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Everything posted by G-bitch

  1. Bloody good point about Richer Sounds - always been superb for me and heard lots of praise of friends/relatives too.
  2. Barfly venues are all piss-taking bastards like that if I understand it. They claim to support unsigned local bands but then do things like this and do no promotion. The one in Birmingham is sh*te, they have the cheek to get bands to sell tickets etc. requiring a minimum, offer nothing in terms of payment and they're located outside the city centre so fail to pull in any 'passing trade' punters and make no effort to change this.
  3. That's some fair point on the Marshall - simple fact is that, at that price, nothing can touch it. I'm not keen on the sound myself and much prefer SVT's but that doesn't mean that I'd pay double!
  4. I'm another one - and it's not due to my own lack of skills (I admit I can't play like that!), it's just that I have no interest in it. All of my favourite guitarists that I've played with are the ones who might be slightly 'limited' technically (i.e. not a solo/shredding w***er) but just create something that suits the song - often giving it far more thought than just which mode to w*** in.
  5. I'd rather spend a little extra and get a rackmount effect and midi foot controller - that said, it makes distortion a little more challenging (would have to be a TC G-Major/Force or something else guitar specific). I've got an old boss VF-1 in a vocal rig which I could quite easily employ as a multi-fx, I shall have to give that a blast some time.
  6. I'd agree with that - who wants to rock a fugly bass?!
  7. Do any of you guys ever think about what inflation has done to your cash when making these comparisons? Every now and again I think of a Bogart graphite bass I tried in the gallery years ago - the price now seems like a steal but if you factor in inflation (especially the RPI figure not Gordon's 2% odd bullshit) then you realise that it was a lot of cash!
  8. I'm with the 410 brigade too for much the same reasons as provided above.
  9. *Patronising voice* Did you change the battery in your (automatically-assumed-active) bass?
  10. I can confirm that planet of sound have none of these left as I bought the display model the other week so they definitely have gone the way of the deep impact, only they're a bit more specialist so can't see them getting very expensive.
  11. G-bitch

    custom bass?

    Don't worry - it probably sounds sh*te, stick with a custom
  12. I've never played similar enough basses to ascertain if there's any difference sound-wise, and doubt that I would really hear it!
  13. Best hardcore bass distortion ever is that Converge tune off Petitioning the Empty Skies - can't remember the name but I think it's track 4. It was basically stingray through a cranked ampeg V4b to get the power valve saturation and then it was double tracked (!); it's a thing of beauty. I can get that sound by cranking my V4 but it's just not feasible unless I were to use a power soak. Nearest equivalent that I've found is a Fulltone Bassdrive.
  14. [quote name='Mikey D' post='91272' date='Nov 20 2007, 09:23 AM']Its worth keeping an eye on this on ebay... [url="http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZwaluser5"]Trace Elliot V-Type and seperate 4*10[/url] Haven't tried it personally, but heard good things. Think there are a few guys on here that can vouch for them. Also, I'm not fond of Mark Bass at all...[/quote] Ah yes, anything solid state by Trace Elliot, no matter how old or battered looking, will do a great job of providing good clean no-fuss power. I'd second the T-Max comment, fantastic amp and very reliable (I ran mine at 2 ohms at silly voumes for a good couple of years), although I would recommend a 410 cab - I sometimes struglled volume wise with it when I was running at 4 ohms with a 2x12, no slur on the amp as that was just a poor choice of speaker cab by me considering I was in a metal band.
  15. I remember that 'my bass is' - loved those bits. My favourite was the guy with the old 2 band pre EB 'ray who listed some tunes that were 'smothered with a 'ray' and then a guy with a Modulus Q5 sent in his my bass is feature and said he'd played on the session for one of those theme tunes 'smothered with a ray' but he'd used his Modulus. Funny, I can't remember anything short-term, memory is awful.
  16. Let's be fair though - all your stuff is the tits! I know what you mean about the changes though - I've haemorrhaged some cash in my time on bad ideas but am thoroughly content with my current gear so can concentrate on bands.
  17. You can't be serious?! There are already far too many sub-forums with an eery windy sound blowing through the deserted threads!
  18. Good point on just being vigilant but if you're spending literally hundreds a month on insurance I suggest you pay this site a visit: www.moneysavingexpert.com That or sell the Ferrari
  19. So much stuff to try out around that amount - Gallien Krueger are definitely worthy of a mention as are Warwick and Peavey etc. etc. I'm not convinced by the 'Markbass' default answer, they're very nice but I'm prejudiced by the fact that the stock answer a couple of years ago was 'Ashdown' and years before that 'Trace Elliot'. What I'm trying to say is that they get mentioned because of their high market penetration (=more owners)and might not be right for you. When you try anything out - crank it, warn the shop folk first and preferably visit mid-week, but just crank it to a level that it's going to get used at. A wateroftyne said, amps sound different at different volumes, depending on their design/spec.
  20. I think that a BDDI is by far the best way to go - you don't need to be 100% accurate with the sound, just something to nail it on gigs. Don't bother with the Behringer, it's a false economy as it's a noisy chunk of plastic in comparison with a less noisy lump of metal that will last years in the case of the sansamp.
  21. G-bitch

    custom bass?

    That would look pretty badass IMO but balance does need to be considered.
  22. I remember seeing that on TB when you took delivery - niiice. I'm on the same rule though and the two I have ain't going anywhere!
  23. No-one wants their rig to look like a guitar amp!
  24. Ah, I understand you now - going for something a little different but with similar configuration. Shame that no-one downsizes the jazz body much on copies, any custom maker would but that might break the bank. Go on, you know you want a nice basic Shuker jazz
  25. If i remember right it was the eden 410xlt - nearly three times the cost of the peavey. My own criticism of the peavey is that with some (traditionally warm) amps it can lack a little clarity, but if you pair it up right then you are laughing. An old friend of mine had an awesome budget rig with a 410tvx and 350w Trace Elliot head he bought nearly 10 years ago - sounds absolutely fantastic.
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