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Everything posted by AndyBob09

  1. Thanks man. I was in love with it for years but have just fallen in love with Cloudburst's Precision, so one's in, the other's out unfortunately
  2. How do you get over the moments where you're sitting in your practice room and you've been trying something for about an hour and you just think, "I can't do it"? Keep trying? Slow it down? Move on to something else and come back to it tomorrow?
  3. When you're out gigging, who sound checks you? Do you ever dispute this or their opinion? Once you have the house sounding nice, how is your on stage levels? This is all a recurring problem for my function band. Our vocalist usually wants the stage levels to be as quiet as humanly possible, but this often means that I cannot hear guitar and vice versa and with the guitar amp mic'ed in to the PA, the mic can sometimes feedback because the gain needs to be so high due to the actual amp on stage being so quiet - But hey, all to please our vocalist! Does anybody else have similar problems?
  4. Hey all, I'm looking to start to learn piano and am looking for a few good books to get me started. Does anyone know of any good piano books for beginners? Thanks in advance. AB
  5. I'm based near Glasgow but I'm all good for posting it.
  6. Hey man, Welcome! I'll +1 heading to the Jazz Bar and I'll also +1 checking out anything with Aki Remally. He's a funky funk indeed. A friend of mine holds residence with his funk band in Jazz Bar on a Monday late night 12-3am if you're ever around that late. I dare say though, the last time I was at Jazz Bar, it was a Friday night and there was nothing better than an average function band playing the late night slot. It was a bitter, bitter disappointment. The bass player was great though and he had a beautiful Fender Precision with flats. It was very Motown. Very Motown indeed. Pity his band let him down though!
  7. I've been listening to a bit of Donna Summer recently. Does anyone know who played bass for her? Ta in advance!
  8. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1342527405' post='1736552'] Thats ridiculous! Im paying almost £600 for a 1lt micra at the moment. Direct line wouldn't give me a quote. And this is with my Dr. girlfriend who works as a Uni lecturer on the policy to. I don't understand ho I'm getting such insane quotes, it's getting to the point where I'm tempted to give up music as a job as it's costing me a fortune. I'm not earning enough to make a full living yet. Im 29, no claims, no points, no convictions, will have 7 years NCB next month. [/quote] Direct Line wouldn't give you a quote? They wouldn't give me a quote online. I had to do it over the phone and that was the best price I'd had so far so took it. That was with a windscreen repair but also having added my Dad as a named driver. It's also kept in a driveway overnight. Like a few people have said, I think geographical location has a lot to do with it.
  9. Sounds pretty much like it's just the machine head needing tightened. Go at it with a screwdriver. If buzzing continues, keep scratching the noggin!
  10. I'm with Direct Line. 22 years old, first policy that I'm principal holder - £700 for a 2.0 Volvo V50 and that's with business added on to SDPC which adds price to it. Have you given them a call? Sometimes it helps to add someone else to the policy?
  11. SOLD, SOLD AAAAAND SOLD! 2008 American Fender Highway One Jazz Bass It's got all original parts. The Highway One series features a Badass II bridge which is worth a wee buck on it's own. There's a nitro paintjob which is easy to chip and because of this, there's a few dings in the body but could maybe make a good relic project for someone? This bass is extremely light and a pleasure to play. I'll be sorry to see it go but I have my eyes set on a P bass for a bit of contrast. I'm looking for [s]£450[/s] £400 for this beaut with gig bag included. I'd be willing to post if needed. I'd be interested in a trade for a Bacchus if anyone would be interested in that if they have one? Cash your way obviously. And for the pics: And the dings:
  12. Elixir Nanowebs - Sounds like new strings day every day! Yes, they're more expensive but when they last up to around 3x as long, they do work out cheaper, as you have much less frequent changes - AND because you do it less, new strings day feel EVEN more special
  13. Good luck! I still get first gig feelings when playing first gigs with new outfits. I think it's because you never know how you're going to go down! But your first first gig is a great experience - Just don't get drunk beforehand! Ha! AB
