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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. No, for wives and girlfriends. We're allowed to tag along provided we pay for the f***ing thing! Truckstop
  2. Polytune -> Overdrive -> Suppressor -> Sansamp IMO of course Truckstop
  3. They are the wick! Honestly, I am so disappointed in myself for selling mine. As 6 stringers go, they are quite easy to get to grips with, but yeah very heavy. I used to think they sounded a bit thin (when I was practising with it at home), but for some reason, when it's cranked and going through a PA, it sounded incredible. So articulate. Cuts through like no-ones business! If you got the chance to get one, grab it! Truckstop
  4. Holidays I reckon! Truckstop
  5. Hello Ste, the tuners are elephant style. They came off an Encore P! Geoff - PM coming your way! Alex
  6. Get three. What's the point in forking out for another bass you won't want to use at the pub? If we're talking £3,000 or thereabouts, get a second hand Sandberg or Warwick or something and spend the other £2,000 buying your missus something nice. Truckstop
  7. Pretty much my first ever gig in the universe I broke a string on my Squier P and did the rest of the gig on a borrowed Ibanez 5er. It was awful! I'd barely gotten used to playing bass in the first place let alone one with an extra string. I f***ed up, big time! Truckstop
  8. Fenders are the wick. They look great, sound like you want them to and can be used for pretty much every single musical application you can think of. Funk, Jazz, Reggae, Metal, Rock etc etc. They will do everything and you won't look or feel like a prat. I think it's having the subconscious knowledge that you can use a Fender to it's potential every time. Personally, I'd feel weird taking a Thumb or a Corvette to a Jazz gig. In my brain it'd just feel wrong and I reckon I'd be really conscious of what I'm playing and it wouldnt feel natural. With a Fender, no problem! Truckstop
  9. Last bump before I put it all in a box and forget about it! Truckstop
  10. Wow, lovely for a project! Re-finish it, the fret slots are already cut, buy some P pickups (someone's selling some wizzards on here), buy a pickguard and you're sorted! Shouldnt cost more than £60-70! Truckstop
  11. Sorry, someone grabbed the P pickguard, but the pickups are still available. PM coming your way! Truckstop
  12. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1237704' date='May 20 2011, 08:16 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JEDSON-TELECASTER-BASS-VINTAGE-60s-70s-project-/170642274155?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item27bb12776b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JEDSON-TELECASTER-BA...=item27bb12776b[/url] found this beaut whilst looking for a bridge cover[/quote] Really tempted for some reason! Truckstop
  13. Oddy enough, I only have GAS for accessories at the moment. I'm loving my basses and my GK/Ampeg rig, don't want to change them at all! I want some new leads, one of those new ultra-modern safe bass bags, some stands, a couple of nice new straps, an EBS mircobass and a J East pre. Maybe a refin for my Jazz too. I've always loved tobacco burst and then it'll match the Precision innit. Gotta have matching basses! Truckstop
  14. Innit. I decided to crank my '54 Sting last night and my god it sounds good! Truckstop
  15. No. I'll be at home building a shed with a drumkit instead. I'll be there in spirit! Truckstop
  16. Great Deal! Good work mate Truckstop
  17. What does the pan do? Is it anything like the Tone/vol pedal that Fender do? Cheers Alex
  18. Bump for edits. Only a few bits left to go now! Hit me with offers, you may well end up surprised! Cheers Alex
  19. Experimentation is the key. What sounds the wick in your room might sound rubbish with the band. I personally feel that Reverb is too often overlooked as a bass effect. It can really smooth out transitions between notes during quiet passages and can really smooth out tapping and solo passages. Truckstop
  20. There's my answer Truckstop
  21. I used to record with my Yamaha RBXJM1, but it didnt fit with the bands image so I used my red Washburn XB600 for gigs. Also, some bassists have Alleva Coppella's and Nordstrands at home but use a fender live because they're a bit cheaper and it doesnt matter if they get roughed up. Truckstop
  22. The one guy that makes me wish I was someone else. Love his chops! Truckstop
  23. Here we go... what? Paul's re-iterating that Sarah wants to learn how to play the bass guitar properly. If she said "I want to learn a few tunes and start a cover band" or whatever, then yeah. Get some tabs and just bash the tunes out. Not argumentative in the slightest! Truckstop
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