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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. @Deedee, I think you’re fairly local to me (I’m in Sheffield.) I have two bass boxes for shipping if you want one. One of them was actually for a Stingray case I bought.
  2. What FI firmware? What Editor version? What MIDI channel is your FI set to receive on? Have you downloaded the latest UM-One Mk2 driver from the Roland website? Have you got the in and out cables plugged into the correct ports? Are you putting the FI into update mode when attempting the update?
  3. Aha, now you mention it, I believe SA reference his work.
  4. If you have a MIDI controller you can do this via CC messages as the entire MIDI implementation is publicly available.
  5. Multiband distortion was a new thing when Source Audio introduced it with their Soundblox 2 Multiwave Distortion pedals. Pretty sure that was after bit crushers.
  6. I was toying with getting the Funk Lite and Barnabera. You’ve saved me from myself.
  7. He may have meant my video-chat lesson; the link to the text for the tutorial patch I shared is in the description box of the patch itself.
  8. That’s very kind of you, thanks. I’m in Sheffield. I’d be happy to give you a lesson or two on the C4 to return the favour. (I did this for @dodge_bass via video chat and it worked reasonably well.) Here’s my tutorial patch: https://neuro.sourceaudio.net/preset/DyV1RQhBhF
  9. If you want to do it without extra gear then Source Audio’s Dual Expression plugs straight into the control port. Do you already own a MIDI switcher and have something that can act as USB MIDI host? If not, you’ll need to get one in order to access presets 7-128. I’d recommend getting the SA Hub and a Morningstar controller. There are other options from Disaster Area which do simple preset switching, a few programmable MIDI commands and act as a host. Both the above allow you to plug any expression pedal into the controller and send signals to the C4.
  10. Check out Zach Rizers walk-through of the editor (video on YouTube). I’ve made an instruction template tutorial. There’s a patch with a link in the description to a text-based tutorial which explains a reasonable amount of the essential controls to get you started. When downloading others’ sounds, remember that you’ll need to adjust the input and output levels to your instrument and resave it, otherwise it may be overly loud or quiet. Octavius Squeezer is a pedal I’ve always wanted to try (though it looks like a pain to program).
  11. http://www.aitkenaudio.co.uk/pedals.html
  12. The balance parameter is a dry/wet mix control but it is relative to the level set in the patch and only has coarse adjustment of four notches either side of that value. If you have EQ enabled in a patch and it is the last effect in the chain (i.e. chorus/delay cannot be active) then the “effect” parameter is a tilt EQ control.
  13. Another vote for the Source Audio Ultrawave. Unlike @GMC, I haven’t yet had the courage to let go of my Mastotron just yet but it might just be a matter of time of nailing the particular settings I use.
  14. Not sure of the value I’m afraid. I got a replacement from MXR via the shop I bought mine from. Even if you bought used, you’ll be able to get MXR to fix it for free as it was an acknowledged manufacturing fault. The fix is worth it too as it makes a big difference.
  15. I’ve personally never played a GR2 but I’ve read accounts of players who loved theirs (also over the Wonderlove) but who said the Chromatron was even better.
  16. @carlitos71 is also looking for one.
  17. Still waiting for mine from BD... It seems Spencer is quite behind with fulfilling dealer orders.
  18. I had one of these for years. It was great for synth sounds but I felt it lacked when using it on its own. The envelope detector response is a bit warbly too. His Chromatron is a definite improvement all round but they are hard to get right now as production is in limbo while he finds a new supplier for the housings.
  19. Sunday, Bloody Sunday (U2)
  20. The Man in the Iron Mask (Paul Young)
  21. Serenade to a Cuckoo (Roland Kirk)
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