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Everything posted by zero9

  1. I'd be careful with the clip on condenser mics as these are more prone to feedback than an SM57 and you won't get a lot of volume if the amp is nearby. For a simple solution, I've wrapped an SM57 in a small towel / cloth and pushed it behind the tailpiece, which has worked very well.
  2. Why not get a replacement body, which your friend could paint. You can then just swap the bits over and reverse the process should you ever want to sell the bass (you can then also keep the 'artwork' body and hang it on the wall)
  3. Tuning in fifths is more common on the double bass, especially in the very early days when they only had 3 strings. I think it's a great idea for the bass guitar and often considered it. It would give the range of a 6 string using only 4 strings, although there will be a lot of stretching involved. Sounds fun and will no doubt get the creative juices flowing. Just do it!
  4. This may help: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Lszt2HPK8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Lszt2HPK8[/url]
  5. An interesting idea. Have you worked out how much this will cost and the return you expect from selling them? I would imagine you'd make very little and would be better hanging on to it.
  6. That's great thanks. I'll be giving them a try when I need to change strings. I like the D&G on the RS4000's which have a nice click, similar to what you describe. I'd like to get the same effect on the E&A (the Roto's are steel wrapped nylon E/A). Suppose I could get a set of Superiors and just change the E&A for now
  7. A good allrounder (IMO) low tension steel string is the Thomastik Spirocore Weich and highly rated for Jazz / Pizzicato playing. Bows well too.
  8. Those 'Superiors' look great. Will try those myself when the current Roto's need changing. I presume they're similar to the Roto RS4000 D & G?
  9. Next audition take a 'light sabre' (or something with LED's)
  10. I found Basschat or Talkbass the most useful for this. Just google the 'combo' you're looking for.
  11. Bad luck Rik. I'll try and get to another local gig if I can. I'm intrigued who the 'wiser one' is. Wil
  12. Check out some Eberhardt Weber stuff for solo bass.
  13. Headstock looks a bit 'cheesy' for my taste.
  14. The problem is the weedwackers, as you've described, as the previous steel strings were fine. I tried a HB EUB with weedwackers once and found the strings very sticky. The weedwackers are also quite thick compared to steels and may thus not seat properly, increasing the extraneous noise. I wouldn't advise changing to guts as that'll cost more than the EUB itself. There are plenty of other options for other strings that'll be suitable for slap. A lot of guys recommend Innovations (silver slaps and the like) which are low tension and more regular gauge, as well as reasonably priced. Someone may have some spare strings which you could 'borrow' ti try as an alternative.
  15. I have flats on mine, which makes it less loud compared to rounds I was using before. Acoustic output may vary between different makes, but small body equals small bass volume. If you're looking to use it unamplified in an acoustic setting it will struggle based on my experience.
  16. I think the 'resonator' cone isn't efficient at generating the low frequency bass sounds, as most resonator basses will use the guitar cone anyway. Hence a double bass is the size it is. Small body and small cone = low bass volume in my experience.
  17. Make sure it's got a pickup. Acoustically they sound fairly 'honky'. Not massively loud and may just about keep up with an acoustic guitar if you dig in.
  18. If your guitarist dj's on the side, then that's a seperate arrangement to the band. If he's already been booked as the dj FOC, then that's up to him. The band is a seperate entity and as such you can charge what you feel is fair. There's nothing to say that the lady doing the booking is trying to get you for 'free', otherwise she might have chosen a different route rather than book via the site. If you and the rest of the band are happy with £300 and so is the 'client' = result
  19. For that type of budget, I'd look at a reasonable pre-amp, simple interface (M-Audio type) and a PC (not Mac). Any cash left over could go towards monitors. The front end is the most important, thus a decent mike / pre-amp is a good starting point. Software is easy to obtain and lots of it is 'free'. If you're going the Mac route, expect to spend more.
  20. One of the few 'watchable' acts at Reading this year.
  21. That's great. Hope you're gonna have a load of fun with the band. Good luck
  22. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1346326650' post='1787862'] I've been "Norris" since 1985 - and look at the success it's brought me! In a previous band we took the names of local villages. I can't remember what name I was given, but the guitarist was called [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Burton+Lazars&hl=en&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=9.602149,18.896484&oq=burton+la&t=h&hnear=Burton+Lazars,+Leicestershire,+United+Kingdom&z=15"]Burton Lazars[/url] [/quote] Burton Lazars, not far from me. Suppose I could go under the name Peter Borough. Not madly keen on 'Peter' though .
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1346229487' post='1786640'] No. There are [i]magazine[b]s[/b][/i] for bass players... And a couple of good intyweb forums, too. [/quote] Great thanks for that . At least being on here means I won't miss out too much. My interest in Bassist / Bass Player declined when I joined this forum. I guess it's tough making a magazine work (financially) in the digital age.
  24. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1346322655' post='1787803'] I just hope the other bassist isn't another basschatter [/quote] The previous one is . You'll be fine
  25. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1346253886' post='1787062'] I really like that dude, bit sad it ended so soon. ... more please! [/quote] +1 [quote name='charic' timestamp='1346253886' post='1787062'] Bass seems a bit (just a tad) too loud in the mix [/quote] Rubbish, need MORE bass
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