Not really a close competitor at all. Midium won’t be competition with Morningstar. In James’ own words to me in an email this week:
“when I saw this it definitely looks like an original idea with a lot of work put in (based on the features in the website)…Definitely a leap above our current range of controllers…”
No reason why Midium couldn’t be used in a similar way. Unlimited pages per scene means you could just use the bottom buttons without ever running out of functions.
Helix is a multi-Fx with some MIDI control. This is a fully-featured controller, plain and simple. Aimed at different use. It will however steer a helix incredibly well.
There’s a guy who’d expressed interest earlier in the week. I’ve said I’m willing to hold it until Monday for him. If he backs out then you’re next line and I’d be happy to arrange collection if that works for you. I’ll keep you up to date.