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Everything posted by mr.noisy

  1. Bump, still happy to listen to some offers.
  2. Thanks guys! When I get back from my holiday I might record another quick demo with a B string if I will find a time to do it. Had some cool offers, but as I am outside of the UK anyway, I am happy to hear more!
  3. No worries, good luck with the trade/sale
  4. Interested in Lakland Skyline DJ5 Jazz?
  5. Good luck with the sale, GMR basses are amazing, hand built to perfection. My main bass is a custom made GMR and I had couple of them before too. This one looks like one of the older ones when they mostly used Warwick hardware and MEC electronics, but condition is amazing, looks brand new. If I had money and space for another one I'd snap this without any hesitation.
  6. Hi there, I am thinking about trading my Lakland for another Jazz style bass. I got it only few months ago for just over a grand as a display model and it is in perfect condition apart from tiny mark on the bottom of the bass (it was there as a result of being a display model). It is really small and I will soon provide a high quality pics of the whole bass. The only reason for trade is that I just can't get on with the 35" scale and a string spacing which is much wider than a 16.5mm on my main instrument. It is a shame because this bass sounds amazing and looks amazing too with clear scratch plate (standard on this colour scheme) and block inlays. Bass is all standard, apart from aftermarket shaller style strap locks. Here is a little video of the actual bass that I have recently recorded, bass is plugged straight to the audio interface, and I am playing over a funk style backing track, the bass is as it was, absolutely no fx on it and no eq. As far as I remember I had the tone pot rolled off and you can still hear how nice and clear it sounds even when the tone is rolled down. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RB66O90Zpc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=8RB66O90Zpc[/url] [attachment=180800:lakland.jpg] I am looking only for trade, not interested in selling it, and would like another Jazz style bass, Fender USA, maybe some Sandbergs or something in that type, maybe a MiJ 70s style Fender, or old Squier MiJ? Please, do not offer me a P bass (unless it has additional Jazz pickup), already got one that I love, and I got other custom made modern 'boutique' style instrument, so not interested in that kind of things too. Just want to clearly say that at the moment I am only able to do a straight trade, or cash my way, as being a full time student at the moment is a bit hard. This is going to be a collection, or meet up only I'm afraid as the bass does not come with any gig bag or case, it did not come with one and as I have only one gig bag that I use with whichever bass I am taking for rehearsals or gigs. I am based in Borehamwood, just outside of north-west London. I know that there were few Laklands going a bit cheaper than this, but mind that this is a trade only value. As far as I know, I should have some feedback here on bass chat if you search my nickname, not a first timer here And just want to mention that from 15th to 25th of January I will be outside of UK
  7. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1417885595' post='2624887'] i had the exact same problem as you, I also use markbass, i did ask the good chaps on here about it and the advice i got was turn the VL filters right off (fully anti clockwise) and up the lower mids, i ca now hear every note/string that i play.. Thank you basschat. [/quote] That is one thing that I will look at but as far as I know we have all these settings like VL etc turned down anyway and for me it was happening on the other amps too, but thanks for this suggestion, I will make sure to check it every time now before playing on this amp.
  8. I had rehearsal today and it looks like the gauge experiment and lowering the p-ups on one side did the trick and I heard myself much clearer (played through some Peavey stack). Will give you update on monday after the Live Performance Workshop when I'll be playing with a bunch of different guitarists, singers and drummers, and probably through Markbass stack.
  9. Basically at the moment on my other fiver, Lakland DJ5 I got exactly the same set of strings with the same gauge, Dunlop Super Bright Steels (got them on buy one get one free deal ) and I must say that when I play on Lakland you can't really notice it as much and I can still hear what I play. I am using whatever is in the Live room at the given time, mostly Markbass head with 4x10 Markbass cab, but in the other room I played on some Ashdown stack where I couldn't hear anything at all!
  10. My tutor pointed out that during one of our performances when I hit those upper strings it was quite hard to hear me, but the only suggestion he had was 'maybe it is a strings gauge?'. Since that time I don't play this bass on my Live Workshops and use the other one instead. I have ordered new strings, D'addarios in singles, this time I will try a little experiment with gauge, 90,70,65,45,35.
  11. Frequencies is a good point too, will speak with my guitarist about it on next rehearsal. But it is not only about soloing in the 'dusty end' of the neck, the problem occurs when I play in the more usual region of the neck too. For example, let's just say I am playing a line with simple octave pattern C to Co octave up, playing lower note on 3rd fret of the A string and then higher one on 5th fret on the G string, or another octave G to G, playing lower note on 3rd fret on E string and higher on 5th of the D string, the higher notes in both situations are super hard to hear. I am sure that tweaking the settings on the amps to avoid frequency clash will help a little bit, but I think there is something else to it too. And unfortunately in some situations I don't have the possibility to speak with other band members on stage to adjust everything, I am currently doing music degree in one of the schools and we have weekly Live Performance Workshop, and because of lack of time we just have to get on stage, plug in and play.
