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Everything posted by nomis

  1. I use the V3 and I love it! It sounds nice and punchy and the blend control is really handy!
  2. What danny said! I have played both and always go back to tech 21!
  3. Hi mate, Where are you based?
  4. Ooooooffff that looks vvv tasty!
  5. Hi all, (please point me in the right direction if this has already been covered!) I'm considering a big ol' overhaul on my rig. I currently use a AD200 and orange 410 with couple of pedals for drive (big muff, three way sansamp and tone hammer pedal). For smaller gigs, I sometimes don't bother with the amp and go through straight through the PA VIA the tone hammer. I'm looking for something that I can get some pretty versatile sounds through that doesn't weigh a tonne and I can use direct without a cab if needed so I can shed some pedals - and that's where I have spied the darkglass. In principle, I think its perfect for what I want however a lot of the demos seem to be active pickups and metal! I play things right across the board so I don't want to pigeonhole myself with an amp that can only do one thing. I play a 59 (RI) P bass and the vintage MT side of the amp seems to appeal to me (I don't have a good reason for that!) Soooo, now I have got round the houses, who uses one and do you play non-djent? EDIT: I realise I didn't actually say which product I was asking about! Either the 500 or 900w amp.
  6. This may seem like a silly question - how is this for gigging in terms of volume?
  7. Ooooh love a good rig rundown! [b]Basses[/b] Fender 50's P-Bass - Fiesta red with a couple of upgrades (mojo Harness and p-ups & Schaller bridge) MM Stingray (2004) 3EQ in natural - no upgrades [b]Pedals[/b] TC - Polytune Mini JHS - Pulp n Peel Walrus Audio - Julia MXR - Bass Octave Deluxe EHX - Bass Big Muff Caroline Guitar Co - Kilobyte Delay Tech 21 - Sans amp Programmable 3ch Aguilar - Tone Hammer Power - Cioks Schizophrenic Board - Pedaltrain Jr [b]Amp[/b] Orange AD200b MK3 Orange 4x10 For practice - pedal board straight into interface with headphones. [b]Cable[/b] Pedal Board - George L Guitar Cables - Sommer Spirit XL w/ Neutrik Ends
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1488211918' post='3246832'] What Jack says [/quote] Thanks fellas!
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1487765614' post='3242536'] The BxK and Vintage models are two different types of drive and there are a number of 'updates' shall we say for each model. For example Vintage Microtubes - Vintage Deluxe - Vintage Deluxe II - Vintage Ultra. Each in turn have an enhanced feature set, but essentially start with a similar voice. It's similar for the BxK range too. The B3K doesn't have the full EQ section that the B7K does and the Ultra version is the latest update of the B7K, if that makes sense. Like the MXR M80, if you turn off the drive section, the EQ (preamp) sections of the B7K, Deluxe and Ultra versions are all still running. You'll only switch that off if you disengage the pedal completely. Having a B7KU and a VM would probably be a really nice mix, though I'd be tempted to put a B3K in front of the Vintage Ultra, simply because I would kinda set the VMU to be my 'amp on the edge of break up' all of the time, then use the B3K or similar to push it over the edge. Ultimately, I've not tried both ways round and the only way for knowing what works for you is to try it out. I know that's not going to be easy unless you can get to somewhere like Bass Direct and try out all four! [/quote] Maybe I have entirely mis-interpreted what you have said here but can you engage and disengage the drive section of the B7K whilst leaving the EQ running via the single foot switch?
  10. Thanks for the advice guys. Would love to come to the bass bash but I live right up north in the toon so its a little far for me! There's nowhere up here really to try different things out. I played through a friends mini mark and traver 2x10 yesterday and it sounded great. Took my sans amp really well and didn't need to mess around too much with the settings! For all the TTE users, how does it compare to the mini mark?
  11. Hello everyone! It's been a while since I have posted here. Just looking for some advice around a new bass amp. I currently have an ad200mk3 which is really nice but it's right heavy! I want something a little lighter and maybe solid state (maybe). Kind of like the warm vintage tone. A friend suggested a mark bass tte501 which looks ok. Anything else anyone could recomend?
  12. another George L User in the house
  13. Hello Guys! It's been a loooong time. I have been very happy with my gear for ages now but I think i would like to add something new to the mix. Currently my pedalboard signal chain goes: Tc Polytune mini > Earthquaker Devices - Bit Commander > MXR - Octave Deluxe > EHX - Bass Big Muff > Tech 21 - Bass Driver Programmable > Aguilar - Tone Hammer > PA and Amp I use the tech 21 as more of a drive pedal into the tone hammer so i have a great range of gainy sounds and boost sounds. I recently added the Bit commander as I use it on both guitar and bass. It sounds cool, kind of unpredictable but I like it. I havent looked at whats out there in the land of bass for a long time as I have been so happy with what I have so I am looking for recommendations. I dont really know what to get but i would like to try a new pedal in the mix, maybe something synthy? Maybe a compressor? Maybe something else? I don't know, what are your favourites and why?
  14. Hi guys, Wondered if i can get a little bit of advice. MY orange ad200 keeps blowing both output valve fuses. When the amp is on it plays fine for about 15 mins then tubes 3 and 4 start to glow really intensely and then 'pop' both fuses go! Does this just mean that it needs re-valving or is there likely to be another problem that is causing the protection fuses to go? Im going to take it to a repair dude but thought i would ask before i do!
  15. [quote name='petergales' timestamp='1407251227' post='2518787'] Hi Nomis I don't want any trades at the moment, thanks. Cheers Pete [/quote] No probs pete, If i sell my orange in time for this going then i will give you a shout!
  16. I should have said what i have already... I have an MXR Octave pedal, a big muff, a sans amp bddi and a agular tone hammer. What would you recomend for a chorus? dont want to spend a tonne and i don't have loads of pedal real estate. Would the Corona Mini (TC) be any good or should i just go for the mooer?
  17. Hi, I have just joined a new band who play 80s pop/rock covers. Never really played 80's stuff before so i need some advice. What kind of stuff would you see in a bass board in the 80's?
  18. I had an SVT 450 for about 5 years. Was great, would recommend it to anyone!
  19. nomis

