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Who's Who

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Everything posted by Who's Who

  1. Bump - Anyone got any Hydrive gear they wanna shift?
  2. Hi Not really looking to split at the mimute, unless both amp cab were wanted at the same sort of time.
  3. Hi I'm only really looking for trades for Hartke Hydrive gear. Thanks Anyway
  4. Hi I'm only really looking for trades for Hartke Hydrive gear. Thanks Anyway
  5. Bump for a couple of great little cabs!
  6. Hi I had this up for sale a while back before withdrawing it. Now looking for a trade. Just wondered if anyone fancied a trade for an Orange Terror Bass head and Orange SP 410 Cab (or possibly OBC 410) Up for trade is my amazing Ashdown Rig from their UK built Classic/Klystron series. It's the 575 watt Klystron 500 head, along with the Classic Neo 414h cabinet. The cab is a 4x10 that can handle 1050 watts, it has a switch on the back to operate the horn (high/low/off) and it's also a 4 0hm cab, so uses the full power of the head. This really is a very loud, quality sounding rig. The head is one of the best I've ever used, and works so well with the cab. The head also comes with a 4-way footswitch which provides control over the compressor, sub-harmonic generator, tube grind and EQ pre-shape. This head is UK built, and is basically the model up from the ABM Evo III. The condition of the head and cab are both excellant, and I've never had a single issue with either of them. I have a Roqsolid cover for the head, and an Ashdown cover for the cab. Could organise a fair meet for a trade, I live just outside North London. [attachment=82624:SAM_0199.JPG] [attachment=82623:SAM_0201.JPG] [attachment=82627:SAM_0205.JPG] [attachment=82626:SAM_0204.JPG] [attachment=82625:SAM_0203.JPG] [attachment=82630:SAM_0208.JPG] [attachment=82629:SAM_0207.JPG] [attachment=82628:SAM_0206.JPG] Here's the links to the Ashdown website: [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=179"]http://www.ashdownmu...tail.asp?ID=179[/url] [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=188"]http://www.ashdownmu...tail.asp?ID=188[/url]
  7. I would consider part-ex/trades for Hartke LH1000 head, Hydrive 4x10 or 1x15 cabs. Cheers
  8. Looking for sale really, but would consider part-ex towards some Hartke Hydrive gear, as that's what I'm gonna put the cash towards anyway. Cheers
  9. Hi I have for sale an Ashdown Five Fifteen MiniRig. It's the 100 watt head with a 2x10 cab, made to look like a full stack. I bought this new and have used it indoors half a dozen times, it's since sat in my wardrobe, so it's in brand new mint condition - £150. it's a fantatstic little amp that looks really cool, there's a demo video here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QtHjtO00_w[/media] I live just outside North London, anyone welcome to come try it first. [attachment=82638:SAM_0185.JPG] [attachment=82640:SAM_0186.JPG] [attachment=82641:SAM_0187.JPG] [attachment=82642:SAM_0192.JPG] [attachment=82643:SAM_0196.JPG] [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?section=practice&ID=223"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.as...tice&ID=223[/url]
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