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Everything posted by hoiho

  1. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1389709414' post='2337084']And an adjustable scale length wouldn't work terribly well with the dot markers, [/quote] I don't think the dot markers equate to anything useful, anyway - they seem to be at either end, and the middle, of the neck, not the scale. Thigs like that lead me to belive that the "Design Engineering project" is likely to be right - I suspect it may have been made by a non-musician. (Although Leo Fender wasn't, either, so that's not necessarily a Bad Thing.)
  2. Quite possibly the most deranged thing I've seen in a while! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-unusual-Bass-Guitar-Make-unknown-Fretless-skeletal-design-EMG-pickup-case-/161198161189
  3. I love the thump of short-scales, but in my hands it would be less than awesome - my intonation on a long-scale fretless is sloppy enough! Which is why I prefer the 42" scale on my upright, it's much more forgiving of the odd milimetric innacuracy.
  4. A customised Squier Bronco, with a new freless ebony finderboard: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Squire-by-Fender-Fretless-Bass-/271369843240 I've never tried a short-scale fretless, but I would have though it'd be a very specialist taste!
  5. 1970s EB-0 copy, in central Scotland, for £100. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152149210477431&set=gm.579612698785958&type=1
  6. [quote name='Samashton12' timestamp='1389356513' post='2333190'] I just want the neck :'( [/quote] I bought one of these tlast week - see upthread! The neck's not at all bad, nicely finished, with a pleasing profile, and it's pretty flat, which allows a low action with lots of lively mwah (although I did need to shim the neck to get it properly low). But it's not quite as flat as it should be. I get a rather nasty buzz on the G string when fingering G#. I strongly suspect a new nut, as it's cut more like a fretted nut, and a light rub might aleviate this.
  7. Spectacularly useless, really, from the picture to the "description". http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Precision-Bass-White-Road-Worn-/131087061233
  8. Incidentally, here's another Dominator Bass Mk I on ebay. Still got the orignal cast spider Celestion speaker. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wem-Dominator-1970s-Vintage-Valve-Amp-Guitar-bass/321288961139 It's mising the aluninum trim strip, which is probably why it isn't specifically identified as a "Bass MK I"version, as that's the only place it says that.
  9. Ah, so you must have the 45AP, 45W, 4xEL84, rather than the "classic" 15W, 2xEL84, Dominator? If so, it's a pretty rare beast. And I'm jealous!
  10. hoiho

