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Everything posted by vsmith1

  1. + 1 For Promenade in Morecambe: some very nice stuff and relaxed to letting you try stuff out.
  2. Sometimes I think we forget the historical context - i.e. they were first to do this or that - and now n-years on we have lost that initial impact. The same often goes for lyrics - I mean who knows who are the "Weatherman" as mentioned by Bob Dylan.
  3. Software: PolyTune, iStroboSoft - even using it with the iPhone mic work OK. Hardware: I have Peavey Ampkit Link but any of the other hardware interfaces seem OK.
  4. RSE = as stated above is the Realistic Sound Engine. In GP 6 you can turn on and off the RSE sound banks by using either F2 or menu Sound>RSE. You might want to check the Audio Devices in that menu just below as well. If it is choppy then are you sure that there's no other process chunking away - so see what the Activity Monitor shows up. Do other audio apps behave or could it be a Mac OS-level audio issue?
  5. What version? I use 6.1.5 on my Mac. You could also try turning off the RSE as it might be that the sound banks may be corrupted. Finally, get in touch with Arobas and log a support request with them.
  6. Reflections also off the ceiling can be problematic. If you can get a canopy above the band/stage area that would help.
  7. Just bought myself a Tenor - just to have a go and further develop my musical outlook. Also the ease of picking up and going somewhere - compared to rig - is a big plus. Some fun and the misses got a soprano - so we can learn together (hmmm).
  8. Actually I had already come across this "version" which inspired me more. The covers band I'm in want to do this, and I'm struggling to find any bass in it, so I think that I'll take a rest on it. I thought that there was a bit in the chorus but it's seems hardly worth the effort . BTW the same SamRick has done the same to another song featuring One Direction.
  9. I have been in a couple of times and found Mark to be helpful - yes he has strong opinions and shares them. I am not a pro player and so was not spending a lot of money (other than in my dreams) but still Mark had time to spend with me. Yes, the fewer people in the shop the better in that respect. Had great email support from him. He swapped out a Source Audio pedal as he's the main UK seller. Someone wanted an example of opinions - I was looking at hard cases/gig bags and he strongly thought that bags were better than cases. I agreed with him on that point and I bought a gig bag (a Mono).
  10. PocketGK - if you want a GK amp model; but also JamUp XT Pro - for lots of stuff; PolyTune; OnSong; Guitar Pro +1 iReal Pro; +1 GarageBand; +1 AmpKit And a reasonable interface - I have a Peavey AmpKit. But a better quality one will be even better.
  11. +1 Set List is essential - but you might sweeten the bitter pill by suggesting that you don't have to use the same sequence every gig, also make it that you segue between songs for a few. We have 3 Beatles songs that we basically just go straight on between them.You might also suggest doing a medley - I have played in a band that had In The Midnight Hour 75% through switched into Knock on Wood and then back to In The Midnight Hour (all great Donald "Duck:" Dunn bass lines). Arrange songs in the set list to minimise guitar changes. There is an art to creating set lists - so don't be afraid to try variations from one gig to another.
  12. I play in a 5-piece covers band and we were back in the local pub for NYE - having done a sterling job last year we were asked back. As usual we're squeezed in the corner with the drummer in a bay window, and me, next to the front door. Set 1 went very well with our usual crowd and some guests up and dancing fairly early on. During set 2 ( that's the 2245-2345 slot) some "young" things (student types) came in and they were already well-lubricated. They proceeded to a) take over the rather limited dance area b ) effectively drive off the usual crowd c) dance whilst trying to hold a drink and ended up dribbling and sloshing wine and beer over the carpet and more worryingly - over my pedal board d) then started to intrude in my space - I got an elbow in the back as I had started to turn sideways on to protect my limited space e) some lass just came up and strummed my bass whilst I'm playing f) some oik decided to use my cab as a drinks table. The rest of the band played on and I was disrupted a few times by their antics and nudges. My misses came up and placed a spare shirt over my pedal board to soak up any more spills. Several people tried to speak to them but they were largely so far gone that it was not understood. I struggled to get my mind back in the right place. In the third set ( 0010 to 0050) I had a few friends come and stand between me and the "crowd". Fortunately, I had regained my composure and had a good third set. My pedals were OK - most of the volume of spillage was on the pub carpet. Thanks to the hardwearing Barefaced finish the drinks placed on the Midget made no lasting impact. I felt for the usual people who had come expecting a great night and got pushed out and somewhat intimidated by this new crowd. There isn't much room at the best of times. I guess that its a lesson to learn but I'm not sure what could be done to prevent it from recurring. We had some new songs which went well.
