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Posts posted by Highfox

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1355310237' post='1896630']
    My B rig is the same amp as my A rig with different speaker cabs.

    Of all the cabs you've mentioned so far I'd go for 2 Aguilar 112's.

    The Aggies are nice but way over my budget for this build.
    Gone left-field and just scored a used EBS 112 locally :) so sorted for the moment.
    Thanks everyone.

  2. For me at least I'm on a bit of a budget, this is for a B rig.
    I'd go the Aggies if I had the money love the look and the sound I've heard from them.

    I think I'll go the GK 112 neo route and maybe add another at some point. Or move it on if I'm not happy.

  3. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1355230297' post='1895598']
    im considering grabbing another be cool if they did a 212!

    Looks in your sig like you have one to trade!

    Thanks everyone so far.. Hard when I can't A-B them.

  4. Hi Guys.
    I'm after a bit of advice, I'm looking at upgrading/changing my B rig around a bit. I have been using the TC Electronic 2x10 BG500 combo for a good while now and even tho it's able to kick out the watts it's leaving me a little less than happy with it's overall tone.

    I now have an Ibanez Promethan 5110 combo that I was able to pick up sh locally for a good price. (I sent the 3110 version back as I now have the plan to use this combo for more than home pratice).

    So long winded question is I'm aiming to pair it with a 112, and as I have some credit at Thomann
    I think I'll be buying from there (postage is a killer to Finland for any used cabs from Basschat unfortunately) So within budget is The EBS classic 112 or the GK 112 neo II ? Weight is not a huge factor as the cab would be left at rehearsals and the combo dragged home.

    Or as I like the sound of 12's would I be better off getting something like the 8ohm GK 212 and just drag the head around?

    Any thoughts. Anyone tried these, or any other option's within budget?


  5. I have the older PX5D and still use it a fair bit, the features look pretty much the same as the mini.
    The only thing that mine can't do is get a very clean sound, it always seems to have a hint of colour or amp modelling in there. Not always a bad thing but a bit annoying if your just after the pure sound of your bass.
    Marlowe DK has been using the Korgs for ages on his recordings and he's what put me onto them in the first place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeWdQ1nj1b4 an old vid, my Pandora sounds pretty much the same, even if my bass playing is nothing like his :)

  6. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1354801700' post='1890548']
    This caused quite a stir. Roger Sadowsky on coated strings


    I had that problem with some DR Blackbeauties recently. I had the scrathplate and pots off my bass looking for any problems.. changed the srtings and away it went.. Put the same strings on another bass and the noise was back.. urm!
    It was more like a crackling than hum for me.

    Edit: in fact it's put me off trying anymore coated strings.

  7. Do you get on with the thinner jazz necks?
    I had an old 80's de-fretted MIM Jazz that was a dog, (I bought it unseen) spent a fair bit on upgrades and was never happy with it.
    Lots of good tips on here on what basses to look at. I'd actually recommend going for unlined, it's not that much harder to get about on imo, as with any fretless you have to use your ears a lot more when playing.
    Get a good one and enjoy it!

  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354710406' post='1889371']
    Nowhere does it say that an extension cab can be added so you must be putting the whole 300 watts into the 110.

    With no hope of adding a second cab, that's the problem. A 110 in a small cab is just not big enough to do the job you want it to do.

    A 112 in a large cab will sound great. In the duo I put 50 watts max (from my 600 watt amp) into my AE112 and it fills the room.

    Sorry this is getting confusing but the P3110 does have an extension out. The manual is fairly lacking but shows external speaker out minimum 8 ohm. It doesn't say if without the external it only runs at 150w, but I think that is so.

  9. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1354700814' post='1889203']
    Yes - I think it's plenty loud enough for home practice, maybe even for low-volume acoustic jamming. However, the 300W seemed to evaporate into thin air last night at band practice - and that was with no drummer, not even hand percussion. I dunno, maybe I was expecting too much.

    Sorry to hear your not getting on with it.
    It might well be under horse-powered for a 300w. Maybe with an external cab you'd have enough to play with the band, But then the portability bit is gone :(
    I myself would of gone for older version if I could of found one new.
    I have a feeling it will sound nice for recording and does the job for me.

  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1354624857' post='1888233']
    If you can bag one before they go back up you could do well there, I do quite like a bit of GB gear! the cabs live in the kitchen :D

    If the prices were like they are now I would not of bought the Blue Pearl 5 new, whats list price on that now £1900? If I tried to sell it £850?

    Just googled and GAK do a blue pearl posted for £1499!

    That sucks how prices have fluctuated.
    I'm skint atm after picking up a 4003. Still got the hots for a Ray in natural tho

  11. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1354544100' post='1887155']


    I have just put those suckers on there now this weekend off my jazz bass but they seem too floppy.
    I'm going to try it and them at rehearsal tomorrow and see how it goes.

  12. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1354384009' post='1885452']
    Is there any negatives to your Ric at all?

    Only that I'm not touching any of my other basses!
    tbh I'm still trying to get the right sound in the mix with it.... solo it sounds great. The right string combination and I think I'll be sorted.

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