I had this up for sale a while back before withdrawing it. Now looking for a trade.
Just wondered if anyone fancied a trade for an Orange Terror Bass head and Orange SP 410 Cab (or possibly OBC 410)
Up for trade is my amazing Ashdown Rig from their UK built Classic/Klystron series.
It's the 575 watt Klystron 500 head, along with the Classic Neo 414h cabinet.
The cab is a 4x10 that can handle 1050 watts, it has a switch on the back to operate the horn (high/low/off) and it's also a 4 0hm cab, so uses the full power of the head.
This really is a very loud, quality sounding rig. The head is one of the best I've ever used, and works so well with the cab.
The head also comes with a 4-way footswitch which provides control over the compressor, sub-harmonic generator, tube grind and EQ pre-shape. This head is UK built, and is basically the model up from the ABM Evo III.
The condition of the head and cab are both excellant, and I've never had a single issue with either of them.
I have a Roqsolid cover for the head, and an Ashdown cover for the cab.
Could organise a fair meet for a trade, I live just outside North London.
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Here's the links to the Ashdown website: