very tasty looking basses on some of the European / German websites with free shipping to the UK . My only concern with these basses is every reveiw I have read comments on the weight of P and J based models . Buying from Europe is a bit of a gamble as the specs published by most internet shops are basic at best ( no weight or nut width ) so you may be buying a boat anchor when pushing the buy it now button . Any one have any experiance with the P or J Sandbergs ??
  15. Thanks for the bump , Stu . I used this rig last night for a small gig , it really does punch above its weight , very portable too.
  16. The only ''effects '' I use are the tone control of my bass , and my fingers .
  17. Hi Clarky , sorry to hear about the band , I allways think '' was it me? '' so it always leaves you with a mixed up bag of emotions . It took me about a year to find a new band , but I did try out numerous small projects in the time between , and met a few decent musicians on the way . Best Wishes Martin
  18. Its a chance to rest my aching muscles , although my own personal gear is packed away in 5 minutes flat , we seem to have more PA / Lighting / Guitarist type stuff than the Rolling Stones on tour ( and we are only a pub band ) Good Stuff - listening to Whispering Bob on the radio Bad Stuff - wondering when that car with a blue light on the roof is going to stop following you.
  19. Hi there Scott, I'm a non-caulkhead Isle of Woighter living in Newport . Are you gigging at the moment , I don't think I have seen you at any gigs I've been to . I play with Duel Calibre , if your in the neighbourhood , pop in for a pint and a chat . Best Wishes Martin.
  20. 1 Red House ( as previously mentioned ) 2 You look wonderful tonight ( thankfully done only at weddings , so rarely done ) 3 While my guitar gently weeps , now known as while the bass player gently weeps 4 Sensative kind (JJ Cale ), this was like having a tooth extracted very slowly with no aneasthetic I like Dakota , and i wish our band did sex on fire .
  21. Nothing wrong with Markbass , it's just that I had 4 amp heads , 3 cabs , 1 combo at the peak of my gear accumulating years . I am only selling the 604 Stack in an attempt to raise some money. Great sounding lightweight gear , just very popular at the moment.
  22. Price reduced to £85 including postage to UK . Sunday bump
  23. Up for sale is a as new Eminence Kappa 15 inch speaker with box , I bought this new from Blue Arran in Southampton for a speaker building project - as per the photo . The speaker was mounted and tested , very loud indeed , and then I replaced it with an 8 ohm one so I could run it with another 8 ohm cab. New price was £75 , this is less than half price . Collection from Southampton / Portsmouth / Lymington or I can Postage / courier to be paid for by the buyer. I am based on the Isle of Wight Thanks for looking Martin
  24. I saw the Aust Pink Floyd band at the IoW Festival and they were the high point ( for me ) for the whole three days . Nick Masons own words were that you were never going to see the real Floyd ever again , and this is the closest you will ever get to a Floyd concert . If you are a Floyd fan , you won't be disappointed .
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