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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Oh, I want it Truckstop
  2. I saw the Alabama acoustic set a couple of years ago. They're so gritty! Well worth a look see these guys. Truckstop
  3. New strings? Truckstop
  4. I'd use the left hand to mute the D and the A. Truckstop Edit: Actually, if I'm in a lazy mood, I'll get the butler to mute them for me.
  5. Volume. Truckstop
  6. Just gotta keep trying mate. When I was hunting for a 6er years and years ago, I tried everything but they all felt ...weird. Then one day, got my hands on a Washburn XB600 and it was perfect. Just what I wanted. There's something for everyone out there. Just keep looking and you should end up with a bass that doesnt require re-learning how to play. That is of course, if you're desperate to play 5er! Truckstop
  7. I too appreciate gloss/lacquered necks. My fretless P feels lovely! Truckstop
  8. I did this not even a month ago and the paintwork is ridiculously hard to breech. Nitro Mors had absolutely NO effect. You'd need to chisel the poly off best you can, and then take a sander to the wood to get the inevitable marks out! The wood on my Jazz is actually quite attractive and I'm glad I bothered. Truckstop
  9. Or Doctor Who. Truckstop
  10. Anyone fancy some sort of consortium bid? We'll all put in say £50 each and then squabble over who gets what? Truckstop
  11. Out: Yamaha RBXJM1 (Binkybass, trade) Washburn XB600 (Johngh, trade) In: MIM Fender V Jazz (Binkybass, trade) MIM Fender Jazz (Johngh, trade) MIA Fender Precision Fretless (Bassdirect, £700) Truckstop
  12. I'm making my own Tele bass using a Warmoth neck, but I'm making my own body from some holly my dad had lying around that he was gonna throw on the fire! All the other bits I've sourced from here. I think you can keep the costs down if you don't actually get everything from Warmoth. If you're prepared to wait around to pick up some deals, then I'd do that. Truckstop
  13. When I was in Sixth Form, I played in a hip hop tribute group at school to help out the students that were actually studying music (there were no bassists on the course!) and I found it really really fun! Less definitely is more and you get a chance to play around with some wick effects without sounding totally out of place or looking like a pretentious twat. Great fun, I'd recommend it to anyone for a laugh. Truckstop
  14. I'd play. It's experience and it's money! Truckstop
  15. A bit cheeky, but would you sell the ashtray and pickup cover seperate? Cheers Truckstop
  16. Aw, it's so cute! Truckstop
  17. You'll surely fin the answers you're looking for here! Welcome to basschat! Truckstop
  18. Severed Head Stoning - Cannibal Corpse Truckstop
  19. Innit. I like to say my P is '83 because it has a neck profile unique to that year and I think that's quite cool. Also, it adds a bit of pretentiousness to a post that would otherwise be lacking. Truckstop
  20. My Jazzes were made in '13 and '21 in which case. 10k each sound reasonable to you? Truckstop
  21. If only Sue Ryder could forge a relationship with Overwater... Truckstop
  22. The price!! Wow!! What a cracking bass for the money! Truckstop
  23. I have a couple of Mexicans and I reckon I've been really lucky with them. They're great! But if I'd had an extra bit of cash rather than trade fodder, I'd have gone for a CIJ. As good as an American, for a third of the prive. Look at [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk"]Far East Guitars[/url] Really good models for the money! Truckstop
  24. I WANT IT! That paint job is sexy. Hope it's still here next week! Truckstop
  25. +1 You wouldnt wanna take out your pickups and risk messing them up when it could just be solved by putting a set of matching strings on! I don't know about eveyone else, but I treat pickups like gold dust! I keep them in cloths when they're out of the bass and I have PUP covers to stop me from accidentally banging them when I get all excited. I don't know why I think they're so fragile! Truckstop
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