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Everything posted by christhammer666

  1. recorded 2 of the songs played mostly root stuff.fitted really well if im honest.recording 2 more tommorow got both lines down one even has me running up and down some scales .......get me eh
  2. see em at the albert hall for the blackwater park 10th anniversary 3hours of pure bliss best gig ever
  3. the project im doing at the mo is me on bass and another guy doing guitars vocals programming drums ect weve got an album out half way through recording the second and have never done a gig........i havent gigged with a band for years and am quite nervous at the prospect of doing so to be honest it depends what someones comfort zone is it sounds like your itching to gig......... where im happy just recording
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1344435707' post='1764439'] I have no idea what doom/industrial is, but in my bass playing experience overplaying in the studio always kills a number dead. It's very hard to screw up a song by underplaying. If you come away thinking I could have played more then you probably got it just right. [/quote] +1 good point
  5. have pmed you
  6. a lot of the music is really riff heavy so sometimes theres not always the room for it but if i try and play anything out of the blues scale i sh*t myself and panic anyway im not the much melodic bass player i playthe bass like a butcher chops meat lol
  7. have a recording session for the doom/industrial thing im doing at the mo coming up and have got off my ars to learn the songs.i pretty much have free reign to play what i want. my only worry is once i have wrote the bass lines apart from the odd fill hear or there its pretty much root basic stuff. i sometimes feel im not doing enough does anyone else worry about underplaying?
  8. so got home last night started noddling along to some foo fighters wasnt really doing much for me.on goes electric wizard (return trip) its got one of those riffs that hipnotises you. played along for most of song all in all played for around 30 minutes onwards and upwards hopefully same again tonight
  9. half the time my mrs is out doing am-dram so have all the time in the world to practise would love to play for 3 hours a day lol so have spent my lunch watching the john myung fixed camera instrumedley from budokon its made me itch to play tonight (the bass ahem) will keep you posted thanks for again for all the advice i love you all long time
  10. thanks for all the advice guys.... think i might go down the lesson route to get a bit more motivated,hopefully i can find a decent teacher and pay for lessons in advance that way i know ill go cos im a tight sod and dont like wasting money the music/project direction im in at the moment is doom metal type i suppose that dont help my mood i was listening to transatlantic on the way to work this morning with petes bass ringing in my ears i have been humming the songs all morning i never do that maybe its time for a change
  11. im in a project at the moment which is just recording no gigs i gotta learn 7 songs by september. dont know if im just not feeling the music or what maybe i need a more serious project to focus on like raymondo said
  12. ive seen all the bands i wanna see ive sat in front of john myung for whole gigs come home inspired and i just sit with my bass and ..........nothing as for my bass ive had loadsof basses over the years loved them all.most were bought thinking this bass will make me play ect im currently playing an ibanez sr300 lovely slim neck nocomplaints there i watch vids of wooten,harris.burton, just feellike a zombie was even worse on the pills
  13. please stick with me this may take a while!!!!!!! since starting to play bass nearly 17 years ago with periods of months at a time with no practice i really feel my time is running out. i was diagnosed with severe depression 6 years ago and for years i have found any excuse not to practise.ill be in work thinking ill try to learn some theory or go over some songs for the recording project im part of,soon as im home ill find any excuse not to bother (something i wanna watch on tele or some other piss poor excuse) it gets to the point i think imay as well just sell my bass and give up i dont think i play for 2 hours a month.the guy im in the project with has the patience of a saint i want to play loads, i have the time just my oomp has left me for the first time in ages i got a tab book out tonight and learned a song and quite enjoyed it i just know it will be ages before i do it again any ideas
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1343335603' post='1749278'] Loads of my favourites play with a pick, DD Verni, Duff etc. I can't be dealing with a pick. [/quote] im on the flipside of this my faves were steve harris,john myung,geddy lee,alex webster ....all finger players i cant play with my fingers to save my life
  15. seeing as im 100% a metalhead id definatly say for me the phamtom of the opera soundtrack absolutely love it
  16. i suppose a lot of it comes from people knowing if you want you can just play the root note and "get by" with it but if your in a band situation and someone says play something the accentuates the vocal line or play a a walking bass line over the verse and so on then its totally different
  17. [url="http://youtu.be/Zm1QyDH-78I"]http://youtu.be/Zm1QyDH-78I[/url] hhhheeeeeeaaaavvvvvvvyyyyyyy
  18. my brother was a big level 42 fan when i was about 6-7 i was mesmerised by mr king........nothing changes [url="http://youtu.be/gA7jglcFdm8"]http://youtu.be/gA7jglcFdm8[/url]
  19. all great stuff so far especially liked hunted by angels.very haunting,remonds me of neurosis a bit and killing vegas -silence disguised great stuff
  20. thanks for the feedback so far. the fact we scare people i call that a job well done lol
  21. guitar-yngwie malmsteen bass -steve harris
  22. gak in brighton do i think
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