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Everything posted by BTS_Spacebass

  1. Also my introduction to doom was: Big Black - Orange Goblin (okay a little more "stoner" that doom) Electric Wizard - Dopethrone Cathedral - Endtyme A friend of mine had a well deserved hard-on for Rise Above - Blew my tiny little mind
  2. hmmm I really rate Ian Astbury as a singer so that could be interesting. I've always been a little 50/50 with Boris, Seen em live twice, once out-standing and once not so much. There recorded output i could take or leave. As for Shrinebuilder I guess it could never live up to the billing of its members full time bands but still a stonking slice of stoner rock/metal. Lovely with a cup of tea and a bun.
  3. As my addiction to effects pedals grows my attention turns to a wah. I like the look of the Jim Dunlop Bass model (its white and shiny) but does the fact its made for bass make that much differnce or would a starndard old guitar one work just as well? Thanks
  4. Yeah with the 8-string and the second guitarist both being new additions (only 1 song written on the 8 and none with 2nd guitar) I think with the band as a whole tone sculpting is next on the agenda, although with both the seven and the eight we are making a concious effot to not sound "djent" especially as our label is very involved with that. To be honest it wasn't really a rant or anything coz i love the band and won't be leaving soon, but i guess there probably is an element of "the current pencil-dicked metal trend of trying to play a bassier sounding guitar than everybody else" i'll pass that to our guitarist lol. I may well have a look at a tube screamesque pedal after i relax my creditcard company after the last 4 pedals i bought, it's becoming a real addiction at the moment On a lighter note this is the first muso forum i've been on with some refreshing appreciation of metal, the normal response i expected to a thread like this is "don't play f***ing metal then" or something similar. nice Terry
  5. Isis - wavering radiant. Lovely Terry
  6. Sweet, i'll have it, i'll pm you now
  7. I might have to try the re-install option, I have no other issues with chrome, best browser i think, must be some conflict somewhere. cheers
  8. nah still no joy, not te end of the world
  9. I haven't actually, i'll give it a try now, seems to be any page with a picture i've noticed. thanks
  10. This site makes chrome crash, constantly. I now use IE for this site only and chrome for everything else. Anything I can do to get this working on chrome? Thanks
  11. So i've just joined here, looking some threads and so forth and I would like to see what you lot make of this. My band has made a conscious effort to become a much deeper/heavier entity, we currently have 2 guitarists 1 who plays a 7-string and 1 who plays an 8-string. Both enjoy playing very low. We also have a keys/synth/noise chap who has a hard-on for bass and sub-bass freq's (not an issue in itself ) Which has kinda, without me thinking about it much, moved me higher up the register and I find myself playing alot more melody or "lead" style lines. I've always been a low-down in the pocket style of player so it's a fun challenge and something different but I wonder if anyone else has experience of playing in a band where everyone seems to want a piece of the low end?` Terry
  12. Greetings Earth Creatures, I have been playing bass on and off for about 10 years, seriously playing for about 4 years. I currently have: MusicMan Stingray 4 string Ampeg B2-RE SVT 2x10 SVT 1x15 As I become more intertwined into the world of prog (I am a metal bassist at heart) I've started increasing my use of effects which is becoming a problem. It is a very esoteric world one that I still understand little off. But i'm getting there, My current board is as follows: input -> boss bass synth (soon to be updated - possibley a deep impact, but they are very expensive now) -> Big Muff Russian green (got this last week, so sexy) -> boss dd-7 delay - -> boss OD3 as I've started to understand more about what I want and like the boss pedals are slowly being upgraded. I think I want a chorus and limiter/enhancer next (to make up for my sometimes slack dynamics ) also over the last 2 years I've started to become a little more professional ( I am self taught - no lessons ever) and i've come across this forum afew times and thought it high times I involve myself in a community geared to towards the thing I spend 90% of my free time doing. BASS oh and a link to my band -> www.myspace.com/betweenthescreams Thanks Terry
  13. hey man, is the chorus still up for sale? Thanks
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