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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. I have reverb for trying to get an upright-ish style in quiet passages, I have a boost to beef up the volume and bassify the tone for loud bits and I have a chorus/tremolo for choruses and chord-y/arpeggio-y parts. Need a volume pedal, a whammy and a delay and I'll be set! Truckstop
  2. I bought a poplar body blank from those guys a month ago and it arrived in two days. Not bad value for money I don't think. Thickness planed, well glued and definitely big enough for a P or a J! I've gone for a Spalted Beech top which added a further £25 onto my build, which is annoying because now I have to shave 2cm off the poplar to bring it to the correct thickness! Um, yeah.Tonetech's good. Truckstop edit: Ooh! Wickes sell ash bookshelves that are also big enough for £12! They're not thick enough though, so you'd have to buy some nice wood to go on top!
  3. Lovely work and tone yet again! I think a lot of people would be happy with how that came out. You must be one of those ultra-irritating perfectionists! Truckstop
  4. Truckstop

    Custom FX Maker

    Seconded! What are you after? If you don't tell us then we won't be able to make sweeping generalisations about the use of effects or whether it's a bad idea or not even you didnt ask out opinions. It matters! Truckstop
  5. In an originals band, I'd only ever expect enough to cover travelling expenses. The bands we have in the pub I live in get £120 per hour. More at the end of the night if the takings are good! Truckstop
  6. Argh! Where were you when I put up my '83 fretless Fender P? I would kill for this bass. It's beautiful! I hate not having any money. Truckstop
  7. Sorry to hijack, but it's annoying when people quote the entire sale thread to say: "Sorry can't afford/do you want to trade with something you're not interested in/good luck with the sale, great bass!!!11!!1one" When Machine's asked us to use as little disc space as possible it takes the pee a little when someone quotes a post with a few large pictures. Kinda defeats the object. This happens quite a lot, maybe someone could put up a notice asking people not to quote entire sale posts? I'm very irritable and I don't like scrolling down a thread to re-read what was at the top! Um, good luck with the sale. Great bass! Truckstop
  8. Yes. My first proper bass was a Yamaha RBXJM1 after seeing John Myung use his on the Scenes From New York DVD! Truckstop edit: and I'm perilously close to taking delivery of a CIJ Sting '51 Signature. But not because of the sound, purely on the looks and the knowledge that CIJ Fenders tend to be outstanding value.
  9. What? The one with the hairy chest? My thoughts exactly! Truckstop
  10. Fantastic! Thanks for taking the time to write that. I'm umm-ing and ah-ing over this or the Terror Bass so it's very useful to learn that they don't kick out as much volume as I thought they would. Truckstop
  11. Hmmm, I was thinking that they'd probably be more useful for guitar than bass, Anyway, thanks for your inputs everybody! Alex
  12. I think maybe simplicity is key here too. Sometimes professional players = lots of effects, compressors, ridicu-cabs, bi-amping etc etc. Sometimes just plugging straight into an amp is all you need. Truckstop
  13. I guess all you could do with it is completely strip it now. It looks awful as it is! Truckstop
  14. I'm very nosey. What band were you in? Cheers Alex
  15. How would one check the polarity of a pedal? Cheers Alex
  16. You know what, I have the exact same problem except it's with any pedal. Basically, if I chain 3 or more pedals, I get a very loud whine. I've tried everything, and the only cause I can see, is when there's more than 2 pedals linked. Driving me up the wall! I'm using a gig-rig generator daisy chaining (in this order) on a Pedaltrain mini: Artc-tuner>EHX Clone Theory> Mr Zinky Master Blaster>Rocktron Cyborg Reverb>Amp Any thoughts? Sorry for the hijack, but I didnt think it'd make sense to start another topic on the same thing! Cheers! Truckstop
  17. Get some strippers. That always adds something to a live performance! Truckstop
  18. Hmmm, I reckon the neck plate's a custom. Why bother getting the neck plate engraved but not get a transfer for the head stock? I don't think I've noticed that before. Truckstop
  19. Hmm, a system involving many many lengths of string, lots of pulleys, candles, frying pans and robot hands is what I'd use. On a slightly more serious note, a long piece of string to your right hand might suffice? Truckstop
  20. Innit! Get some Humbuckers in that bad boy and paint it Seafoam Green! That'd look the wick! Truckstop
  21. Innit. Signature basses are ten a penny at the moment! Truckstop
  22. I'd say buy a good cab. Cabs, other than your actual playing style, I think have the biggest impact on the outcome of your tone. Ampeg, Aguilar, Berg etc. They always sound so sweet and I reckon they'll get you a bit closer to getting your dream tone. Worked for me. Got an Ampeg and I wondered why I hadnt done it sooner! Truckstop
  23. Welcome to Basschat! Hook up with Panthairsoft for tips on D'n'B soundz! Truckstop
  24. Well, as it costs the same as the standard volume pedal, I was thinking it might be a useful tool to have. Maybe use it as a kind of wah in conjunction with a chorus or something. Hopefully someone'll turn up in a minute and let us know if they don't work or whatever! Truckstop
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