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Everything posted by overdriver

  1. Es ist Wunderschön! Hallo aus Irland!
  2. Wie geht’s! Ich komme aus Irland und ich Lerne ein bisschen Deutsch! Wie viel kostet der versand, bitte?
  3. Cheers!!
  4. All Tomorrow's Parties Bass Tutorial - Mick Karn / Japan (Peavey Foundation) https://youtu.be/NGkGxHRtm04
  6. Would you reconsider shipping it?
  7. My son lives in Hamburg with his German mrs. I could ask her if you wished. However, my tuppenceworth would be, if you’ll indulge me, that this is something bigger and more important than ourselves to people who, unlike us, it actually affects. And going by my motto of “try to be cool with others, except when they’re bellends and leave you no choice”, I’d err on the side of stripping it. It’d look better anyway. That flag looks tacky imo. There are other expressions of the American South that do not have the unfortunate baggage. In other news, and old Stingray is a fabulous bass to have and I wish you health to play it for many years.
  8. I assure you that in Germany, they’re VERY sensitive to stuff like that. unless they’re not. And there are those who are willfully not. If you follow.
  9. Dali’s Car Dali's Car - Mick Karn Bass Tutorial - Part 1 - Intro https://youtu.be/78og9PJcTZc
  10. Ain’t That Peculiar Mick Karn / Japan Full Fretless Bass Lesson - Ain't That Peculiar https://youtu.be/Qma0_wFOYw0
  11. Nobody's commenting on your playing, man. Super! I really enjoyed that!
  12. The entire Tin Drum album is now done and I’ve grouped the videos into a playlist Tin Drum Bass Lessons plan to get to the entire Japan catalogue, which is really a labour of love. My respect for Mick Karn deepens with each song. Thanks to all who watched so far. i
  13. I Second That Emotion I Second That Emotion - Japan / Mick Karn Bass Playalong / Cover https://youtu.be/QPUpU4RzG-U This is just a playalong, but they get more requests views than the actual breakdowns for some reason. I imagine, like me, most guys can get a lot of info from just watching someone play a track through, and don’t necessarily need it in detail.
  14. Lol! I might surprise you yet!! 😀
  15. Thanks Michael! 😀 Ive some Rush stuff up, and Kajagoogoo as well. Who knows what’s next? 😂
  16. All of Tin Drum is done once the other parts of this go up! Talking Drum - Japan/ Mick Karn full bass tutorial Part 1 - Intro & Verse
  17. Still Life In Mobile Homes Still Life In Mobile Homes - Japan / Mick Karn Full Bass Tutorial https://youtu.be/r3TYWry0NLU
  18. “Alien” from Quiet Life Alien - Japan / Mick Karn Full Bass Tutorial https://youtu.be/nYihB3R7QpM
  19. “Sensitive” from Titles is up. Sensitive - Mick Karn Full Bass Tutorial https://youtu.be/Euz7VgBs4xY
  20. I’d go the Hohner or wait for a synapse
  21. The Hohner is closer, I think, ever so slightly the string spacing is wider on then both ill take a pic of them side by side for you tomorrow Here’s how they all sound
  22. Piper Blue is now up. Nice handy one. Piper Blue - Mick Karn/ Japan Full Bass Tutorial by Mindhead. https://youtu.be/C6BO1FtHV2M
  23. Thanks Buddster Don't give up on Dali's Car - mightn't be as hard as you think!
  24. So underrated still!
  25. Thanks Pete
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