  13. Just glad he's not playing an Ampeg perspex bass!
  14. My suggestions: Pink Floyd's One of these Days, More Blues; The Shadows - Little B, Wonderful Land
  15. Are you looking for a Jack plug or socket? I assume mono and 1/4" Does it have to be Neutrik? Have you checked out the Neutrik website at [url="http://www.neutrik.co.uk/en-uk/audio/"]http://www.neutrik.co.uk/en-uk/audio/[/url]
  16. Slade - I like doing it but we only get about 1 gig when we use it per year.
  17. Multimeter - not only can it check for batteries but you can also use it to check leads, connections, bulbs, etc. Simple multimeter see: [url="http://cpc.farnell.com/_/in06139/digital-multimeter/dp/IN06139"]http://cpc.farnell.com/_/in06139/digital-multimeter/dp/IN06139[/url] Less than £6 delivered for free.
  18. I feel the same. We (The Hoots) are a covers band and we've added more and taken less out as we've gone on, and now we are up to Set 1 - 20 Songs, Set 2 - 21 + 3 encore songs. We do rattle through with little time between songs. We try to get people to dance and keep them dancing, especially in Set 2. This is in Set 1 about 60 mins and Set 2 about 80-90 mins. Pop & rock so all fairly short. I suppose we give good value - but, to me, it feels rushed at times.
  19. We had a Charity gig on Saturday night. Unusually for us, this village hall had a stage - so we were blessed with more space. After our last gig, another long story, I am (as seems to be usual for bassists) also the sound engineer and wanted to spend some time of getting our FOH sound really good as well as filling the hall. Thankfully the hall had also had some acoustic treatment which made things better. I used my wireless set up to go out front during the set up and tweak things. As it was a Charity gig they had us for free, and had a raffle, an auction. So the initial plan from the organisers was that we'd go on at 1930 for an hour then have the raffle, then auction a load of donated stuff off then we'd be back on at 2215 and we would play until midnight. However, like most events like this, our start time got pushed back to 2000 and halved. Well we started and got through the first half of set 1. We had it a bit quieter as requested. The usual thing of lots of people wanting to talk. We enjoyed our elevated position on stage and were brimming with confidence thanks to a good sound check. I was reckoning that the raffle (lots of prizes) and the auction (at least 20+ items) would go on for ages. Well they got a local pro auctioneer. He rattled through the raffle and the auction in double quick time. The speeches, flowers, thanks etc. were pretty short. So it looked like instead of going back on at 2215 we'd be back about 2130. Plans made and remade. We'd do the rest of set 1 then we'd take a short break and then crack on with set 2. BTW we do have longish sets with 43 songs in all. That worked well. The bizarre bit for me was the net of balloons coming down early then our drummer being put off by what sounded like gun fire as the balloons burst on the dance floor. I just thought I'd moved into a scene from the Blues Brothers. The floor for set 2 rapidly filled up and we had a great time. We also had some helpful "roadies" who made the pack up and load up much quicker. I got home by 00:35 after finishing at midnight.
  20. I'd suggest a Basschat Buff. Then we can say that we all play in the.......buff..... I'll get my coat.
  21. Thanks in advance to all who post here.
  22. Bought a Behringer Feedback destroyer - not a single issue and very easy transaction. A pleasure to do business with.
  23. Ha I always thought that's what Demo Roussos had under that huge man-dress he wore. On an related note, I came across a great April Fool that was purporting to be a trainer for a drummer using electric shock pads (like TENS pads) tied into a MIDI track so that they'd play in time!
  24. Focus II - That's the Moving Waves album. Though there is a Focus III album - which as I recall had a track that went over a LP side. I have a CD of it and whilst it's good not to have that break, my memory expects it. There's a great groove section on that track (called Anonymous Two). Did go and see Jan Akkerman a couple of years ago. Really great player.
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