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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Sound limiters murdered my parents, and ate my kids! Truckstop
  2. Another bump for tidied OP and [b]FREE DELIVERY![/b] Cheers Alex
  3. Completely flat. Sometimes if I'm doing chord exercises I boost the middle and treble a touch. Truckstop
  4. I don't think modern basses are any [i]easier[/i] to play than vintage ones. I think the overall sound of bass guitars has changed, but as for actual ease and comfort? I don't think so. Truckstop
  5. Hello WH, It's very lightweight for a P. I'd say around 8lbs. As for mojo, just had a quick look and there is a small ding on the lower bout near the jock socket that is only lacquer deep and there is a ding that goes through to the wood on the arm rest. There are other very small scuffs around the edges, mainly on the lower bout near the jock socket. Superficial scratches and polish swirls throughout. Neck and headstock are perfect though somehow! If anyone wants specific pictures, PM me and I'll send you some via email or text. Cheers! Alex
  6. Bump for edits, price drop on the cello and PM's sent to lemmywinks and Pow. Good stuff here for next to no money! Truckstop
  7. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1231132' date='May 14 2011, 05:34 PM']Hello and welcome to basschat. You've seemed to get off on a bit of a wrong foot, lets hope it was just piles and piles of misunderstanding and bad couriers, stick around. We like basses here. Luke[/quote] Quite right! Truckstop
  8. This really is a wonderful player. I don't know why, but Japanese Fenders really feel quite special and this is certainly no exception! If anyone's wanted an early 50's Precision but without the outrageous pricetag, this is as close as it is possible to get. Cheers Alex
  9. [b]B[/b]alls [b]U[/b]nder [b]M[/b]y [b]P[/b]***s! Truckstop
  10. The Old Angel in Nottingham, 28th February 2010. Pure Negatives first ever gig! My band was making waves even though we'd never played a gig. The guitarist was from Labrat and the drummer from Ted Maul so we were always gonna get a bit of attention. Anyway, we get offered a gig at an alldayer playing main support. The promoter was taking pills left right and center and all of the bands were allowed to overply by about 15 minutes so we didnt get on until 11.30pm. The bar downstairs had closed at 11 and they had stopped allowing people back in after a smoke from 10.30. We played to the promoter (who didnt even notice we played), our mate from London (who had been drinking since 11.30am) and the sound man (who was busy rolling cigarettes "Hey, I've rolled 5. Only one has just weed in it... the rest have cocaine and ketamine in them too. I ran out. Kinda like russian roulette, eh?"). Nightmare. We couldnt go home after either. The driver/guitarist had unfortunately ended up with a weed/ketamine/cocaine cigarette and didnt even know what a car was. I had to sleep on the floor using a concrete step as a pillow. Even worse, when I woke up (I used to be teetotal) I was ready to go, but the rest of the band had been up all night taking drugs with the barstaff and were just settling down to sleep. I spent the next 6 hours wandering around Nottingham with no money and no fresh clothes. I felt like a hobo Truckstop
  11. Yes, PM me your mobile number or let me know your email address and I'll get them to you. Thanks for the interest! Alex
  12. Hello, having a clear out. Sick and tired of having to wade through this stuff everytime I need something! Pictures are available upon request and FREE DELIVERY ON EVERYTHING: [u]Used gold hardware - £5[/u] 4 String bridge, 2 knobs, string tree, strap buttons and tuners. Used, but perfectly functional. Bought for a relic project but just couldnt be bothered in the end! *Trades for effects or good cables* Cheers everyone, Alex
  13. I like playing it on the 5er so I can get Eb Minor without having to worry about downtuning. It's easier to play like that because you don't have to worry about muting the open E if you play it like that. I love playing Superstition. There's loads of space to funkify it and add little trills and fills. You can play it fingerstyle, with a plectrum (quite hard to get the 'bounce' though) or slap it (thumb pointing up, of course!). Great groove, everybody knows it and it looks really hard so you impress everybody big style. Women will flock to see you get funky! Trucsktop
  14. [quote name='icastle' post='1229720' date='May 13 2011, 10:14 AM']Why have I got the theme tune to The Six Million Dollar Man running around in my head? [/quote] I've got the theme tune to Inspector Gadget going on in my head! Thanks for all your advice everyone, much appreciated! Truckstop
