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  1. You are a star!! Thanks for this.
  2. Thanks Sandy - I've got those ordered. So bass top set of tracks on first pot. Treble second set of tracks on the second pot. If anyone is reading this, can they confirm how to wire in just the active side? Thanks for everyone's help so far!! Just realised I've been referring to detents as indents 😂 You live and learn!
  3. Thanks yes used heat shrink before. So my Jazz plate is: Volume Pickup blend with indent and a pull up for passive (which I never use) Treble with indent Bass with indent Thanks
  4. Sorry.. Last question. Would this be correct for the other eq pot? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256128635417?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zc32U3psQnu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vNO_rdY8SEe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Depending on the shaft type I have. The blend and volume pots both work fine - it's just the eq pots that need changing. Also, I have soldered basic pots before - if I'm careful how I solder and heat shrink everything, am I right in thinking this is straightforward and I could do it myself? Edited to change the Ebay link as I posted the same one...
  5. Ah thanks for the reply. Much appreciated!
  6. OK thanks. Would a "dual deck blend/balance" work for the twin pot? Like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275309543988?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kgixFco9Qma&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vNO_rdY8SEe&var=575584568920&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Obvs need to check the shaft type.
  7. Ah sorry. Yes I got John East to alter the preamp so it would fit my Jazz Sadowsky but never actually saw the preamp beforehand as it was sent straight to him! So can anyone identify the pots for me?
  8. Thanks - the electronics guy didn't suggest that so I probably can't use him.
  9. Yeah thanks I've seen that schematic before... And tbh I don't know what I'm looking at 😂 I *think* it's right. Here are some awful photos as its a bit crammed in!
  10. So my modified Sadowsky Jazz has an early 80s Precision Special preamp which I absolutely love and had fitted about 10 years ago. The bass and treble pots have lost their indent, making them feel very worn, and I would like to replace them. I have a local electronics company that will do the work if I can source the pots...can anyone help with identifying them or modern replacements that will fit? They are mounted direct to the board. The company suggested replacing the entire board but I know they are like hen's teeth anyway now, and I could be in a similar position... Any advice? I really like the preamp and don't want to change it if possible. It was suggested years ago that I could get the circuit cloned... But who would do that for me? I also have an ACG that I would like to fit similar to. Thanks.
  11. I actually like the other guy, Scott I'm not keen on.
  12. I'm going to wire a switch into my Pedalboard and also have a remote inlet - how do I wire them both in when I only have two wires? Do I branch off from the switch wires without being on the terminals? Otherwise the switch will always see a live feed? Obviously I'll be soldering and heat shrinking over the terminals when done. Thanks
  13. So I've come back to live playing and have dug out my old filtered (Acs) custom moulded earplugs. I'm a bit nervous in case there's an issue as I really couldn't play. I would like a backup to keep on my keys just in case. Don't have any spare cash so need to be cheap as possible. Anyone tried Earhub £8.50 jobs off Amazon? Thanks.
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