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Grandad Paul

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About Grandad Paul

  • Birthday 08/02/1947

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  1. Its his Uncles. He found it in his loft, but knows nothing about them.
  2. Went from, "Once owned by the Rolling Stones", to "Believed to once be owned by the Rolling Stones". Well have they or not?
  3. Brilliant. At least he hasn't taken a chain saw and sander to it.
  4. He is obviously a "proffesional" "gutiarist" as well. Not much of a speller though obviously.
  5. Mmmmm. Well it would'nt do for us all to be the same would it. Personally I think it's awful. Only my opinion of course.
  6. So thats how you get your "Mucho Mojo" back. Sell a beat up fake on e bay. Must make a mental note of that. My wife will be delighted if I get my "Mucho Mojo" back.
  7. Kin ell. Awful.
  8. "Brazilian" hey. Surely there should'nt be that much "fur" on it if its a "Brazilian".
  9. Now that really is the way to present a guitar and amp for sale. What a fabulous piece of kit.
  10. I will never begin to understand why anyone would want to do that to a guitar, or anything else for that matter. What is even worse to me is that someone would want to own it. As for the Land Rover. Well words escape me.
  11. Does he mean the Bass is not quite right, or would the person who bought it be not quite right. It reminda me of a toilet seat lid we had a few years ago.
  12. I suppose it was once a nice instrument until some idiot did the relic damage to it. Totally spoilt it for me.
  13. Is he telling the truth? Is it just a black box on wheels with handles on. Or is it really full of electronic bits and bobs and speakers. If its the former its probably reached its price already. lol.
  14. "May still have traces of bodily fluids", Mmmm nice! Thats another one I dont understand. I mean, is it just me or would anyone be proud they had done that to a guitar? I dont get it.
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