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1229216' date='May 12 2011, 07:36 PM']Not taking away from any of what Truckstop has said here, as is all sound advice (pardon the pun). The first section above should have been worded more like "I have a 350w 4ohm head and a 2x10 8ohm cab. [b]200w[/b] distributed between 2 10" speakers. However, in the neverending pursuit of more volume, I want to add on a 4x10 8ohm cab. So now, 350w of power is being distributed between 2 cabs equally" If the head was 350w at 8Ω, it would more likely be 5-600w at 4Ω, the rest of your maths was a good lesson tho Sorry if I seem a little pedantic, no offence intended.[/quote] None taken, thanks for clearing that up for me! Truckstop
  16. Hello all, a little help would be nice! Sigh, I love my Jazz! There's nothing wrong with the way it sounds, but after listening to the before/after samples that Nigel made after he fitted a J East preamp, I'm wondering whether I should just get one of those fitted and maybe get some Nordy pups while I'm at it for good measure! Active/Passive option and more responsive tone controls look good to me! Does anyone have any experience with MIM Jazzes being fitted with J East preamps? The thing is, is that my jazz feels fantastic in my hands and I've really bonded with it. Do USA Fenders have the same neck/body shape as MIMs? If I were to buy another bass, it'd have to have the exact same dimensions as an MIM Jazz 5er! So I guess what I'm asking is this: Will fitting a J East and Nordy pups to my Jazz make such a difference that I shouldnt need to bother buying a new bass? Any thoughts gratefully appreciated! Alex
  17. FAO Patster! Hello mate, yeah it can be tricky making the leap from bedroom to the stage. Everyone's been in that situation, trust me! There are no absolutes when in comes to what is written down in the specs and what kind of volume you actually perceive. As a basic rule of thumb, valve watts tend to be 'louder' than Solid State watts though. Example in point being the Ashdown Little Bastard. Only 30w, but it'll easily keep up with my GK 400RB (350w) through the same cabinet. The fact of the matter is, is that these days most venues will DI the bass head (provided you have a DI output) and project the sound from the bass head through the PA system for large gigs (your cab will just be for monitoring purposes effectively), and if you play smaller gigs, you really won't need to worry about getting a 1000w 16x10 mega stack. A simple 300-400w head with a 2x10/2x12/1x15 will provide enough volume. Another basic rule of thumb is this: more speakers = more volume. If you have a 500w amp, it will 'sound' louder through a 4x10 than a 2x10. Basically, this is because 4 speakers will 'move' more air than 2. So if you have a 500w amp with a 2x10 cab and you want more volume, buy another/a bigger cab. Don't bother spending money on a more powerful head because the cab will still only be able 'move' the same amount of air. Ohmage is slightly more complicated. Essentially, you want the head and the cab to have the same ohmage for optimum performance. However, if you have a cab and a head that don't match, it's not the end of the world. You won't break anything by mixing up the ohmage. The ohmage controls, or rather, dictates how much power is sent to each speaker. It's important to know what's going on especially if you are adding on extension cabs, for example. Case in point, I have a 350w 8ohm head and a 2x10 8ohm cab. 350w distributed between 2 10" speakers. However, in the neverending pursuit of more volume, I want to add on a 4x10 8ohm cab. So now, 350w of power is being distributed between 2 cabs equally, however, this means that both cabs are receiving 175w. So, in the 2x10 cab, each speaker is recieving 87.5w but in the 4x10 cab, each speaker is recieving only 43.75w. This means that the speakers in the 2x10 are being pushed harder and will distort at a lower volume than the 4x10. So, it's important to make sure that when you are adding an extension cab, you need to make sure that the ohmage ensures equal wattage dispersion and then you make sure that the extension cab can handle the watts being delivered to it. Hope it helps a little and, of course, IME! Truckstop
  18. Niiice! Very Fell Silent-ish, love it! Truckstop
  19. ....with a nice Chianti and some fava beans, of course? Truckstop
  20. I reckon the blue/green'll look stunning close up. Really stunning. Truckstop
  21. Ryan Martinie. He's got all the non-funky chops! Truckstop
  22. So cool! The Gold hardware and turquoise tint is a match made in heaven! Truckstop
  23. So cool! The Gold hardware and turquoise tint is a match made in heaven! Truckstop
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