  14. Massive pricedrop indeed! I was looking for an Overwater about around 8 months ago. If only it were now ...
  15. Dammit! 'year of birth' bass for me. Too much GAS, so little money!
  16. Welcome aboard, Joel. It really is nice to see you here. I guess my tuppence-worth is the reviews, as with most people. However, my beef with the reviews is that of course a Fodera is going to get 5* - Or is it? I don't know - BUT when you give a sub £200 bass 4* or 5*, it totally loses validity of review because how on earth can the two be compared? I understand that a sub £200 may get 4* or 5* because it may play more like a £500 bass and that is great for THAT bass but it doesn't play like the multi thousand pound Fodera which, on star basis, would have got a similar rating. Maybe have a theme of reviews per issue? I don't know. I can +1 the full transcriptions (no tab please! If you don't even give tab as an option, it may encourage people to read actual music. People who play woodwind or brass instrument don't get a handicap) but I do understand the issue of paying publishers. IF the transcription wasn't accurate - out by a quaver or something - where does that have you stand? I like the bassically speaking section and when I was a student, studying music, I liked the Bass Scholarship section. It was interesting to see what people elsewhere studying bass were up to. Even for those not studying music, it may show things they could work on. Oh, and also, free gifts for renewing subscriptions? I didn't continue my subscription after a couple of years for a number of reasons. One being that I felt that some of featured bassists in the issues weren't people that I related to - But you OBVIOUSLY can't please everyone all the time. I just felt it was happening more and more. Some more session players as featured bassists? I particularly liked the one with Take That's bassist. Please use the forum to your massive advantage. As the UK's largest bass guitar forum, this form of communication may be the best way of communicating with your readers and putting in what we REALLY want - But based on all of the suggestions so far, I feel your issues may DOUBLE in size! Ha!
  17. That's sounding great man. I think the cake may be iced with the addition of a sax? It could be totally not your thing though but I'm hearing some great groove and rhythm section playing but some sax on top of that with a melody line might just hit the sweet spot.
  18. Cheers guys, Lots of niceties here. I left the band, not because we weren't making any money - That would be the worst reason ever to leave an originals band - but because I just didn't feel part of the band I guess. A lot of music is about socialising. The 8-piece band socialised a lot and are a very close-knit group - with the exception of myself really so that's one reason I left. Another reason is that I'm involved in other projects that I do enjoy more so that's a big factor. When you're not making money from bands, the enjoyment factor has to be well up there and it just wasn't unfortunately. Now that I've mulled it over, them playing T In The Park was just another gig really. If they're off for better things, all the best to them - Despite being a founding member, it really wasn't me though. Oh, and the depping thing came after a gig was depped off by two members and the keyboard player took a hissy fit. We all play in function bands and what not but I think his point was that not just anybody could come in (no offence to function players - we all do sterling jobs!) and play parts that we've all written by ourselves and play and I think he just felt a good bit of pride in his doings when it came to the parts that he'd written. After that hissy fit, we agreed not to dep off in the future.
  19. So, I feel the need to vent this in a place where I may be sympathised with, and maybe even empathised with... A few months ago, I felt a little disconnected from a band I was in and couldn't make a gig date that they had booked due to other work. At that point, I left the band on the understanding that we had all agreed not to dep off some time before as we "weren't a function band" as our keys player pointed out. I sorted out a permanent replacement etc and all was hunky dory. The DAY AFTER I sent my resignation email to the guys, I met them on a night out and we had a good time and what not, and the fella I'd said should replace me was out too and he said, "you know, it's a shame you left the band what with them just announcing today they're playing T In The Park." Not knowing that we were on the T bill, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me at that moment. If I'd known the T plans, I may have stayed with the guys and put a little more in to the band if I knew I was getting a bit more out. Does that sound awfully selfish? Has anyone else been in a similar position? Having just left a band and THEN they go on to bigger things without them knowing these at the time of leaving? So, yeah, they played T In The Park yesterday (Sunday) and I guess I've been a bit of a mope about it all night - Was out gigging elsewhere but I did think that a wet, freezing, midge-ridden, muddy field in the middle of Scotland would have been better!
  20. I thought I'd post my function band's promo video here. This was done a while ago. Maybe we could do with another just to refresh the 'pop' stuff. What's your thoughts on the video? I think we get off very well without having a keyboard player. What's your thoughts? Oh! And sorry "that" fill isn't in Cee-Lo Green ... I got stage fright or something! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyxXJFAD-do"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyxXJFAD-do&feature=fvwrel[/url]
  21. Good job well done, sir. Well done!
  22. Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes that I performed a few months ago for uni. Ta. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFMtCZuSdw
  23. ... What were you posting to Glasgow then?
  24. ... Oh and no-one would happen to have any charts they could pass my way, do they? Cheers!
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