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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Ren and Stimpy version please, Mr. Ritter! Speaking of which; Doesn't Jens Ritter sound like a Bond baddie name? Truckstop
  2. Barefaced cabs! Truckstop
  3. If I were you, i'd go onto youtube and look for demos of pedals. It's handy to find out exactly what each effect actually does! Search for reverb, delay, overdrive, fuzz, synth and chorus (I'd say they're the main effects that people use) demos. Electro Harmonix do nice boutique style effects for not too much money and they pop up on this forum for sometimes half price! Look on the EHX website for names of pedals you think sound cool and the youtube it. There's a demo for practically every effect they do! Personally, I use an EHX Clone Theory for a bit of chorus colour and occasional vibrato mentalness, a reverb for quiet passages where I want to soften mutes and a master blaster for volume/bass boost for load passages. Good luck! You'll never be satisfied with the pedals you have, it's like an illness! Truckstop
  4. Well, there aren't any Journey fans on the Journey forum! Truckstop
  5. I've been deaf from birth in both ears. I also have slight tinnitus from birth too. I've been in a couple of loud bands and I've not noticed my hearing or the tinnitus getting worse. Truckstop
  6. I see. Very useful information, thank you everybody! Truckstop
  7. Is anyone even buying these new nowadays? Truckstop
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='1177292' date='Mar 26 2011, 02:43 PM']Get a second 2x10 cab. [b]Bass is not always DI'ed in small venues[/b]. I prefer post EQ DI to mics. Trust the sound guy. He'll get a better sound out front than you will. Carry spares of batteries and breakable stuff like strings, leads, tools.[/quote] That's why I was wondering about mics because I'd to be prepared for every eventuality. So, iCastle, are SM57's good for miking cabs? Thanks for all of your inputs! Much appreciated! Alex
  9. Totally. I was disappointed when my Megadrive with 20 games and a very rare sonic poster only sold for £15, but tough sh*t. Truckstop
  10. Cheers guys! It's just quite hard to get my head around all the ins and outs of live sound! Thanks for you suggestions and experiences Alex
  11. Speed is [b]not[/b] of the essence! Slap is about what you are [b]not[/b] playing! Keep it [b]light[/b]! There is no spoon! Truckstop
  12. Hello all, Right, my band are looking at gigging a lot over the summer and autumn before we settle and record an album next year and I want to make sure I sound the best I possibly can at every venue. So far, all of my my gear is the stuff in my sig., and that is what I'd be taking with me to gigs. My GK has a DI, would there be an advantage in using a Sansamp DI (for example) in conjunction with the GK? Is the purpose of owning an external DI is for people that don't have a DI on their amps? I always get confused as to why people buy them! I love the sound I get from my GK and Ampeg cab, so I would like to stay as true to that as possible. Is it worth turning up at gigs with my own speaker mic and boom? Reading the mic thread yesterday got me thinking about the number of times I've played at a gig and i've been DI'd and Mic'd with whatever mic they sound guy had. Would it really improve my sound if I bought a really good mic? If so, any recommendations? Cables. Is it worth spunking plenty of cash on expensive cables when I already have what I would consider mid-range cables? I use two basses. The jazz is quieter than the Sting P. Can I get a pedal or a lead or something that I can plug both basses into and keep the levels the same? It's too risky for me to have to turn down/up the master on the amp inbetween switches. Are wireless systems worth it? I don't envisage playing large stages/venues yet. Would it beneficial for me to spend money on a wireless system? Will they reproduce my sound faithfully? Or rather, is there anything wrong with cables? Any help at all would be gratefully received. All my live work to date I've just let the soundguy get on with it, but now I feel I need to take more care with my live sound and work on becoming a more professional musician. I'd like to be in a situation where I'm ready to play in any given situation and obtain the same sound as much as possible (taking into account different acoustics and PA systems of different venues etc). I want to sound like god everytime if I can help it! Cheers everybody Alex
  13. Oh god, once I was playing a gig at the Old Angel in Nottingham and I was suddenly 'aware' of my pinky finger on my right hand. It wouldnt go away! Everytime a played a note I could feel my pinky rubbing against my other finger or on the top string. It really freaked me out and as a result I played awfully. People musta though I was some kind of jazz genius or something after cos everyone though I was a bass monster that night! Truckstop
  14. Get a bridge cover for it? I'd get one if I didnt already have a Sting sig.! Truckstop
  15. May I ask how you make the exposed wood on the back look aged? I'm relicing my Jazz and while I'm only going for subtle wear, there's a couple of spots where I've gone back to the wood and it sticks out like a sore thumb! Cheers Alex
  16. GB Rumour - The vast range of great bass tones available from these things is simply astonishing. 1951 Fender Precision - Gotta go back to the beginning, eh? Squier Precision - For the money, everyone should own one of these at some point. Warwick Thumb - The first time you hear that burpy aggressive rumble. 'Nuff said. Adam Clayton Fodera Flying V - Just for the novelty I suppose! Truckstop
  17. I've finally built up the stamina to play 'Bleed' by Meshuggah all the way through! Although really after 3 minutes it's fairly doable, but up til then is killer! Truckstop
  18. That is a gorgeous finish! Truckstop
  19. I want to grab that lovely white Nordy vP5 Mark's got in Bassdirect, but I don't have a credit card or a mortgage or anything so I'm not able to take advantage of the offer. Ah well. Truckstop
  20. Hello all, Basically, I really want/need a 5 string P bass and I really like the look of Hardcore Aged Sandbergs. After looking on the internet, I can't find anything that fits what I'm after. Does anyone here know how to go about ordering a Sandberg? Would I need to speak to one of their UK distributors or would I need to contact Sandberg direct? Also, if anyone else can think of any other company that makes good 5 string P basses, let me know. btw, I refuse to pay over £1000 for a Fender. It's too much for what it is! Cheers Truckstop
  21. Multi-tool plier thing. Small screwdriver to turn the 'mute' on the amp. The button fell out a while ago. Prostitute. Strings. That's it. I always take two basses with me just in case. Honestly, I've never had to do anything except change a string at a practice or gig. Truckstop
  22. Don't risk it mate. Listen to your missus! Truckstop
  23. Same here. I bought my GK as my first proper amp and I've stuck with it because it's the wick! I'll only ever buy a new amp if the GK dies on me. Then I'd probably go for something else. Possibly valve. Truckstop
  24. Ask some mates for a jigsaw, a sander, a router, a drill and lots of sandpaper of varying grades. From 150 through to 2000. People have said to me that wet and dry and wire wool can also be used, but I prefer not to use for some reason. I just like using regular sandpaper! Rasps can also be useful for shaping the wood around the cutaways. So, jigsaw to cut out the shape and the router for the pup holes, neck socket and electronics cavity. Some sort of rasp might be good for helping to round the edges off before you start sanding the body as a whole. Keep sanding until you think you've done enough, then do that again. Really, it'll make the wood look fantastic! I like to finish with danish oil and beeswax and buff til I can't buff no more. Truckstop
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