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Everything posted by zero9

  1. [url="http://www.bulldogproducts.co.uk/guitarstraps.htm"]http://www.bulldogproducts.co.uk/guitarstraps.htm[/url]
  2. Beats me. Looks friggin' [b]awesome[/b] though...
  3. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1342684940' post='1739093'] [/quote] What's that thing sticking out of his head?
  4. Stunning bass. What is the string spacing at the bridge please. Can't believe your selling this.
  5. Sold a pickguard to Kenny. Gent to deal with Wil
  6. I'm looking to get some Wiz'64's, as I believe they're better value than the Fenders (you're not paying a big company's overheads ), and they're British Made. Don't know what you use pre-amp / amp wise, but you could always use that for a bit of character. Also, I won't hear the difference (based on my ears, nobody else's), and the audience wouldn't care .
  7. Thanks for all the replies so far, much appreciated. drTStingray, you mention some "good deals" on one if I shopped around, do you have any suggestions? All this talk about 'classic' Stingrays is giving me severe GAS
  8. It's a law of dimishing returns. If a replacement pickup is 20x more expensive than the one on it, doesn't make it 20x better. Based on my own experience, the pickup would now be the last thing I'd change on a bass unless it was broken. Factors such as set-up, strings and technique have much more of an impact. If my passive bass sounded lacklustre I'd consider adding a pre-amp first. When I changed my pickups on a MIA p bass, I originally thought 'wow', until I became blasé about it, having recorded it in a studio in both guises and not noticing any difference. Please note that this was based on replacing a stock MIA p humbucker with an expensive p humbucker and keeping the circuit 'passive'.
  9. Quite fancy a 'classic' Stingray, however, does anyone have comparable experience between the 'classic' model and the standard Stingray? Are they worth the extra? Apologies in advance if this query has been posted before (I did manage to find something on talkbass). Cheers, Wil
  10. You may want to check out Jonas Hellborg's Thumb Basics and 'Slap it' by Tony Oppenheim (you might find some 'free' downloads), which focus on getting a good clean technique (starting slow) including playing triplet slap using your thumb.
  11. Maybe not the view your after, but, I'm using a couple of PJB 4b cabs (with Acoustic Image Clarus head) for double bass and IMO sounds great. I presume you'll be using the DB with a pre-amp before going to the PJB amp, as the impedance for the PJB amp will be more suited to magnetic pick-ups (don't know how your Zeller's set up).
  12. Personal contact, meeting the landlord / manager is best. Drop off a 'promo pack' if you can (containing CD). Try and get some kind of commitment from the landlord / manager. Try and follow up with phonecalls / Emails once you've made contact. There are no short-cuts. As some say, it can take years to break through in some venues. Perserverance and hard work (and sometimes under-cutting ) is the key. Good luck
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1341259932' post='1716084'] This whole modern requirement of a flat EQ to sound great is crazy. You might well be missing out on a fantastic amp which needs a small tweak. Also, not all amps at their 'flat' setting are actually flat. Don't get me wrong, it's easy when it's good at 12 o'clock, but the EQ is there for a reason. [/quote] Fair point. What I was getting at that if the 'basic' sound isn't right (to muddy, middy, bright, boomy or whatever), then there is something fundamentally wrong (or not right to the listener's ear either due to amp characteristics / speaker response / room ambience or a combination of the three). The EQ shouldn't be there for problem solving (unless perhaps your 'cutting' to stop boominess), but rather to enhance / emphasise the sound. If you're having to 'EQ the crap out of it' then this is something outside 'normal' operating parameters or you're trying to play 'Moondance'
  14. The group outs are normally used for a stage monitor mix, where you can use them to send only certain instruments to the stage monitors and control the levels independently (giving 4 different output mixes). I think that's how it works (you could always google a crash course)
  15. Some Fender basses haven't changed in 60 years...
  16. It's all about personal preference. My ears are different to someone else's. I tend to set everything 'flat' on the amp and then listen to what it sounds like. If (IMO) the resulting sound is crap, I won't bother with that particular set-up, as no amount of 'tweaking' will make it sound much better.
  17. Yamaha Stagepas, great bit of kit. You don't need loads of wattage.
  18. Hard to resist, given it's a beauty at a great price...
  19. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1340653407' post='1707694'] ... with ash either way [attachment=111456:emp 1.jpg][attachment=111457:emp 2.jpg] [attachment=111458:emp 3.jpg][attachment=111459:emp 4.jpg] [/quote] What sort of "ash" are you looking for Great looking 5 btw.
  20. Great st!ck playing. Enjoyed listening to this.
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1340627508' post='1707192'] I think you said that last time [/quote] I'm thinking of joining a ZZTop tribute next year
  22. Really enjoyed the 'bash'. Good meeting everyone. Had I known 'pikeman' was going to take photos I would've had a shave...
  23. Yep, I'll be there. The offer of a lift still stands if someone needs one from Peterborough'ish.
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