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Posts posted by alyctes

  1. I agree with BassTractor here - I've had an 18-month noobs' GAS spasm which mostly has been about understanding what's out there and the basic differences between different styles. So I have more basses than I know what to do with, none of them expensive. I really ought to sell some :)

  2. Just wondering (and based on guessing about the physics) - this might be to do with the way the frets are attached.  If they were glued in at each end of the fret but not in the middle, you might get a "ringing" of the fret itself - which the strings wouldn't affect, so you could change the strings without affecting the sound.  And since this might allow the manufacturer to halve their fret glue budget, it's the sort of thing they might try.

    As I say, that's a guess.

  3. Bass Guitar for Dummies is good, if rather American in style - not really to my taste.

    The Bass Handbook by Adrian Ashton is also good, [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Bass-Handbook-Complete-Mastering/dp/0879308729/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1339008473&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co...39008473&sr=1-1 [/url]
    It covers much the same stuff, but I prefer it.

  4. I can't get the link to work, either from home or from work. Anyone else having trouble?
    [quote name='captain black' timestamp='1338929640' post='1681376']

    This is a confirmed scam.
    Please take my word for it and stay well clear.
    More details to follow as I'm very busy tonight.
    Poster "Alexa Connell" is bogus and asks prospective buyers to send a photo of a ukash receipt. It's a well established con but this is the first time I've seen a bass being used for this purpose.

  5. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1338283248' post='1671965']
    Think alyctes was next, and me after him?

    I've had a PM from Witterth. I'm not sure what's happening with Mikegatward at the moment - I don't want to push him down the list if he's available.

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