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Everything posted by Ricardo

  1. Ricardo


    Thanks for the warm welcome
  2. I'm a big fan of Mick Karn and like many have already mentioned he too was a major influence on me and the reason I picked up a bass in the first place. Tried to emulate but it just didn't sound the same, limited by skill and raw talent I supose so developed as you do a style of my own but still try to throw in a Karn-esque phrase now and again. I too am currently reading his Biog, it's a bit of an eye opener and a good read. I've also purchased his last two albums. Mick's first album "Titles" is now selling around the £50 mark, I can't believe how quick people are at making a fast buck from other peoples misfortune, this I had on vinyl and so thought I'd download it from iTunes. I checked out that it was avaialble and it was for £7.90, I needed an iTunes card and when I went back on they'd removed it so no doubt Apple will be cashing in on this too, needless to say I 've sent them a snotty email. Here's hoping Mick's treatment is successful and he gets to live a long and happy life.
  3. Ricardo


    Just wanted to say Hi to all on BASSCHAT. After a good few years away from the scene I've decided to get back into the world of music. Have been knocking around with an Encore bass borrowed from a mate but arrived yesterday was my [b]Traben Chaos Attack [/b]bass, MMMMmmm NICE. Such variation in tone and a dream to play. I used to own a Kubicki FACTOR bass and Ampeg setup but threw the towel when things weren't so good. But I'm back and am enjoying writing and recording again and can't wait to hear the [b]Traben[/b] recorded. Happy Days!
  4. Hello mate, is your amp still up for sale ?
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