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Everything posted by zero9

  1. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1043372' date='Dec 1 2010, 09:30 AM']Before you go down the whole route of do I need a new amp, bass, strings etc., there is something that you can do that will help determine which route to go to help you get the sound you require. I was always taught by my old teacher (Steve Berry of Loose Tubes) that the tone of any instrument should always be determined without an amplifier. Why? An amplifier will always do it's job, regardless of the instrument. Sure, some amps colour the sound, but understanding how your tone is before you get to the amp stage will help enormously. I NEVER try out a bass in a shop through an amp, because all you're doing is trying out the amp and not the bass! If I were you, I'd get myself in a nice quite room, get the bass out, and simply play the help out of it acoustically. See if you can get the tone your after this way. It's worth noting that the way you play will have a huge impact on your tone as well. So finger placement, attack etc, will all play a huge part, not just the bass. If you can get a reasonable tone acoustically, then it should be a simple case of getting an good amp to deliver that tone, but at volume. It's possible that the amp you're using is making the tone worse. If in doubt, level off all the EQ settings to flat and start with fresh ears. If you're getting a sound you like through your bass, but not your amp, you know where the problem lies.[/quote] +1 Unless the pickups are knackered, however, everything being well I couldn't agree more.
  2. Welkom
  3. It's not for me. I prefer my MIA 'p'.
  4. "We supply" by Stanley Clarke
  5. That's a big effect dude! Might be better off in the Amps for Sale section.
  6. As a faithful customer of them since the early 80's, their online stuff is pants. Whatever you do, don't order it if it's not in stock (and check it is on stock if it says 'in-stock' on their website). Took me ages to get a re-fund last time. Go somewhere else.
  7. It can be difficult to define 'profit' when it involves inflation, travelling / shipping costs and time etc. If I bought a P-bass in the 80's for £200 and sold it today at £1200, would I be making a profit? And if so, would I be ripping off the seller in the process? It's hard to regulate a marketplace and if someone is taking the p*ss on here, they usually get caught with their pants down...
  8. Before deciding on what pre-amp to use, I did exactly that. Looked at various reviews on the web and advice on Basschat. By chance I heard a guy play his bass through a Sadowsky outboard pre-amp (luckily he used my rig at the time). I was blown away. I was lucky to find a SH Sadowsky DI on Basschat and love it. Didn't have to carve the old P up to fit it either!
  9. It really depends what tone you're looking to get out of your bass. If you're looking for simplicity and just want to boost the natural character of your bass, then a Sadowsky might be your bag. It might be worth trying different basses (in shops or by going along to a bass bash or something) with particular pre-amp / pup combinations to find out what sound you like, before forking out.
  10. [quote name='BobTheBassist' post='1034545' date='Nov 23 2010, 10:40 PM']Happy to pay in advance if i can wangle a lift (I live in st neots and don't drive). This looks awesome, just what I'll need after Christmas in retail![/quote] Happy to give you a lift (I'll be heading over from P'boro'), unless you get an offer from someone a bit closer. Let me know (after the Christmas rush!). Wil
  11. You could try 'outboard' pre-amps. They're easier to change...
  12. The double bass. Can be used anywhere (doesn't need an amp). Burns longer than an electric bass guitar.
  13. The double bass. It's too bulky, doesn't stay in tune and needs to be amplified.
  14. It may be 'mostly Mexican', but certainly not 'mostly Fender'... The neck's completely wrong, definitely non-Fender (seems too wide near the head to be a Jazz). I do like the elastic band / bit of string around the nut (presumably to stop the strings from popping out).
  15. I'm happy to pay in advance. Please let me have details. Also, if anyone wants a lift from Peterborough (or surrounding villages) let me know. Cheers, Wil
  16. I suppose it's original...
  17. I'll be there on the 9th.
  18. 9th, 16th or 23rd are good for me.
  19. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' post='1023609' date='Nov 14 2010, 05:13 PM']What would be good for deep, rich warm tone?[/quote] Use a Sadowsky outboard preamp/DI with a power amp. The Sadowsky can be had for around £100 SH.
  20. 16th Jan is cool with me.
  21. Start off with all four fingers on the board and lift them off one at a time, starting with the pinky. This guy kinda demonstrates it: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zOIDkgmdCU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zOIDkgmdCU[/url] Also Jaco Pastorius' Electric Bass lesson 1 (or example 1) covers this quite well. Good luck.
  22. They're probably expensive stickers...
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='1005480' date='Oct 29 2010, 05:13 PM']The price hasn't increased. He's offered it to you at his price. What he paid for it is irrelevant to you. People buy and sell all the time. They add their margin and if the price is right they sell. That's the basis of commerce so what's the problem? I don't understand all this anguish over the price of this bass. So the price has gone up. Buy it or move on.[/quote] +1
  24. If you're looking to put different instruments through it, how about an active monitor / small PA speaker? This should handle anything, especially if you're using pre-amps / line 6's etc for the front end.
  25. Sound a bit 'muddy' does it?
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