Hohner B2A
For parts or repair.
Bad stuff:
- The trussrod is not usable. It turns about a quarter turn, very jerkily. Someone with skills and equipment may be able to fix it. If you are happy with a fairly high action (4mm at 12th fret), it might be usable as is, but in the longer term it will need fixing.
- The usual dents and scratches, one of which goes through to the wood. The plastic thumbrest has been removed but does come with it.
- The electrics have been completely revised and are now passive-only.
The preamp is not installed; a blank module is in place. I will enclose a replacement which should work (though I've never tried it).
The battery/electrics compartment door is missing, but at present this is not an issue. The electrics can be crackly but some switch cleaner should sort this out.
I have no idea about the DI jack, I've never attempted it.
The 6mm jack was said to be loose when I got it, but I've never found any problem with it.
- One of the electrics cover screws ought to be replaced.
- The gig bag is a Rockbag and is actually too big for it. It's in decent nick.
Pics here:
The pickups work.
The tuners work, a bit stiffly.
The electrics can be a bit crackly when adjusted.
The switch in the front I think must have been passive/active, because it's now passive/silent (with occasional hums).
£75 shipped.