  12. Hi guys, sorry if this topic was already discussed here, tried search option but couldn't find anything, maybe I was trying wrong words, if there is anything on this already, please point me there. So, I got a problem with my custom bass. It is a 5 string 33" bass currently set up B to G, but I had it strung E to C too with same problem on the G and C strings while it was set up that way. Basically when I play in a live situation with a band and I am playing on the higher strings sometimes I can't even hear myself. When I practice at home it is all good, but on rehearsals with other musicians the sound just disappear in the air. when I play on the lower strings (B, E, A in current set up) it sounds fine. First, I thought it might be just that E to C set up that is very weak and decided to change it to B-G with same results. I did a bit of research on it and I know that the gauge does matter. Today I have lowered the pickups on the 'low' side and will see on next rehearsal if that makes any difference. Do you have any other suggestions what could I do to fix this problem? I would really like to set up this bass back to E-C tuning, because I got another 5 string bass with low B, and I wanted to have this one for more soloing situations (fusion/jazz style), but what's the point if you can't hear anything when I play the solo? Just want to add that the bass has Bartolini soapbar pickups and Noll 3 band eq preamp, currently set up with Dunlop Super Bright Stainless Steel strings (previously D'addario Pro Steels)
  13. I have sold my Modern Player Short Scale Jazz to Mike, we had excellent communication through the whole process, he paid me directly to my bank account very shortly after we exchanged all details. Another great member of the bass chat community that makes me feel confident coming here to exchange the gear. Thanks again Mike, hope you will enjoy the bass
  14. this bass is now sold, thank you
  15. Bump Some interests on this one, but it is still around. Been performing on it for 2hrs today and really thinking about keeping it, so easy to play and sounds great.
  16. Hey guys, Here I have almost brand new and released not long time ago Modern Player Jazz short scale. Made in China, but quite decent bass. Didn't really GAS for it but went to a store and they had one in stock, tried it and walked out with it. It would be in a perfect condition but sadly I made a little crack in the lacquer, that you can se on one of the pictures. Other than that it is absolutely mint, sounds decent and is a really amazing bass for the price. I paid £300 for it about a month ago. It comes with a matching Fender gig bag. I am after some classic 5 string bass, I have one fiver but it is a modern bass with high C string and I want to keep it that way for my own stuff and have another fiver with low B for other situations. Don't really have anything on my mind at the moment but hit me with some Fenders, Musicmans, Warwicks and anything else, I will of course add some money your way. Straight sale is not a problem too. I am based in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, just outside of north London. As I don't have a case and any box it is a pick up only, or I can deliver personally within 50-60 miles distance for £15 quid, or I can meet halfway too. Feel free to ask any questions and you are more than welcome to pop in and try it if you are REALLY interested (I mean, REALLY, I am quite busy these times with uni, work and porn). [attachment=173072:IMG_0112.jpg][attachment=173073:IMG_0113.jpg][attachment=173074:IMG_0114.jpg][attachment=173075:IMG_0116.jpg][attachment=173077:IMG_0117.jpg][attachment=173078:IMG_0118.jpg][attachment=173080:IMG_0119.jpg][attachment=173081:IMG_0120.jpg][attachment=173084:photo-2.JPG]
  17. Can you actually use the handle when it is in the cover? Just wondering because I would love to get it as I don't drive and handle + wheels make it perfect for me. If you could give me approx dimensions and weight I could organise my own courier.
  18. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1407953348' post='2525739'] H-G tuning ?! [/quote] In some countries H = B and B = Bb. A bit confusing, I know.
  19. Now if anyone will buy it off me then I'll throw for free TC Electronic Nova Repeater, TC Electronic Flashback and Boss OC-3 in as new condition and in original packaging. Thats over 300 worth of FX pedals. This is only for a short time because if there will be still no interest I'll sell pedals separately. I am surprised by almost no interest in this instrument, do yourself a favor and pop in to try it. I had a few persons who told me that this is the best bass they ever had in their hands but no money to get it from me. You may think I am trying to get rid of it because it is not as good but I am just giving up with playing. I already sold my old GMR Pi and TC BG250 combo and this bass and pedals are the last things to go. I am not desperate and dropped the price over few months to quite stupid and now I'm throwing these pedals. If it wont help then I'll just hang this bass on my wall.
  20. Last price drop £900 collected or trade with at least £500 my way.
  21. [quote name='dnarocks' timestamp='1365414110' post='2039081'] Are considering trades and cash your way? [/quote] Hey, sorry for a bit late reply but I'm not too often here these days. Too busy. I might consider trade + cash but it depends on what you have to offer. Please contact me by pm, I'll receive notification on my e-mail if you do so. Cheers
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