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Posts posted by Highfox

  1. Interesting thread/question.
    I definately hear what I'd like to be able to play, but it takes a lot of time and work to get it out and sounding right and the Band normally want to move on a bit quicker. I'll do what I can to get close, but often have to compromise, due to my lack of skill or in thinking that simple is really best sometimes (did you see the excuses?)
    I'd love it if all my bass lines were 100% how I wanted them to be/sound.. but guess that's the Holy Grail of bass playing, at least it seems to be to me :)

  2. At the moment a lot,
    I'll at least pick one up everyday even if only for a few mins, feels like something is missing if I don't. Bass is the drug of choice again.
    We practice a couple of times a week with the Band, then I'll do my own tinkering/practice stuff at home.

    In the past when I took a break from playing with other people and bands and started a Family, I left the bass alone for a good few years and might only of picked it up when I felt guilty looking at it.

  3. [quote name='woodster' timestamp='1346872189' post='1794364']
    +1 for the EBS.... The last thing in my path before the amp and its always on.

    Thought I'd just report back and say that I have been trying the EBS as an (always on) in my loop and have found using moderate/subtle compression that I can still get a lot of dynamics but with none of the volume spikes/boosts/cuts I was suffering from before when switching pedals.
    All in all I'd say it seems to of given me a cleaner and more even tone, that still lets me have some bite when I dig in.
    Early days, but it seems to be doing exactly what I hoped it would. Subtle bit nice :)

  4. it's pretty good value for what it is.. very loud, lots of tone shaping, tuner and compressor on-board. Does lack a bit of punch and definition you'll get with more expensive combo's/heads-cabs!
    Had mine a couple of years now, it's performed well.. Mine gets carted along and does a decent job any time I don't need to go collect my main rig.
    I use it mainly as a practice amp at home (very nice sounding headphone and aux ) Would I buy one again, don't think so, but then I love to swap and change gear.
    I thought it was the best out there for the money at the time I bought it.
    I'd give it a 7-10 on my scale :)

  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1347262132' post='1798484']
    In any case £24 is a normal transfer fee for sending abroad.

    I think it's a case of the UK's arcahic Banking system!
    As I stated I can send from Finland to any EU countries bank by IBAN at a cost to myself of €1. The reciever should have nothing to pay and that would include conversion from Euros to Pounds. There maybe an upperlimit on the sending amount, but I have transfered upwards of €1500 and had no problems.

  6. Looks legit. If he's not Paypal confirmed he'll have to wait till the code shows on his Bank statement before he can enter it, might be a long wait.
    I use IBAN and BIC most of the time when paying overseas, Finland has a single cost of €1 for IBAN transfers if you do them yourself :)

  7. Unlucky, but all you can do is give it your best shot at the time.
    Funny I often have the opposite experiance nowadays when looking for a band, at the wrong end of 40 I'm normally thought of as too old! lol
    Onwards and upwards as has been suggested.

  8. Thanks Guys. It would seem from the amount of replies I got that not a lot of people are using them.
    Funny I have one backup amp with a built in compressor (spectracomp) and using that the other day seemed to give me more of an even sound.. I don't slap much but a bit for effect here and there and that's why I was thinking of looking at a stand alone compressor.

  9. Nice review and congrats on a fine looking bass. Hope you grow to like it even more.
    I'm a little the same as you having used Warwick entirely for some 20 years and felt nothing was missing. Decided on a change and got a Jazz which was/is nice, but seemed to lack somthing playing the type of music I do with the band.. Went for a P bass and love that suited the stuff I was doing a lot more... always gassed for a Ray and had a bit of money left over from some OT I'd done so picked up a nice 2 eq off Basschat.. It has fast become my no1 machine, Cuts through but still sits in so well live and sounds great recorded...as you say they a very tight bottom end and then you can get as aggresive as you like with the treble control and cut through anything.. I do chop and change with my Bass's nowadays .. but getting a lot of love for the Ray.. I'm a convert for sure :)

  10. Nice.
    Wow! Can you tell me more about that bass Walbassist? I guess it's pre-CBS, Don't think I have seen one with those type knobs, only the old stack knob Jazz's?
    I have a spare set of covers lying around, looking at yours make me want to put them on my CIJ P fretless.

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