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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Would like a really nice top quality Jazz-style 5er like a Sandberg or Nordstrand eventually, but I can wait until I can afford one. Amp wise, an Orange BT or an Ashdown LB would tick all the boxes I think. Small and Valve-y! Truckstop
  2. Hello all, Some of you might remember a while ago I started a thread about how good Mark was at his job. He was super nice to me, pulled out the stops for me and really provided a great service when I bought an '83 Fender Precision off him. I was full of praise for him because he had done me a massive favour by accepting a cheque and letting me take the bass home on the same day. However, since then the bass has been proved to be a fake. The whys and wherefores are not important, but the facts are, are that the neck is off an '84 P and the body is marked AUG 1997. There are more foibles that are littered around on the body that indicates it's not original, but I can't be 100% certain and they are neither here nor there. Things like missing stamps and stickers in cavities, wrong paintjob/lacquer, unoriginal pickguard, basswood or poplar body perhaps etc etc. Anyway, this post is more about Marks attitude towards me raising this (quite expensive) issue with him. He took the opportunity in one email to me to say that the bass is (paraphrasing) 'definitely genuine' which leads me to have suspicions over his ability to identify and correctly date vintage instruments. He also says that he "sold it [to me] in good faith" which for some reason means that I'm not entitled to get my money back. I'm not particularly sure about this, but I don't know where I stand (any help with this would be appreciated folks). I guess I'm just annoyed that he hasn't offered me an apology and he hasnt taken any responsibility for the fact he advertised to sell an '83 Precision bass when it patently was not. Just be careful when dealing with Bassdirect and any other vintage instrument retailer. Thanks Alex
  3. If you're desperate to know, PM me. If anyone did read it before I got rid of it, please refrain from publishing the content of it please. Thankyou! Alex
  4. Ooops
  5. Ha Ha, me too! I failed to see what the joke was! Truckstop
  6. Thanks for all your help everyone that PM'd! I knew I could rely on you! Alex
  7. The Sting '54 Signature is lovely! CIJ, around £800 new but I reckon you could pick up a second hand one for about £500. Great basses! Full of '50s vibes! Truckstop
  8. Hello all, I'm in a sticky situation and I need someone with a [u]very[/u] comprehensive knowledge of '80s Fenders (Precisions in particular) to PM me. I'd rather not discuss in public, so convos by PM only. Thank you very much in advance! Alex
  9. These are the wick at a ridiculously low price! If the 400RB I have wasnt loud enough for everything I do, I would snap this up without a second thought. Great amps! Truckstop
  10. The Fast Show. Honestly! Truckstop
  11. That is a stunning bass right there! The reverse headstock is really classy I reckon. If I had the dough, you'd be baking bread mate1 Truckstop
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1190071' date='Apr 6 2011, 08:35 AM']My girlfriend's been getting me into her recently, it's ace.[/quote] That's nice of her to let you innit? Truckstop
  13. Where did you get those Fenders from? Just from waiting around eBay etc etc or did you find a dealer somewhere? I want one!# Truckstop
  14. I would expect something like that to have a power supply. That's pretty bad form. However, I don't think you could make a complaint and expect to win. It doesnt say that it ocmes with a power supply and if he doesnt have it anymore, all you could do is send it back which is a waste of time I reckon. Maybe just email the guy and ask if he forgot to pack it? Truckstop
  15. I'd pay for a wristband. Just wear whenever you're at a gig innit? Truckstop
  16. I still lust after my old JM1 that I traded out! Gutted Truckstop
  17. I think it's because The Greek had quite a few instruments up for sale at the same time so I imagine he was probably getting enquiries all the time for different basses. Also, a few of his basses for sale were fairly interesting and unusual which I'm sure would have piqued many peoples casual interest. Fo example, I convinced myself that the Steinberger is what I needed and contacted The Greek about it. We both made a kind of agreement that I should come and see it at some point in the following week to try it out. However, over that weekend I just completely lost interest in it and I'm sorry to say that I should have informed him about my decision but didnt. Not out of rudeness, but just because I didnt think we had made a proper appointment anyway and I didnt think he would have minded. He PM'd me asking if I was still interested, I said no (abbreviated) and that was that. I can imagine though, that that would be very very annoying if many many people did that to The Greek for each of his basses. So I can definitely see where he's coming from. Truckstop
  18. I think the fact that you guys have talked about it already is encouraging. Stick with it. It's even worse to look back and think "I wish I'd tried harder". Truckstop
  19. ....and shout "TIM!" every few minutes like a nervous tic type thing. Truckstop
  20. You mean no-one's taught you the handshake? Truckstop
  21. Argh! If i wasn't going on holiday next month I'd gladly take all the P Bass bits! I've got a jazz neck that I would love to stick on a P body, but alas no, I can't justify spending any money at all this month Ah well, unhappy face bump. Truckstop
  22. I actually particularly like acoustic/URB solos in a jazz setting. It's nice to hear a solo from something that isn't harsh like a trumpet, sax or organ. If the accompanying musicians manage to keep the groove going, it can be very satisfying. I can also appreciate the skill and mastery that goes into freeform soloing more than I can other instruments because I don't know them so well. I can see when a bassplayer is pulling off some incredible chops that I might completely miss on another instrument. Truckstop
  23. Hmmm, I would accumulate all the bits, make it, and then send it off to a professional to get finished. Painting and lacquering a bass is notoriously hard to get right until you've had a chance to have a few goes. Personally, Captain America wins for me! Get some gold hardware and it'll look the wick! Truckstop
  24. Personally, I'd go with a 2x10 and a seperate 1x15/1x12. That will provide enough volume for any gig without PA support up to about 250 people. It's handy to have two cabs too in case you need to make more space in the car or if there's not enough space on stage. Trust me, there's nothing worse than turning up at the famous Frog and Twat on a tuesday night with your obscenely huge 8x10. 8x10's don't even sound good unless you're running them at massive volume anyway. And as we all know, the Frog and Twat have to keep the decibels down to please the neighbours. Truckstop
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