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Everything posted by christhammer666

  1. time stands still - rush
  2. son of the morning - Akercocke
  3. of wolf and man - metallica
  4. death to all but metal - steel panther
  5. eclipse - pink floyd
  6. on a rope - rocket from the crypt
  7. circus- Britney spears
  8. soul of a new machine - fear factory
  9. gold digger- Kanye west
  10. just in lust- the wildhearts
  11. learn to fly - foo fighters
  12. mind control - slayer
  13. evil women - black sabbath
  14. runnin with the devil- van halen
  15. beat it -Michael jackson
  16. iron monkey are awesome as were reverend bizarre
  17. https://youtu.be/txu7N2_FE7M big doom head here. Link is my old band Ossiyan
  18. if anything I think it would have happened sooner. he was a big lover of southern rock etc
  19. ive picked up the bass once in the last year and I think that was for around 10 minutes
  20. https://youtu.be/EpkuYxyYM2A HELL saw these in a marquee when sabbath did hyde park in 2014. best band of the day by far
  21. I wonder he trade for old squier affinity. it has got a SD qtr pounder it so its worth at least £200 LOL
  22. each to their own mate. I think he was an absolute genius but quite a few people think the same as you
  23. you can buy toe protectors (ingrown toenails, bunions) ive heard they are quite good for fingers as well
  24. im with virgin media so I could wire my com to the router then superglue them together then take it to virgin towers and tape it to their servers and the service would still be crap
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