    A New Rig

    Hello all! I haven't been here in a while, its nice to be back. For a long time now i have been reet happy with my gear. I have an orange AD200MK3 and matching 4x10. I run a couple of pedals (tone hammer/T21 sans amp/octave/fuzz etc...) and use the DI out on the tone hammer so i guess the amp is just a really expensive monitor! What are peoples recommendations for something that is going to give me a nice low end for rehearsals and on stage but isn't huge. Maybe something that has a good quality Direct out? Would still be happy with a 4x10 but maybe something lighter!
  20. [quote name='Ruck' timestamp='1376585291' post='2176522'] [url="http://s77.photobucket.com/user/EcoMatt/media/ef59eeb5-15f7-4d1c-8454-155ad7ad673a.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s77.photobucket.com/user/EcoMatt/media/579b6128-aad6-4b50-b772-d74eb121caad.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s77.photobucket.com/user/EcoMatt/media/Photo0769.jpg.html"][/url] [b]Marshal Guv'nor[/b]: £55 [b]EHX Steel Leather[/b]: £25 [s]Boss LMB3: SOLD[/s] [s]Seymour Duncan Double Back Compressor[/s]: SOLD [b]EHX Micro Synth[/b] (top): £105 [b]EHX Micro Synth ([/b]bottom): £75 Regarding the two Microsynths: The wear is almost completely cosmetic, however here are the main differences: The top one I bought from new and is fully functional but has suffered from the same fragile paint wearing off as the bottom one. The bottom one I bought second hand off basschat and although works completely fine, the previous owner has replaced one of the sliders with something similar but does not affect functionality of the slider. It also does not seem to work with a daisy chain (well my Diago anyway) but works fine with the boss style 9v supply (not included). The top one works fine with daisy chains. *UPDATE* Upon testing the cheaper of the two, it seems to be working fine with the Daisy chain. I must of over loaded the daisy chain with too many pedals before hand. [s]EHX Enigma Qballs:[/s] Withdrawn! [s]DHA VT2 Overdrive[/s]: SOLD! [s]Dunlop Bass Wah[/s] (recent version): Withdrawn! for now. May be back on sale at some point. [b]Dunlop Bass Wah [/b](older version): £50 - has Q and Volume controls on the bottom of pedal. [s]Seymour Duncan Tap Tremolo[/s]: Withdrawn! [b]Ashdown Octave Plus[/b] (older version): £20 - has a cool but faulty feature where the signal tracking drops too quickly and the octave down glitches out abit within 3-4 seconds depending on output of your bass. Otherwise works fine. [b]Ashdown Chorus Plus[/b] (recent-ish version): £35 - Has additional factory fitted switch that turns the sweep on and off. [b]Loop Master Bypass pedal:[/b] £15 - the black font on the stickers as faded some what due to being left in the sun. 1 loop. 1 tuner out. [b]Korg AX10b multi fx:[/b] £25 - All prices include P&P. - Refunds negotiable if item found to be faulty or sold under false pretenses. (Have not had to refund anyone yet if you were wondering why this was added!) - PM away any questions regarding anything above and for more detailed pictures. - Feedback: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/84652-feedback-for-ruck/page__p__1787041__hl__ruck%20feedback__fromsearch__1#entry1787041"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1787041[/url] [/quote] PM'd you
  21. The stage has got to be tidy, no matter how big/small the gig is. Not only does it look professional, if something goes wrong, a cable goes down etc, it is much easier to fix quickly. I often find that i play better when everything is tidy as i'm not worrying about tripping over something or accidentally unplugging something.
  22. Sent you a DM
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