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Everything posted by zero9

  1. If your new DB already has a decent set of strings, I would start using those before changing, to assess your 'unamplified' volume needs. Low tension nylon type strings will generally be quieter than higher tension or steel type strings. Obviously, higher tension strings will require more effort. The volume will also vary significantly depending on technique and how much you 'dig in'. When I first started playing DB, the volume was generally poor, mainly due to lack of technique and stamina. Over the years that has improved and the volume improved as a result. Good luck.
  2. I'm not here to scupper your plans I've got a resonator bass (hollowbody) fitted with a mag pup, which feeds back like a m****rf*****r. I agree, that different strings / pups / DB's / playing styles / amps / speakers / rooms / etc and any combination thereof will give different results. That's why it's trial and error. Electric basses don't feed back because of the solid body, unless you get really close to the amp. Don't be fooled into thinking that a magnetic pup will cure the feedback without resorting to other measures as well.
  3. Depends whether you'll be playing only pizz or arco as well.
  4. It's not the type of pup which causes feedback, it's the resonance caused in the body from the speaker. Using a magnetic pup won't reduce feedback any more compared with a piezo. At the end of the day it's trial and error what works best. I'm using a K&K bassmax which is giving good results and little feedback at volume. If you want a fingerboard click, then this is what I'd recommend.
  5. Thanks for posting that, really enjoyed it. I also like the Avishai Cohen rendition played on double bass - check it out!
  6. Hi Charic, I'm up for this again (provided I don't get any booking for gigs that day - unlikely). Intend to bring an Acoustic Image Head + two PJB 4B Piranha cabs and a Double Bass. If someone wants a lift from near or around Peterborough, let me know. Cheers, Wil
  7. A guideline cost for a medium quality bridge fitting is around £100 to £120 including the bridge (in my experience, having had two DB's done). Labour only I would say around £50 to £70.
  8. I'm a lefty but play right handed. Just a thought, but why not play a right handed upright left handed, leaving the configuration unchanged? As already highlighted, the costs of conversion are considerable and selling on a lefty upright might be tricky (if you wanted to upgrade you'd have to convert another upright in all likelyhood). You could always borrow one and give it a go...
  9. I've some Innovation Psycho slaps lying around, which I'll let go cheaply (used for about 3 months). i've finally settled on Rotosounds RS4000 for one DB and Spiro weichs for the other
  10. You could try Turner Violins www.turnerviolins.co.uk
  11. PM sent...
  12. PM sent
  13. You could have a look at Bob Gollihur's site http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product_details.cfm?ProdID=2254 Always good for some background.
  14. I use both an AI Contra R and AI Clarus for both DB and electric. I found both to be great with electric basses. I mainly use Status Graphite basses and they sound great. I've also used a Fender P and got good results (although I would tend to concur that active basses work better in terms of EQ control). I tend to leave the EQ generally 'flat'. With the Clarus, it will depend what speaker cab you use as this can 'colour' the sound.
  15. I've played an EUB through allsorts in the past. Usually a combo suitable for bass or keyboards works well. The other thing to consider is a powered monitor or PA speaker. If portability is high on the list and money no object, Acoustic Image do some fantastic little units. Good luck with your search.
  16. Yep, know the feeling. I've ended up with two DB's after I put Innovation 'Psycho Slaps' on my carved to try and use it for some Rocakbilly. I got a ply / solid front DB with Rotosound RS4000 just to use for slap, so I can put steels back on the carved DB. The nylon 'Psychos' are boweable, but they're a real pain in that regard. I've since found out that people like Lee Rocker and Djordje Stijepovic use steels for slap. At the end of the day it's personal preference with strings and a good steel string or steel covered nylon hybrid string with your preferred tension can almost 'do it all'.
  17. I've used an NS CR4 succesfully for arco in the past. The important things are the curvature of the bridge and the strings (in addition to proper technique etc).
  18. It might be easier to get your band on 'come dine with me...' (other shows are also available). ;-) Wil
  19. Hi Kedo, The bass is a regular USA precision and was made at the Corona plant between 2004 and 2005. General condition is good, although there are a few dings around the top edge (I've been gigging this regularly). I've upgraded the stock Fender pup and S1 switch to the current Villex pups ('P' humbucker and 'J' humbucker) with Vol / Vol / tone control. The tone control is a Villex tone shaper, giving a bit more range than your usual tone control. Hope this helps. Wil
  20. A couple more pictures added...
  21. All PM's replied to. Thanks to those who've shown interest already. Will post some more pictures later tonight.
  22. Have traded my Fender USA Precision with a double bass... [attachment=89548:SAM_1526.JPG] [attachment=89546:SAM_1524.JPG] [attachment=89853:SAM_1527.JPG] [attachment=89854:SAM_1530.JPG] Thanks for looking. Wil
  23. "The original pressurewound bass guitar string". Rotosound Solo Bass Stainless Pressurewound 5 string set (long scale 32" - 34"), gauges 45 65 85 105 130. [attachment=85412:RS555LD.jpg] These never made it out of the packet. Final offer at £15 posted (in the UK). Wil
  24. Clearly all that money is making you think irrationally. Give it to me and I'll put it to good use.
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