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Everything posted by nomis

  1. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1233163' date='May 16 2011, 03:37 PM'] well in that case you're too busy with your Matthew Kelly impressions in Uncle Alberts to worry about your lovely Orange ad200, in which case is love to take it off your hands [/quote] ha it gets plenty of use mate! do a lot of session playing
  2. raptastic
  3. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='265590' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:41 PM']I'm just about to order 2 [/quote] i know this was AGES ago, but how much were they?
  4. did you ever get this cab?
  5. pm'd if still available!
  6. woooooooo excited
  7. do you think anyone has evertold them how awful it is!
  8. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1228629' date='May 12 2011, 12:16 PM']Just to make you aware, that says PPC 410, not an OBC 410...[/quote] facepalm stupid picture!
  9. [url="http://www.pmtmanchester.co.uk/pmtonline/pmtmanchester.php?cmd=%5BSTOCK%5D&st=30418"]http://www.pmtmanchester.co.uk/pmtonline/p...5D&st=30418[/url] has anyone used this it does it look like a con?
  10. nomis

    Fuller sound

    sell everything and buy an AD200
  11. let me know if you dont sell it, i may be tempted if you dont shift it
  12. nomis

    decent DI box?

    thanks for all the help deffinately got a few options to have a ponder on now!
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1225900' date='May 10 2011, 09:54 AM']I was walking the dogs the other evening and got to thinking about bass solos. Why are they there? What is the purpose? What’s the best way to put one together? What renders a solo pointless? What makes it integral to the piece being performed? I was thinking about saxophone and trumpet solos and how they generally deliver a more satisfying listening experience. The ability to sustain notes, the ability to manipulate them one they have begun, the dynamic and frequency range of the instrument etc etc. The bass, double or electric, has many of its own characteristics that, wihlst they don’t mirror those of a horn, can certainly provide a similar range of detail and textural interest. But, here’s my point, most bass solos don’t have that range. Most of them seem to come from an ethos of ‘ooo! look at me go’. I can play with unusual parts of my body! I can play a zillion notes an hour! You can’t catch me….’. All a bit juvenile and immature. Most bass solos, to my ears, seem to exist to offer an attempt to out do the next guy, to impress the technicians etc. For me, one of the most beautiful uses of the bass to provide a solo theme is Weather Report’s ‘A Remark You Made’, a piece which is actually very easy for even a learner bass player to play. Stuff that’s hard to execute often offers very little musical satisfaction; just a little party trick to showcase the players chops. Edgar Meyer’s Bach Cello Suites are pretty pure in their intentions and, whilst being bloody hard to play, aare just pretty melodies. There are many other great examples but so much of the stuff we hear from the players that are often the most highly rated exponents of our shared instrument is really clever but, ultimately, futile. When you get past the chops, there’s often not a lot there.[/quote] I AGREE SIR!
  14. Jeff Caxide EX ISIS would talk about tone and effects
  15. [quote name='JakeFoordBass' post='1225526' date='May 9 2011, 08:31 PM']Hands up who's had gigs with reaaallllyyy sh*t drummers??? Guessing quite a common one.[/quote] +1 not a lot worse than playing with a poo drummer
  16. would you sell the cab on its own?
  17. got one left?
  18. wow...
  19. nomis

    decent DI box?

    so the best way to go is before the amp is there a way of doing this bypassing the tone of the DI and going into my amp and then going out to the PA with the from the pre amp? did that make sense?
  20. so i am in a 'comedy rap' band, one of my mates has a covers band and they had organised a 'private' gig for their first gig just to get them into the swing of it. so he asked us to play for a laugh. we rocked up to 'billinghams roughest pub' (if you know teesside you will understand) only to find the gig was in the main area of the pub full of what could only be described as ''smack heads'' we convinced ourselves that they must have a sence of humour and that we should crack on and do it. so we don our vests, capes and short shorts and head for the stage, as we are walking out there is an announcement: ''there is plenty of food left over from the wake so help yourself'' A WAKE! so our set list that we had planned (of about 35 mins) voulentarily got cut to about 3 songs! we finished playing and got in the car (still in capes vests and shorts) and drove as fast as we could fortunately we only use an i-pod as ''the band'' so it took us a matter of seconds to pack away i dont think that the good people of billingham were ready for songs such as ''geoff capes'' ''who wants to be dead'' and ''the love bear'' one to tell the grandkids www.myspace.com/raptasticuk
  21. used to have exactly the same cab config. someone should deffinately buy this!
  22. nomis

    decent DI box?

    also does anyone know if the slave output is variable or fixed?
  23. nomis

    decent DI box?

    so could i use the slave output of the amp, because i love the tone of the amp too much to have to faff about with other tone controls? say i just bought a decent DI box and took a line out from the slave out?
  24. [attachment=79404:IMG00411...508_0833.jpg] here is my rig, nice and simple also here is a picture of it next to my mates jackson ampworks amp hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [attachment=79405:IMG00413...508_0852.jpg]
  25. nomis

    decent DI box?

    hey i have recently bought a AD200 mk 3 from here it has no DI output and at some of the gigs i do micing up isnt really a good option, i have a hartke bass driver DI but it sounds a bit ''sh*t'' well not sh*t just a bit too clean whats the best thing to go for? was looking at the tech21 bass driver and the mxr DI box too. anything else thats worth concidering and any opinions on the 2 that i suggested?
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