    Now eBayed

  11. All the various WEM Dominators (and Musettes) had two channels, and only channel one, as you say, had the bright switch. There was only one version of Bass-labled Dominator (ie with the cast 15" spider-frame Celestion speaker) - the Mk 1 (which is the same amp chassis and combo case as the non-bass labeled Mk III). And it's only 15 Watts, not 45 - but it's bloody loud for that!
  12. Interesting: I can't think of any other bodies Shegold did that had rear routing, until very near the end of the company. Really ugly, though.
  13. Just bought a Roland Cube-100 from Mark. A real gent, and excellent to deal with. Thanks, Mark!
  14. Nice Aria Cardinal - a 450 (as it says on the truss rod cover), which you don't see too often. They're supposed to have a carved ash top, but it still looks pretty slabby to me, albeit a bit less angular at the flat chamfers than the 380. The 450 also has a set neck, where the 380 is bolted. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1981-Aria-Pro-II-Cardinal-series-bass-Made-in-Japan-Matsumoku-CSB-450-/251419143177?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a89bfac09
  15. Bought a double Gig Bag for 2 basses. Easy to deal with, and understanding when I missed a pick up cos I was ill. Top whack.
  16. This is mine, now, and contains a Jazz and an Aria RSB. Thanks!
  17. Bought a tuner from Liam - a very good experience, and patient when I was being stupid! A top fellow.
  18. There's a bass Dominator just appeared on fleabay: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/wem-dominator-mk1-vintage-bass-combo-amp-/291049962739"]http://www.ebay.co.u...p-/291049962739[/url] It's missing its aluminium trim strip, but otherwise looks pretty clean. It's an early one, as it still has the transformer voltage plug on the front panel, to the right of the fuse and power switch. And it has a link to [url="http://www.vintageguitarandbass.com/wem/amplifier/Dominator_bass_mk1.php"]http://www.vintagegu...or_bass_mk1.php[/url] - which repeats the claim that the Mk III guitar and Mk I bas are electronically identical, only differing in speaker. I think the clincher for this being true is that the bass version still has the "treble boost" switch, which is a guitar amp feature, and not something you'd design into a dedicated bass amp, back in the 70s!
  19. When I had a Marathon 6, I seriously considered de-fretting it, or re-laying the fingerboard, and moving the bridge back to the normal Marathon position, to give a full-scale 6-stringer, which were still exotic at the time. (Which also meant suitable strings were next to impossible to get, once Picato ran out of the specials). Plus, it would have allowed a low B - as a very low bassist, I never really found a use for the high F (I tuned it fully in 4ths, and not like a guitar).
  20. PM sent!
  21. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1388393167' post='2321386'] Same neck dimensions as my 300, which weighs in at 3.67kg/8.09lbs. My 380 is out on loan at the moment but feels exactly the same. I have to agree about the neck - I actually thought it was slimmer than a typical Precision. [/quote] Over the weekend, I was making a point of playing all my basses (to justify having the all!). After doing that, I think the 380 feels slimmer not just because of the thinness front to back, but because of the lack of the taper of Precision profile necks (and Jazz, to a lesser extent). And, since I tent to use the 380 more towards the dusty end than I do my Precision, the 380 feels thinner and faster (helped, no doubt, by the shorter scale). As an aside, the Aria Pro II Classic Laser Electric (rearrange those words as is correct!) has the thin single -coil Aria pup, at the bridge, doesn't it? Does anyone know of another pup with the same dimensions? The one in my RSB is rather battle-scarred, by a previous owner, who obviously played over the pup with a hard pick, and has taken large gouges out of the cover!
  22. hoiho


    [quote name='ash' timestamp='1388245654' post='2319921'] nice and light thanks to the obeche body. [/quote] The Marathon itself is light - but the case, if I remember mine, is remarkably bloody heavy! Notwithstanding that, I'd buy it like a shot - if only I had the spare cash. Marvellous instruments. But the six-stringer is a worthy swap - I still regret selling mine, but needs required.
  23. Ah, my first proper bass, back '81 or '82 was a Shergold Marathon (in trans burgundy). I loved the neck on that. Stupidly, I sold it, t buy a mediocre Jazz. But I now have, in my work room, a couple of Marathon necks - one NOS, unfinished with an undrilled headstock, and one that's seen action. Someday, I will make good use of them!
  24. Okay, I've put my Cardinal under the vernier gauge, and the results are in: [indent=1]Width at nut: 43mm. But it's only about 20mm thick. It's a shallow C-shape, obviously[/indent] [indent=1]Width at 12th: 52mm, and about 25mm thick.[/indent] That compares with 38mm, at the nut on my Epi EB-3, and 40mm on my Aria RSB. I'm somewhat surprised by them. My slight preference is for a slim jazz-type neck. I've never felt the Cardinal to be as wide as my P-bass (but maybe because that's fretless?). I can only assume that the small thickness of the neck (the EB-3 is thicker than the Cardinal), the close string spacing at the nut, and the lack of string spread, is misleading me; it certainly[i] feels[/i] slimmer than it apparently is! As for weight, unfortunately my luggage scales have a dead battery! It feels about the same weight as my RSB, if that's any guide. Not a lightweight, but not a shoulder-breaker either. I'll try and get a real figure! Okay, on the missus's people-scales it comes in at about 3.9kg/8.5lbs. That's probably a wee bit more than stock, as I've got an EMG soapbar in there at the moment, rather than the original (which I keep meaning to get off to Aaron Armstrong for a rewind).
  25. The Aria Pro II CSB-380 Cardinal fits the bill, as a "lightweight, slim-necked double cutaway bass" - only thing is it's a medium scale. I keep my blue one for "stunt bass". They come up on Ebay all the time, at wildy differing prices.
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